
  • 网络hong kong international airport;HKIA;HK International Airport;HKG
  1. 交通:香港国际机场(HongKongInternationalAirport)经常被评选为全球最佳机场之一,有100多家航空公司在此运营,从这里可直飞中国内地约50个目的地。

    Getting there : The Hong Kong International Airport , regularly voted among the world 's best , is used by more than 100 airlines operating flights to about 50 destinations in mainland China .

  2. 去年7月,摩根士丹利(morganstanley)前投资银行家杜军飞抵香港国际机场,试图通过供本地居民使用的自动化入境系统进入香港。

    In July last year a former Morgan Stanley Investment Banker flew to Hong Kong International Airport and attempted to enter the territory through an automated immigration system for local residents .

  3. 在空运方面,汇龙公司能提供广州,香港国际机场起步的南方航空(CS)等多家航空公司到世界各地的空运服务。

    As to air shipment , Huilong company acts as an agent for CS airline , we can provide services from Guangzhou , Shenzhen and Hongkong , which are three International airports to all over the world .

  4. 10分钟内我们将在香港国际机场降落。

    We 'll land in the Hongkong International Airport within ten minutes .

  5. 乘快船往香港国际机场,只须三十分钟。

    Hongkong International Airport is just half-hour away via Jetfoil .

  6. 我是尤妮斯·尹,我现在在香港国际机场。

    I 'm Eunice Yoon at HK International Airport .

  7. 机场是一座汇流的商贸城市&访香港国际机场

    Airport Is a Commercial and Trade City

  8. 香港国际机场是全球最繁忙的机场之一。

    The Hong Kong International Airport is also one of the busiest in the world .

  9. 菲利斯637号,这是香港国际机场。

    Ferris 637 , this is HKIA .

  10. 本周,1600只纸糊熊猫运抵香港国际机场。

    A collection of 1600 paper mache pandas arrived at Hong Kong International Airport this week .

  11. 七月二日,我们庆祝新的香港国际机场正式开幕。

    On July 2 , we celebrated the official opening of our new Hong Kong International Airport .

  12. 香港国际机场,这是菲利斯航空637号班机飞离柏林,直达香港。

    HKIA , this is Ferris Air Flight 637 out of Berlin , nonstop to Hong Kong .

  13. 大巴成人由香港国际机场到深圳机场单程票价HK$180元、来回票价HK$350元。

    One-way adult bus ticket price is HK $ 180 and round way is HK $ 350 from HKIA to SZIA .

  14. 能见度:天文台在香港国际机场跑道上安装有三套跑道视程透射表。

    Visibility : There are three sets of runway visual range transmissometers located at the runway of the Hong Kong International Airport .

  15. 展望未来发展的机场,香港国际机场正处于转型时期,自己从一个城市的机场到机场的城市。

    Looking to the future development of the airport , HKIA is transforming itself from a city 's airport into an airport city .

  16. 天文台于香港国际机场设立的机场气象所,负责民用航空方面的气象服务。

    The Observatory operates the Airport Meteorological Office ( AMO ) at the Hong Kong International Airport to provide services for civil aviation .

  17. 位于香港国际机场的两座休息厅,“机翼”和“码头”主要接待商务舱乘客,并为头等舱的常客设有会员区。

    The Wing and The Pier , the two premium CX lounges at Hong Kong International Airport , function as business-class lounges with members'areas for first class clientele .

  18. 旅客如在上一站的机场或在飞机上购买了液体物品,在香港国际机场转机时,是否可以携带这些物品通过保安检查?

    Can transfer passengers bring their liquid items purchased at the airport at their previous port of call or on board aircraft through the transfer security screening point at hkia ?

  19. 西北客运廊扩展部分〔香港国际机场〕西南·云南:借道邻国构建中欧运输走廊

    North-west concourse extension [ Hong Kong International Airport ] Northwest · Yunnan Province : Borrow the Road from the Neighbouring Countries to Construct the Transport Corridor Between China and Europe

  20. 与赤?角新香港国际机场启用有关的各项准备工作正全速进行:航空交通管制大楼在二月落成;

    Preparations for the opening of the new Hong Kong International Airport ( HKIA ) at Chek Lap Kok were proceeding at full steam . The Air Traffic Control Complex building was completed in February .

  21. 海港巡逻组辖下的船队负责巡逻主要港区、所有进港航道和赤苍角香港国际机场四周的限制区域,利用无线电通讯与船只航行监察中心不断联络。

    In continuous radio contact with the VTC , the HPS launches patrol the main harbour area , all port approaches and the restricted areas around the Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok .

  22. 附注:除日照、太阳辐射及蒸发量在京士柏气象站记录和能见度在香港国际机场观测外,其他数据均在天文台录得。

    Remarks : all measurements were made at the Hong Kong Observatory except sunshine , solar radiation and evaporation which were recorded at king 's Park meteorological station and visibility which was observed at the Hong Kong International airport .

  23. 曾俊华说,香港国际机场第三条跑道的建设可能于明年开始,2023年竣工,不过仍然没有宣布最终的预算。2011年对该项目的成本估计为至少180亿美元。

    Mr. Tsang said work on a third runway for the Hong Kong International Airport , estimated in 2011 to cost at least $ 18 billion , could begin next year and finish by 2023 , though a final budget has yet to be announced .

  24. 为了坚决守住香港作为亚洲最重要商业中心的地位,香港政府对于该做什么心中没有半点犹豫:上月,香港行政会议(ExecutiveCouncil)批准兴建香港国际机场(HongKongInternationalAirport)第三条跑道。

    Dead set on holding on to its status as Asia 's premier business hub , Hong Kong 's governors had no doubt what to do : last month its executive council approved a third Hong Kong runway .