
  • 网络Nanyang Basin
  1. B、南阳盆地周围有取之不尽的石材资源。

    Nanyang Basin was abundant in stone resource .

  2. 平顶山和南阳盆地膨胀土的工程地质特性

    Engineering geological characteristics of expansive soils at Pingdingshan district and Nanyang basin

  3. 南阳盆地棉花品种的应用现状及对策

    Situation and Strategy of Cotton Varieties Application in the Basin in Nanyang

  4. 南阳盆地作物节水灌溉模式及节水农业措施研究

    Study on Crop Water-saving Irrigation Patterns and Agricultural Techniques in Nanyang Basin

  5. 南阳盆地施肥调查与土壤养分状况分析

    Analyzing on Fertilization Investigation and Soil Nutrient Conditions in the Nanyang Basin

  6. 试述南阳盆地膨胀岩土的判别与分类

    Identification and Classification of Swelling Soil in Nanyang Basin

  7. 汉代南阳盆地经济地理初探

    A Preliminary Study on the Economic Geography of Nanyang Basin in Han Dynasties

  8. 南阳盆地暴雨日数的变化及对区域增暖的响应

    Changes of Nanyang Basin Rainstorm Day Number and the Region 's Response to Warming

  9. 南阳盆地夏棉优质高产规范化栽培模型研究

    A Study on Cultivation Pattern of High Yield and High Quality of Short Cotton in Nanyang

  10. 南阳盆地烟叶生长气象灾害分析及防灾减灾系统

    Analysis of Meteorological Disasters Affecting the Growth of Tobacco in Nanyang Basin and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation System

  11. 明清时期南阳盆地城镇体系的等级规模结构

    On the Cities & Towns ' Grade Extent Structure in Nanyang Basin during the Ming and Qing Period

  12. 南阳盆地丘陵地带发展生态农业条件优越,但也存在着一系列不利的因素。

    It is in an advantageous position to develop the eco-agriculture in the Nanyang Basin hilly country , but there still exists a series of unfavorable factors .

  13. 纵贯于南阳盆地和华北盆地西缘的南水北调中线工程长距离地开挖在不同的上第三系硬粘土中。

    The middle line of the North-South Diversion Water Project lies across the west edge of Nanyang basin and the north China basin , excavating in various kinds of Neogene hard clay .

  14. 本文结合考古资料和文献资料从农业科学技术的状况着手探讨南阳盆地农业经济在汉晋时期的发展水平。

    This paper probed into the development level of the agricultural economy of the Nanyang basin in Han-Jin period from the representation of the agricultural science and technique combined the archaeological data and historical materials .

  15. 青铜时代汉水流域城邑分布最为密集的是襄宜平原、南阳盆地和丹江谷地,主要建于春秋战国时期。

    The most settlements of the area in the bronze age were located in Xiangyi plain , Nanyang Basin and Danjiang valley , which was constructed in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring states .

  16. 他把创作支点深扎于故乡南阳盆地,把闪耀着原始智慧火花的古代神话、传说、民谣、图腾、巫术等融入到他作品中。

    He has merged different kinds of ancient myths , legends , totems , religions , rites and folk rhymes with primitive intelligence into his works while setting his hometown , Nanyang Basin as the main resource of his novels .

  17. 明清时期,南阳盆地由于人口的增长、农业经济和交通的发展,城(集)镇经济也逐步发展和繁荣起来,不同类型的城(集)镇职能组合结构开始形成。

    During the Ming-Qing period , because of population increase and development of agricultural economy and communication in Nanyang basin , town economy was also developing and prospering gradually . Different sorts of function structure and spatial arrangement of towns began to form .

  18. 第二部分:是文章的核心内容,从生产工具、农田水利、耕作技术、粮食加工技术、耕地与人口、农业经济结构几方面探析南阳盆地在汉晋时期的农业发展水平。

    Part 2 : The core content of the paper . It analyzed the agricultural development level of Nanyang basin in Han-Jin period from the aspects of production tools , farmland water conservancy , population and farmland , farming technique , main crops and grain processing etc.

  19. 本文在对相关文献、考古资料进行挖掘、整理和深入分析的基础上,从冶铁、水利、庄园经济等三个方面,对汉代南阳盆地的经济地理进行了初步探讨。

    Based on the digging up , arrangement and in-depth analysis of correlative literatures and archaeological data , we elementarily discussed the economic geography of Nanyang Basin in Han Dynasty , from the three aspects of iron smelting , water conservancy and manor economy in this dissertation .

  20. 南阳盆地的庄园经济在发展过程中与农田水利建设结合得相当紧密,农田水利设施的兴修促进了庄园内种植业的发展,反过来又提高了庄园主兴修水利的热情。

    Manor economy in Nanyang basin , kept a tight contact with the construction of farmland and irrigation works . And the construction of the facilities promoted the development of plants in manors which in reverse enhanced the enthusiasm of the landholders to build irrigation works as well .

  21. 松辽盆地和南阳泌阳盆地只有单旋回的断坳期。

    Another basins such as Songliao Basin , and Nanyang-Biyang Basins were dominated only by one cycle rifting-subsiding stage .

  22. 研究结果表明:南阳断陷盆地为热盆,南阳市位于热盆的边缘。

    Nanyang broken basin can be named as " hot basin " and Nanyang City is located in the northern " hot basin " .

  23. 南阳简称宛,因为三面环山,南阳居于正中,形成一个南阳盆地,状如大碗,故而得名。

    Nanyang short Wan , because three mountains , Nanyang living in the center , forming a Nanyang Basin , fish bowl , named for the club .