
zhènɡ hé xià xī yánɡ
  • Zheng He's voyages (1405-1431) in the South Seas as far as Africa
  1. 对郑和下西洋和平外交政策的探究

    To Zheng He under Western world peaceful foreign policy inquiring into

  2. 500年前葡萄牙史书对郑和下西洋的记载

    The Studies about Zheng He in the West 500 Years Ago

  3. 对明清政府海外贸易政策的反思&纪念郑和下西洋600周年

    Reflections on the Overseas Trade Policy of the Government of Ming-Qing Dynasty

  4. 纪念郑和下西洋600周年系列(一)郑和&世界历史上最伟大的航海家

    ZhengHe , the greatest Navigator in the World History

  5. 郑和下西洋与中国东南亚的友好交往

    Zheng He 's Expeditions and the Friendly Intercourse Between China and Southeast Asia

  6. 郑和下西洋与琉球海上贸易

    Zheng He 's Sailing to West Ocean and the Ryukyu 's maritime trade

  7. 大家都知道郑和下西洋的故事。

    Many of you know about Zheng He 's voyages to the Western Seas .

  8. 郑和下西洋与太仓元明沉船之研究

    Research on Zheng He 's Voyage and Taicang 's Sunken Ship in Yuan and Ming Dynasties

  9. 郑和下西洋六百多年,留下了历史的追思与遗憾,文章论述了郑和航海精神与历史遗产;

    Both regret and inspiration has been left by Zheng He 's navigation six hundred years ago .

  10. 丹尼尔:我们学了郑和下西洋的故事。

    Daniel : We 've learnt the story of Zheng He " Sailing to West Ocean " .

  11. 一批跟随郑和下西洋的回族穆斯林,分别从各自不同的角度为这一永载史册的壮举立下了丰功伟绩。

    Some Hui Muslims followed Zheng He and made tremendous contributions to this magnificent feat in various aspects .

  12. 赛哈智修建的三座清真寺成为郑和下西洋船队中广大穆斯林官兵的精神支柱。

    These three mosques built by Sai Hazhi served as spiritual support for the Muslim soldiers in Zheng 's fleet .

  13. 今天下午,我去参加郑和下西洋知识问答,得了二等奖。

    This afternoon , I participate in Zheng and under the Western knowledge question and answer , hushes the second prize .

  14. 本文以具体史实考析了陈良绍是明永乐年间随郑和下西洋的苏州医生。

    The thesis examines Chen as a doctor of Suzhou who joined Zheng He 's fleet in the reign of Yongle .

  15. 中国的海洋意识与海权现状&纪念郑和下西洋600周年

    Chinese Consciousness of Sea and Current Situation of Sea Right & On the 600 Anniversary of Zhen-He Navigating the Western Pacific Ocean

  16. 中西两种科学文化背景下的郑和下西洋和地理大发现之比较西方马克思主义中的发展观理论剖析

    Differences of Zhen He 's Travel to the West from the Great Geographical Discovery in Background of Chinese and Western Scientific Culture

  17. 在与阿拉伯国家进行贸易中,也使得陪同郑和下西洋的中国医生和药理学家,获得了新的草药和创造发明。

    The relationships made on Arab land gave the Chinese doctors and pharmacologists who accompanied Zheng access to new medicinal herbs and creations .

  18. 郑和下西洋的和平使命是明成祖亲授的,郑和忠实地执行和完成了成祖的嘱托和重任。

    Zheng 's mission was given by Emperor Yongle in person , and Zheng faithfully fulfilled Yongle 's entrustment and completed his task .

  19. 郑和下西洋是15世纪初中国的一件盛事,在世界航海史上也是一次空前的壮举。

    Zheng He 's navigation was a heroic deed in China 's social economy in the early15th century and in the world navigation history .

  20. 郑和下西洋同西方的探险家几乎同处近代世界大航海时代,面临共同的历史机遇。

    Zheng He 's Expedition and western explorer nearly in the same time which was the Modern Navigation Times , they faced to same opportunity .

  21. 作为明初盛事的郑和下西洋事件,为中国文学催生出了大量的作品。

    As the early Ming Dynasty events , Zheng He voyage to western event , which produced a large number of works of Chinese literature .

  22. 对外以郑和下西洋为契机,希冀四方来朝,获得洋人的承认,在国外树立威望。

    Externally , he hoped Zheng He 's Expedition to the West could attract tributes and recognition from foreigners , thus to establish prestige abroad .

  23. 提要:郑和下西洋是否到达我国的台湾岛,历来众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    The opinions about whether Zheng He even set foot on the Taiwan Island always vary and people are unable to decide which is right .

  24. 宗教文化是郑和下西洋的思想基础和航海事业取得伟大历史功绩的文化内核。

    Religious culture was the ideological basis of Zheng He 's voyage and the cultural essence of his great contribution to the cause of navigation .

  25. 在诸多历史文献中,均记载了随郑和下西洋的医官医士多180名。

    In the historic document it was recorded that there were more than 180 medical officials and workers together with Zheng He to the West .

  26. 郑和下西洋这一世界航海史上的伟大壮举,是中华民族优秀的文化遗产和宝贵的精神财富。

    This great event in world maritime history , Zheng He 's expeditions was a valuable relic of civilization and brilliant spiritual wealth of Chinese people .

  27. 据我所知,郑和下西洋所用的那艘宝船是当时世界上最大的一艘船。

    As far as I know , the treasure boat Zheng He used for his epic voyage was the largest in the world at that time .

  28. 中国在本周正举办“郑和下西洋”600周年的庆典活动,我们趁此时机,不妨以这种假设态度来回顾一下郑和&这位海军将领的航海历程。

    In that spirit , consider the voyages of Admiral Zheng He , as the600th anniversary of the first one is celebrated in China this week .

  29. 在郑和下西洋引发的明代中外文化大交流中,中国文化向亚非国家贡献了自己的珍品,同时也吸纳亚非国家文化的精华,丰富了自身。

    During the process of this exchange , China , while offering her cultural treasures , also absorbed the essence of other countries'civilizations and hence enriched herself .

  30. 郑和下西洋的主要目的在于宣扬大明的强盛国威,但他经常卷入出访地的政治。

    While Zheng He 's main aim was to show the superiority of Ming China , he often got involved in the local politics of places he visited .