
  • 网络Underwater bank slope;Nearshore;submarine coastal slope;subaqueous slope of coast
  1. 近年来黄河口以北水下岸坡的演变监测

    Monitoring the Coastal Evolution of the Northern Area of the Yellow River Mouth in Recent Years

  2. 外侧海岸直濒开阔海,水下岸坡为深陡型,气象水文等外营力因素作用强度较大,显示中&高能海岸环境地质地貌特征。

    Outside coast is facing to the open sea , and the underwater bank slope is steep and deep , the intensity of exogenetic force factors such as meteorology and hydrology is relatively great . All these features display the geological and geomorphological characteristics of middle-high energy coast .

  3. 作者从地层层序、粒组分析和沉积环境等沉积学角度分析,初步认为它不管是冰川沉积物或是冰川&重力流改造沉积物,均应属水下岸坡冲积扇的沉积物。

    By means of the sedimentary strata sequences and through analyzing the grain grade and the sedimentary environment , the authors preliminarily consider that whether it is a glacial deposit or the products of the glaciation-gravity flow reconstruction , it must be the alluvial fan of the off-shore slope .

  4. 滨海地貌主要有河口港湾、水下浅滩、水下岸坡、水下三角洲、潮流三角洲海底沙波、潮流沙脊、海釜等;

    There exist the different geomorphic types including the branching bay , submarine shoal , subfluvial bank , subaquatic delta , tidal current delta , tidal sand ridge , sand wave and caldron in the littoral zone .

  5. 其中,水下动力地貌有6种类型:潮间浅滩、潮流冲刷深槽、水下拦门沙坝、水下沙嘴、水下岸坡、海底平原。

    There are six types of the underwater dynamic morphology in Fangcheng Bay : intertidal shoal , tidal current scour , underwater entrance bar , underwater sandy mouth , underwater slope , submarine plain .