
  • 网络meiyu front
  1. 锋生锋消对于梅雨锋附近有无降水起到了重要的作用。

    Frontogenesis and frontolysis have decisive effect on the precipitation near Meiyu front .

  2. 应用湿Q矢量诊断梅雨锋暴雨

    Using the Wet Q-vector to Diagnose a Process of Meiyu Front Heavy Rain

  3. 梅雨锋暴雨的Q矢量定性分析

    Qualitative comparison and analysis of q - vector

  4. 一次梅雨锋暴雨过程Q1和Q2的结构

    The structure of q_1 and q_2 during a heavy rain process on the Meiyu front

  5. 梅雨锋暴雨的Doppler雷达观测研究:边界层中尺度涡旋系统

    A study of rain gushin the Mei Yu front with Doppler radar observations : mesoscale vortex system in the boundary layer

  6. 2002年6月21-23日梅雨锋上的MCS分析

    Analysis of MCS developed along Mei-yii front during June 21 to 23 , 2003

  7. 梅雨锋上MCS的发展、传播和CISK惯性重力波

    Evolution and Propagation of the MCSs over Meiyu Fronts and Inertia-gravitational Wave-CISK

  8. 一次梅雨锋上MCS云微物理过程及降水形成机制

    Study on cloud micro-physical processes and precipitation formative mechanisms of a mesoscale convective system in Meiyu front in June 2004

  9. 位势不稳定和条件性对称不稳定共存使得在θe高值区域的垂直上升运动和在θe面(梅雨锋区)上的斜上升运动得以产生和维持。

    Potential instability that exists with conditional symmetrical stability make the vertical ascend movement in θ e big value area and slope ascend movement in θ e surface ( Meiyu front area ) produce and maintain .

  10. 梅雨锋上MCS的发展、传播以及与低层湿度锋相关联的CISK惯性重力波

    Evolution and Propagation of MCSs over Meiyu Fronts and Inertia-Gravitational Wave-CISK Related to " Low-level Moisture Frontal Zone "

  11. 从湿Q矢量散度辐合场这个角度探讨了梅雨锋暴雨的内在机理,并给出了梅雨锋暴雨具体预报的新思路。

    Based on the convergence field of wet Q-vector divergence , the intrinsic mechanism of Meiyu front heavy rain is discussed , and a new thinking for the forecast of Meiyu front heavy rain is given .

  12. 与低层湿度锋耦合的带状CISK和暖切变型梅雨锋的产生

    The Band of CISK Coupled with Low Level Moisture Fronts and the Genesis of Warm Shear Line-Type Meiyu Fronts

  13. 应用准静止卫星水汽图像导出的风(简称为水汽风)分析东亚梅雨锋云带内中尺度对流系统(MCS)在对流层上层的流出通道。

    Winds obtained by tracking features in satellite water vapor imagery have been used to analyze the upper level outflow in the vicinity of mesoscale convection systems ( MCS ) along the Meiyu front .

  14. 为了验证VPP的结果,进行了模拟及实例反演,文中给出了两个反演实例,第一实例为梅雨锋过程,第二个为中尺度雹暴过程。

    We validate VPP by experimental and real instance , the first is mei yu front process and the second is mesoscale hail storm .

  15. 在整个梅雨锋暴雨过程中,500hPa高度上的Qq矢量散度辐合场的辐合强度及其辐合中心位置对同时刻的降水强度及雨区位置有非常好的指示作用;

    Throughout the Meiyu front rainstorm process , the convergence intensity and center of 500 hPa Qq divergence field are good indicators for the intensity and location of precipitation ;

  16. 研究表明,出现强降水时的梅雨锋结构已经变性或者说它是介于温带锋面结构和ITCZ结构之间的副热带锋系结构。

    It is pointed out that the nature of the Mei-Yu front 's structures has changed into the sub-tropical style , something between extratropical fronts and ITCZ during the torrential rain period .

  17. 使用新一代细网格WRF中尺度数值模式和MM5(V3)模式,对2003年7月4~6日发生在江淮流域的一次梅雨锋暴雨过程进行了数值模拟对比分析。

    Numerical simulation of a Mei-yu front storm rainfall which occurred in Jiang-huai area on July 4 ~ 6,2003 was given , using the new generation fine grid mesoscale numerical model named WRF and the MM5 ( V3 ) numerical model respectively .

  18. 冷暖空气的激烈交锋、梅雨锋上的中尺度辐合线、700hPa、850hPa上的低涡、切变线以及稳定维持的高低空急流是导致这场暴雨的直接影响系统;

    The strong conflict of warm and cold mass , mesoscale convergence on Meiyu front , shear line , and stably maintaining of high and low jets make for the rainfall .

  19. 利用湿Q矢量,结合改进的MM4(MMM4)模式模拟输出的加密资料,细致地诊断分析了1991-07-05T20&06T20一次典型的江淮梅雨锋暴雨过程。

    Using the wet Q-vector and combining with the intense data output of the modified MM4 ( MMM4 ) model simulation , a typical Meiyu front heavy rain process occurred during 5-6th July 1991 in the Changjiang-Huaihe Basin is diagnosed carefully in this paper .

  20. 一次梅雨锋气旋波雷暴天气生成的剖析

    Analysis of the thunderstorm formation on a Mei-yu Front cyclonic wave

  21. 梅雨锋暴雨中尺度雨带特征剖析

    Analysis of the characteristics of the Meiyu front mesoscale rain band

  22. 梅雨锋是半热带、半温带性质的天气系统;

    Mei-yu front belongs to a semi-tropical and semi-extratropical weather system ;

  23. 基于配料的梅雨锋强降水预报方法

    An Ingredients-Based Methodology of Forecasting Heavy Rain of Meiyu Front

  24. 梅雨锋暴雨雨团运动场结构演变模拟分析

    Analysis of Evolution of Motion Field Structure of Rain Masses in Mei-yu

  25. 1991年梅雨锋云系分析

    Teh analysis of the Mei-yu Front cloud system in 1991

  26. 一次非典型梅雨锋暴雨过程及其中尺度系统的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation on a Nontypical Meiyu Front Rainstorm and Its Mesoscale Systems

  27. 第三,提出了梅雨锋的详实结构及其维持机理;

    The structure of Meiyu front and its maintenance mechanism are discussed .

  28. 1991年梅雨锋暴雨与锋生环流的诊断分析

    Diagnosis of rainstorm and Frontogenesis circulation near Meiyu front for July 1991

  29. 低层梅雨锋结构及锋生中冷空气的分析

    Structure of Low MeiYu Front and Analysis of Cold Air in Frontogenesis

  30. 梅雨锋云系和降水的若干研究该平台系

    Some studies on Meiyu Frontal cloud system and its precipitation