
  • 网络Cheng Yu-tung;Cheng Yu-tong;ChengYu-tung;ChengYu-tong
  1. 中国铁建吸引了知名投资者的强劲需求,其中包括香港大亨李兆基和郑裕彤、新加坡的淡马锡(Temasek),甚至美国耶鲁大学(YaleUniversity)。

    China Railway Construction attracted strong demand from high-profile investors such as Hong Kong tycoons Lee Shau-kee and Cheng Yu-tung , Temasek of Singapore and even Yale University .

  2. 他的家族建立了一个零售帝国:他的祖父是珠宝大亨郑裕彤&香港最富有的人之一。

    Retail-empire building runs in his family : His grandfather is the jewelry-store mogul Cheng Yu-tung , one of the richest people in Hong Kong .

  3. 65岁的郑家纯在今年2月86岁的父亲郑裕彤(ChengYu-tong)决定退休之后,才正式接过郑氏家族两大旗舰上市公司——新世界发展(NewWorldDevelopment)和周大福(ChowTaiFook)——的董事长之职。

    Mr Cheng , 65 , only recently took over the chairmanship of the family 's two listed flagships - New World Development and Chow Tai Fook - when his 86-year father Cheng Yu-tong decided to retire in February .

  4. 在那里,郑裕彤娶了一位珠宝店老板的女儿,并大举拓展了这家珠宝店的网络。

    There he married the daughter of a jewellery shop owner , and expanded its network aggressively .

  5. 那或许没有“周大福”期望的那么有利可图,但不要为其亿万富翁老板郑裕彤掉一滴眼泪。

    That may be less lucrative than it hoped for , but do not shed any tears for Cheng Yu-tung , the firm 's billionaire boss .