
  • 网络South China Sea dispute
  1. 相反,南海争端解决的外交途径则由于其自愿性和灵活性成为和平解决南海争端的唯一可行途径。

    In contrast , the South China Sea dispute diplomatic settlement channels due to its voluntary and flexibility becomes the only possible way to solve the South China Sea dispute .

  2. 其中,追求和平与稳定的地区秩序、淡化的地缘政治考量以及完善的国际法将有助于南海争端的解决。

    Pursuing a peaceful and stable regional order , weakening the considerations on geopolitics and perfecting the international legal system will be helpful to the settlement of South China Sea dispute .

  3. 南海争端对我国南海渔业的影响和对策

    Impact of South China Sea Dispute on Fishery and Countermeasures

  4. 三是冷战结束以来中国对南海争端的政策。

    It makes people believe the rationality of South China Sea policy .

  5. 中国在南海争端中的有所为与有所不为之分析

    An Analysis of China 's Selective Acts in the South China Sea Dispute

  6. 面对久拖不决的南海争端,有学者主张通过武力解决。

    Facing the unsettled dispute , some student claimed to solve it by military .

  7. 南海争端正是双方实力与心理状态变化最显著的表现。

    South China Sea disputes is the most significant performance of both strength and mental status changes .

  8. 中国一直敦促建立通过双边和平谈判解决中国南海争端的机制。

    China has always urged the resolution of the South China Sea disputes through bilateral mechanisms and peaceful negotiation .

  9. 一名中国资深外交官反驳了与南海争端有关的国际仲裁建议。

    A senior Chinese diplomat is downplaying any suggestions of international arbitration connected to disputes in the South China Sea .

  10. 正文第一部分主要介绍了南海争端出现的原因以及现状。

    The first part of the main text introduces the reasons and the status quo of the the South China Sea disputes .

  11. 近年来,南海争端逐步国际化,南海海域被分割,资源被掠夺,我国在南海的合法权益遭到破坏,这也损害了我国的国家安全利益。

    Recently , this problem is being internationalized gradually : the sea area is being divided and its resources are being ransacked .

  12. 导论阐述了研究美国介入南海争端的意义,介绍了相关问题的研究现状。

    The introduction investigates the status quo of the study of disputes in the South China Sea and the significance of studying it .

  13. 东盟外长呼吁与中国政府进行更好的合作以解决南海争端。

    ASEAN foreign ministers are calling for better engagement with the Chinese government when it comes to the various disputes in the South China Sea .

  14. 然后,列举出已有的从历史、政治、地理、法律和国际关系等方面对南海争端进行过的研究。

    Then it comes to analyze the past and present study of this dispute from the historical , political , geographical , law and international relationship aspects .

  15. 南海争端涉及岛屿归属和海域划界问题,然而,其背后触动各国神经的是这片海域所蕴含的战略资源和战略价值。

    The dispute involves islands belonging and sea area delimitation . But it is the strategic resources and strategic values contained in the sea that strikes neighboring countries ' nerves .

  16. 中国大使馆对此没有直接作出评价,而是再次重申了其之前的立场,表示“南海争端应由相关各方通过谈判解决”。

    The Chinese embassy did not comment directly but reiterated its previous position that " the disputes on South China Sea should be settled by parties concerned through negotiations " .

  17. 洪磊说:“我们希望与中国南海争端不相关的国家,能够尊重有关国家通过直接谈判解决这一问题的的努力。”

    Hong Lei said " We hope countries not related to the disputes over the South China Sea will respect the efforts of the countries involved to resolve the issue through direct negotiation . "

  18. 但是,南海争端的产生却与国际海洋法制的出台有着密切的关系。在解决南海争端问题上,国际法也很难发挥作用,有时甚至还加剧了争端的发展。

    But the arising of the dispute of South China Sea was coincident with the introduction of international sea law . It is hard for international legal system to settle the South China Sea dispute .

  19. 本章对南海争端的解决路径和方法进行了思考,并为南海争端的最终解决提出了自己的制度构想。

    This chapter has a thinking of the solution path and method of the South China Sea dispute , and puts forward their own system concept for the final settlement of the South China Sea dispute .

  20. 该部分从历史的角度回顾中菲南海争端的过程,明确本文对中菲南海争端的研究范围。

    The part of the review from a historical perspective of China and the Philippines , South China Sea dispute process , clear article on the South China Sea disputes between China and the Philippines scope of the study .

  21. 本课题主要运用历史研究、比较研究的方法对南海争端中涉及的法律问题进行深入的分析,并提出解决南海争端的国际法路径。

    This issue using methods of historical research , comparative studies in the South China . Sea dispute involves an in-depth analysis of the legal issues , international rule of law and the proposed solutions to disputes in South China Sea path .

  22. 本章对南海争端中的另一个重要问题&海洋划界争端进行研究,鉴于以往学界对南海划界问题的研究较少,本章也是本文的重点章节。

    This chapter studies another important issue in the South China Sea dispute Maritime Delimitation Disputes , in view of the less previous academic research on the delimitation of the South China Sea , this chapter is also the focus of this article .

  23. 张雷说,除了同行的朋友外,他住在这里期间没有遇到其他任何一个说中文的客人,并称因为南海争端和5月的工厂骚乱,许多中国人不来越南。

    He said that aside from the friends he was traveling with , he had not met any other Chinese-speaking guests during his stay and that many Chinese were not traveling to Vietnam because of the South China Sea dispute and the factory riots in May .

  24. 而南海争端的产生导致中国的海洋权益不断受到侵犯,南沙群岛的部分岛礁被侵占,海域被分割,资源被掠夺,这个争端已成为中国当前最重要的时事之一。

    The dispute of the South China Sea is one of the most important current events in China , since maritime rights and interests of China have been constantly infringed , such as , some reefs in Nansha Islands occupied , some areas segmented and the resources plundered .

  25. 南海主权争端的现状

    The Present Situation of Sovereignty Dispute Over the South China Sea

  26. 南海主权争端的法律问题与法律准备

    The Legal Issues and Legal Preparations of the Sovereignty Disputes over the South China Sea

  27. 中国严厉抨击美国插手南海领土争端以及美韩在黄海的联合军演。

    S.involvement in South China Sea territorial disputes and joint war games with South Korea in the Yellow Sea .

  28. 在此之前,菲律宾就南海领土争端正式提出国际仲裁。

    The comment follows a formal request by the Philippines for international arbitration on territorial disputes in the South China Sea .

  29. 接着,本文分别从全球、地区、国家三个层次对南海主权争端困境加剧的成因进行分析。

    Then , this paper analyzes the cause of the South China Sea disputes from the global , regional and national levels .

  30. 但11月时,美国与菲律宾签署了一项宣言,呼吁进行多方会谈,以此来解决南海领土争端。

    But in November , the US and the Philippines signed a declaration calling for multilateral talks to resolve maritime territorial disputes .