
shuǐ dào
  • waterway;watercourse;channel;water channel;strait;water route
水道 [shuǐ dào]
  • (1) [watercourse]∶水流的通道,包括沟渠、江河等

  • (2) [waterway;water route]∶水路

  • 打水道去的广州

水道[shuǐ dào]
  1. 水道高宽比K值对水冷套冷却能力的影响规律是:K值增加,水道内水流速、等效传热面积均减小,水套的冷却能力降低。

    With increasing value of height width ratio of water channel K , both the velocity of water flow in the cooled jacket and equivalent heat transfer area of water channel section decreased so that the cooling capacity of cooled jacket was weaken .

  2. 分析了PVC包装盒热成型的工艺特点,介绍了热成型模具的结构、气道的设计特点、冷却水道的结构和密封方式。

    The technological characteristics of the thermoforming process for the PVC packing boxes are analyzed . The structure of the thermoforming mould , design characteristic of the gas channel , structure of the cooling water channel and sealing method are introduced .

  3. 如不控制这种植物的生长,池塘和水道很快就要被阻塞。

    The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked .

  4. 唯一的问题就是大量水草阻塞了水道。

    Large , clogging banks of weed are the only problem .

  5. 帆船停泊在狭窄的水道上。

    Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway .

  6. 这条河流的水道原来很不规则。

    The course of this river used to be quite irregular .

  7. 水道壅塞。

    The waterway is blocked up .

  8. 这次去上海,我想打水道走。

    This time I 'll go to Shanghai by water .

  9. 四点钟,这艘英国船驶入圣埃斯皮里图湾的水道。

    At four o'clock the English vessel entered the bay of Espiritu santo .

  10. 有时冰层会裂开成两条被称为“引水道”的水道。

    Sometimes the ice breaks into two opening lanes of water called " leads " .

  11. 小溪在硬石中侵蚀成一条水道。

    The stream eroded a channel in the solid rock .

  12. GPS导航仪在狭水道航行中的定位精度分析

    Inaccuracy Analysis of GPS Position to Sailing on the Narrow Channels

  13. 黄河水道控制测量中的GPS水准实践

    Practice of GPS-Leveling in Yellow-River Hydrographic Control Surveying

  14. 塑料注射模具冷却水道CAD

    Cooling waterway CAD for plastic injection mold

  15. 辐射沙洲潮流水道悬沙动力关系BP神经网络模拟研究

    Research on Suspended Sediment Dynamic Relationships of Tidal Channel in Radial Sandbar Area by BP Artificial Neural Network

  16. MPI环境下注塑模随形冷却水道的设计与分析

    Design and Analysis of Conformal Cooling Channels in Injection Mould under MPI Environment

  17. 结合测试资料分析,辫状水道微相和滑塌浊积扇的中扇为有利相带,从而为本区Es中3油气勘探和开发提供了依据。

    The channel microfacies and the middle fan of the collapse turbidity facies are the best fasies .

  18. ARPA用于狭窄水道时会遇到许多困难。

    There are difficulties when ARPA applied to narrow waterway .

  19. PPS井盖、塑料管件、塑料制品制造销售;水道管件、洁具批发、零售。

    PPS covers , plastic pipes pieces , plastic products manufacturing sales ; Control of the watercourse , fittings wholesale , retail .

  20. 利用内置随形冷却水道的电池盒面罩动、定模进行试验研究,归纳基于RP的随形冷却水道设计规则。

    Use the core insert with conformal cooling channels induce the systematic method for the design of cooling system for mold based on RP technology .

  21. 本文用ADI方法模拟了金塘水道及其邻近海域的M2潮流和余流分布,计算结果与实测结果吻合良好。

    The M2 tide and tidal residual currents of the Jintang Channel and the adjacent water area were computed by using ADI method .

  22. 本软件为Pc级,主要应用传热学、化工原理的基本原理,开发设计了模具冷却水道计算模块,并对模具的冷却系统进行设计。

    This software is a PC progam , We to the advantage of basal principle of transfer thermology and chemical engineering , developed for calculation module of injection mold cooling waterway , and designing injection mold cooling system .

  23. 水平槽道内湍流两相流的PIV测量西江、东海水道枯水期分流比实测研究

    Measurement of Turbulence in a Particle-laden Channel Flow Using PIV Technique ; Measurement and study of dry-period flow distribution ratio between Xijiang river and Donghai waterway

  24. 长江素有黄金水道之称,长江干支流通航总里程长达8万Km,三峡工程建成后,库区航道将有较大的改善,万吨级船队可直达重庆。

    The Yangtze River has been called the " golden waterway " . after the completion of the Xian Xia Project reservoir will have a larger waterway improvement , ten thousand-ton vessels can reach Chongqing .

  25. 弧前复理石至少可细分为三个巨层序,从宽阔而切割较深的粗粒水道充填物开始,而以半远洋泥灰岩(沉积于碳酸盐补偿深度CCD之上)和黑色页岩告终。

    The forearc flysch may be subdivided into at least three mega-sequences , which begin with wide and relatively deeply cut , coarse-grained channel fills and end with hemipelagic marls ( deposited above the CCD ) and dark shales .

  26. 这篇文章主要考察的就是SADC水道共享协议的诞生、发展并对协议的缺陷之完善提出了一些作者自己的看法。

    This article is mainly about the content of SADC Protocols on Shared Watercourses and the improvement of it .

  27. 20世纪60年代,Brown的父亲Pat担任州长时建造了宏伟的水道和高速公路,70年代Brown首次当选州长,并勾画建造自己宏伟工程的蓝图。

    In the 1960s his father , Pat , served as governor and built ambitious aqueducts and highways . In the 1970s Mr Brown himself became governor for the first time , and had visions of his own grand projects .

  28. 虽然一些环境保护主义者说扩建可能提高水道流经的加通湖(lakegatun)的盐分比例,但是主流的环保团体全都赞成扩建提议。

    Although some environmentalists say the proposed expansion might cause salt levels to rise in Lake Gatun , through which the canal passes , mainstream environmental groups have all endorsed the proposal .

  29. 本文以金属热强度为结构优化的目标函数,利用Matlab对双通水道带翅片的散热器的散热量进行计算,通过对数值结果的分析,得出该种散热器的最佳结构型式。

    Taking the metal thermal intensity as object function for structural optimization , this paper calculates the heat dissipating capacity of finned radiator of double water of passageway with Matlab . Through analyzing the outcome of numerical value , the optimum dimension of structure of the radiator is obtained .

  30. 在PDC钻头的设计理论研究中,系统地研究了PDC钻头冠部形状与地层的适应性、切削齿的破岩作用与布齿设计和、喷嘴水道及排屑槽。

    In the design theories research of the PDC drilling bit , it systematically study the adaptability between the crest shape of bit and geologic strata , the breaking rock function , arranging design , bit nozzle runner , and junk slot of the cutting gear .