
shuǐ wén qì xiànɡ
  • hydrometeor
  1. 海洋水文气象对广东沿海赤潮影响研究

    The Research on the Relationship Between Red Tide in Guangdong Coastal and Marine Hydrometeor

  2. 1998年广东沿海赤潮与海洋水文气象关系研究

    The observatory on the relationship between the extensive red tide 's occurred in Guangdong coastal in 1998 and ocean hydrometeor

  3. 为了洪水预报,瑞典国家水文气象局开发了HBV水文预报模型及与之相集成的软件系统。

    Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute developed HBV hydrological forecast model and an integrative system based on flood forecast .

  4. 在分析大量水文气象资料的基础上,提出了时间风险率确定条件下降雨量极值随降水历时变化的幂律模型,找到了用业务自记资料估计1min降雨量极值的方法。

    The method estimating 1-minute rainfall extremes according to operational autographic data is given in the paper .

  5. 采用常规水文气象观测与赤潮现场监测相结合方法,探讨厦门西海域一次中肋骨条藻(skeletonemacostatum)赤潮的物理成因。

    Adopt with the method of hydrology meteorological observation of the routine and red tide monitors by scene combined together , to probe into the physics origin cause of formation of a red tide ( Skeletonema costatum ) in the West Sea Area of Xiamen .

  6. 中国海洋湖沼学会水文气象学会第五次学术年会在无锡召开

    The Fifth Symposium of Chinese society of Hydrometeorology held at Wuxi

  7. 海洋水文气象环境工程区划数值模拟研究

    The Numerical Simulation Research on the Ocean Hydrological Environment Engineering Division

  8. 一种水文气象数据图像显示软件

    A set of software for hydrometeorological data consulting and graph displaying

  9. 影响我国近海航海的水文气象要素气候分析

    The climate analysis for hydrometeorologic elements in shore area of China

  10. 水文气象海洋仪器数据处理&多项式回归与程序设计

    Data Processing of Hydro-meteorological Observation Instruments & Polynomial Regression and Program Design

  11. 海上石油勘探与水文气象关系

    The relationship between oil exploration and hydrologic at offshore area

  12. 水文气象要素周期的模糊统计分析

    Fuzzy Statistic Analysis of Period for Hydrologic or Meteoric Factor

  13. 香港地区的水文气象特征

    Hydrologic and Meteorological Characteristics in the Area of Hong Kong

  14. 水文气象和自然环境控制国家委员会;

    State committee for Hydrometeorology and control of natural environment ;

  15. 基于科尔沁沙地水文气象要素的沙丘试验研究

    Sand Experiment Study Based on Hydrological-Weather Factors of Sand in Horqin Sand

  16. 赣南防汛抗旱之要点防汛抗旱水文气象综合业务系统简介

    Briefing of Hydrometeorological Comprehensive Operation System for Flood Control and Drought Relief

  17. 适合我国青海湖环境的全自动水文气象浮标系统

    An Auto Hydrometeorological Buoy System Deployed in Qinghai Lake

  18. 冀中廊坊市特大洪水的水文气象特征对比分析

    Comparison Analysis of Hydrological and Meteorological Characteristics of Two Heavy Flood in Langfang

  19. 海洋水文气象观测对于海洋开发和防灾减灾具有重要意义。

    Marine hydrometeorological observation is quite important to ocean development and disasters prevention .

  20. 长江流域洪水过程强信号敏感区水文气象相关模型

    Hydrology-meteorology correlation model with strong signal regions during flood of Yangtze River Valley

  21. 第二章海洋水文气象&第一节主要气候特征

    Chapter 2 Marine hydrometeorlogy & section 1 climate

  22. 船基气象定线水文气象资料的接收与自动读取

    Automatic Collection of Hydrographical and Meteorological Data on board for the Ship-based Weather Routing

  23. 短期水文气象资料估算哈尔滨至同江冰厚度

    Calculating river ice thickness from Harbin to Tongjiang using short-term hydrological and meteorological data

  24. 水文气象因子对藻华爆发的影响

    Influences of hydrometeorologic factor on algae bloom

  25. 数据分析表明,各水文气象要素具有较大的空间分异,四季变化显著。

    We found that the spatial distributions of these parameters varied remarkable among different seasons .

  26. 海洋石油开发生产调度是一项非常复杂的系统工程,需要综合处理水文气象、地理环境、海上钻井平台现场设备监控等诸多方面的信息。

    Ocean oil production management is a very complicate system , it need many information .

  27. 利用水文气象数据,基于卫星的环境监测可能在这个过程中发挥重要作用。

    Satellite-based environmental surveillance , using hydro-meteorological data , may be important in this process .

  28. 科尔沁沙地地表环境与水文气象因子的关系

    A Study of the Relationship between Hydroclimatic Factor and Surface Environment in Horqin Sandy Land

  29. 埃尔-尼诺现象对浙北近海水文气象要素的影响

    The effect El Nino events on the hydrometeorological factors in the offshore area of Northern Zhejiang

  30. 针对海洋水文气象信息的特殊性,探讨了海洋水文气象信息的注记编辑功能的实现方法。

    According to the particularity of atmospheric and oceanographic data , an annotation-editing method is discussed .