
méi zi
  • plum;Japanese apricot;mume
梅子 [méi zǐ]
  • [mume;Japanese apricot] 梅树的果实

梅子[méi zi]
  1. 祖国医学认为,梅子性平、味酸。

    The motherland medicine believed that plum even , taste acid .

  2. 这就是梅子,这些小块在不停运动之中。

    This is the plum . And , these bits are in motion .

  3. 她打开了装满梅子的玻璃罐。

    She opened up a glass jar of plums .

  4. 不是梅树,是他们在修枝剪叶(Prune:梅子/修剪)。

    It 's not a prune tree . They pruned the tree .

  5. 还有一些清酒是用日本柚酿制的,这种柑橘属水果又称香橙,味道就像是意大利柠檬酒(limoncello)的浓郁版。而梅酒则仿佛是梅子味的匈牙利甜酒托卡伊(Tokaj)。

    Some other sake uses yuzu , a Japanese citrus , making the drink a tangy cousin of the Italian limoncello , while umeshu is kind of a plummy version of the Hungarian dessert wine Tokaj .

  6. 那是长在断崖边的梅树,树上结满了梅子。

    That is a Japanese apricot , which has full of plums .

  7. 小女孩可以看到房间的东西,桌上铺着雪白的台布,上面放着精致的瓷碟,还有填满梅子和苹果、冒着热气、香喷喷的烤鹅。

    The little girl could see into the room within .

  8. 接骨木花,红浆果,梅子和草莓也都正应季。

    Elderflowers , redcurrants , cherries and strawberries are also in season .

  9. 他们带来的礼物,是软糕,线粉,梅子,枇杷,也有咸鱼。

    They brought gifts of sweets and fruits and a salted fish .

  10. 我也注意到大多数梅子核上都有隆起的狭长垄沟。

    I also noticed that most of them had ridges .

  11. 半重瓣花,星型,中珊瑚色/的红梅子色边,白色镶边。

    Semidouble medium coral star / thin raspberry band , white edge .

  12. 半重瓣折边堇型花,浅紫到蓝色,变异时有细的梅子色镶边。

    Semidouble lavender-blue ruffled pansy / variable thin raspberry edge .

  13. Minabe同样也是日本梅子最大的生产地。

    It 's also the largest producer of ume , Japanese plums .

  14. 品尝:此酒悠悠散发着梅子香气。

    Taste : This dissemination of plum wine aroma .

  15. 半重瓣珊瑚色星形花,梅子色喷点宽镶边,细的白绿色细边。

    Semidouble coral star / raspberry fantasy , band ; thin white-green edge .

  16. 半重瓣明亮粉红色的堇型花,有宽的梅子色到深紫色的边。

    Semidouble bright pink pansy / wide raspberry-purple edge .

  17. 他觉得一辈子从没吃过那么好吃的梅子。

    The plums grown so well , he eats some of the plums .

  18. 但是梅子一天天瘦了下去,终于到了弥留之际。

    However plum one day a thin continue , and finally to happen .

  19. 半重瓣的淡紫色堇型花,深紫色和梅子色的斑块。

    Semidouble mauve pansy / purple and raspberry markings .

  20. 锅里的梅子煮一会就变稠。

    The plums in the pan will boil down in a short time .

  21. 她早饭总吃糖水梅子。

    She always has prunes in syrup for breakfast .

  22. 她很喜欢梅子色的皮件。

    She loves anything made of the raspberry leather .

  23. 半重瓣的粉红色到薰衣草色折边堇型花,梅子色和深紫色的喷点,梅子色到深紫色的镶边。

    Semidouble pink-lavender ruffled pansy / raspberry and purple fantasy , raspberry-purple edge .

  24. 深绿色,玫瑰色,梅子色和白色组合成的心型斑叶。大型。

    Variegated dark green , rose , plum and white , heart-shaped . Large .

  25. 梅子保健醋的加工工艺研究

    Research on processing technology of plum healthy vinegar

  26. 梅子的伴侣们好。

    Hi , to all friends of plum .

  27. 但月光照耀的窗子闻到梅子的味道。

    But the moonlit window smells of plum .

  28. 梅子熟了,就要脱落下来,树上的梅子十成只剩下七成啊!

    Plop , fall the plums ; of ten on the tree , seven remain !

  29. 好了,这真的就是干梅子,但它们富含了抗氧化剂。

    Okay , so they are really prunes , but they are packed with antioxidants .

  30. 尾香有着清新的果香:柠檬,蜜桃和梅子。

    Accompanied by fruity notes of fresh citrus , melons , peaches , and plums .