
yán hǎi mào yì
  • cabotage;coastwise trade;coasting trade
  1. 他们不但打开了上海以北的沿海贸易,而且把中国最大的

    They not only opened Shanghai the cabotage with north , and China the biggest

  2. 针对实施沿海贸易权政策的另一项举措便是指定了25个港口作为国际枢纽港。

    Another initiative aimed at implementing the cabotage policy is the designation of25 ports as international hubs .

  3. 中国的沿海贸易主要依靠于

    coastal trade in China has depended

  4. 清代前中期东北的沿海贸易与营口的兴起

    Rise of Yingkou and the Northeastern Coastal Trade in Early Middle of Age of the Qing Dynasty

  5. 欧美许多发达国家和地区都是依托沿海贸易迅速实现工业化,进而走上发达富强之路。

    Many developed countries and regions relied on the coastal trade , rapid industrialization , and then go to prosperity .

  6. 对开埠之前牛庄和营口在东北沿海贸易中的地位,本文亦有涉及。

    Run from opposite directions Niu Zhuang and battalion mouth are northeastern before port the position in cabotage , the article also has involve .

  7. 水手们的家就在那里。很久以前,他们拥有那里的沿海贸易船只,与西班牙和其他地方进行贸易往来。

    where families of mariners live , who , time out of mind , have owned coasting-vessels in that place , and have traded to Spain and elsewhere .

  8. 清代东北的沿海贸易始于康熙中叶,乾、嘉年间得到长足的发展。

    In the Qing Dynasty , the coastal trade in the Northeast started in the middle of Kangxi years , and got great development in The Qianlong - Jiaqing years .

  9. 福建省建于南宋时代(1127-1279),当时福建省是一个重要的造船中心和海外以及沿海贸易的商业中心。

    Fujian province 's boundaries were established during the Nan Song dynasty ( 1127 – 1279 ), when it became an important shipbuilding and commercial centre for overseas and coastal trade .

  10. 鸦片战争后营口成为东北第一个通商口岸,完全是由于它当时在东北沿海贸易中的地位。

    The reason that Yingkou become the first trade port of the northeastern area after Opium War , entirely is due to its position in the northeastern coastal trade at that time .

  11. 营口是随着东北沿海贸易的发展而兴起的港口城镇,清代中叶逐渐取代锦州成为东北沿海税收额最高的海口。

    Yingkou rised as a wharf town with the development of the northeastern coastal trade , gradually replaced Jinzhou to become the seaport that had the highest volume of tax in the northeastern coastal area .

  12. 东部沿海地区贸易集聚对技术扩散效应的影响

    The Impacts of Trade Agglomeration in China 's Eastern Coastal Areas on Technological Diffusion Effect

  13. 明清是中国海上私人贸易大发展的时期,海南岛独特的地理位置使之在沿海对外贸易圈中占有重要地位。

    Private overseas trade of China flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasty with Hainan playing a very important part for its distinctive location .

  14. 一位销售廉价饰品的35岁商人抱怨称,自己商铺的租金是沿海繁华贸易中心义乌市商业区的10倍还多。

    A 35-year-old man complains that the rent he pays for the shop floor where he sells cheap accessories is more than 10 times that charged in a commercial area in Yiwu , a bustling coastal trading hub .

  15. 明代中后期中国东南沿海与世界贸易体系&兼论月港准贩东西洋的意义

    China Southeast Coast and World Trading System in Mid and Late Ming Dynasty

  16. 沿海城市加工贸易的进出口对辽宁经济增长作用的模型分析

    Model analyzing the function of coastal cities ' import and export of processing trade on liaoning economy

  17. 甚至沿海地区的贸易也由于缺少船只、海上封锁以及战时的高昂运费而缩减。

    Even the coastal trades were curtailed by a lack of vessels , by blockades , and by wartime freight rates .

  18. 沿海城市内外贸易的发展,扩大了这些城市的商业活动范围,随着经济辐射作用的加强,这些城市周边的郊区和农村也渐渐被拉入城市化的进程当中。

    The development of overseas trade of coastal cities expanded the commercial scopes of activities of these cities , with the enhancement of economic radiation , the suburb around these cities had been drawn in the process of the urbanization gradually .

  19. 东部沿海地区加工贸易基础好、发展快、规模大,而中西部地区无论从发展规模还是从发展速度上看都存在较大差距。

    The foundation of the improvement trade in east coastal area is good , and the scale of it is very big . There is a big disparity between the east and the mid-west area on both the scale and the speed of the development .

  20. 中国沿海地区外资加工贸易模式与本土产业升级:苏州地区的案例研究

    Processing growth pattern of Chinese coaster areas based on FDI and local industrial upgrade : case study of Suzhou area

  21. 改革开放以来,我国率先鼓励沿海地区发展加工贸易,经过20多年的发展,加工贸易逐渐成为我国对外贸易的主要方式之一。

    Since the implementation of the Reform and Opening-up Policy , the processing trade of China has saw a quick development in coastal regions .

  22. 正统与雅致的风格成为其主要的基调,而相对活跃的油画活动则主要与广州等沿海城市的对外贸易中的外销画有关。

    Orthodox and refined style became the main basis , and the foreign trade export paintings mainly relative of oil activities to Guangzhou in the coastal city .

  23. 沿海港口作为国际贸易的重要门户,在国家经济发展和对外开放中发挥了巨大作用。

    Ocean transportation also plays an irreplaceable role in the national economy and social development , as international trade portal , coastal ports has played an important role in the development of national economy and opening-up .

  24. 由于我国沿海发达地区的农产品出口贸易摩擦对农产品出口具有重要的影响,因此,对我国沿海地区农产品贸易摩擦案例的研究就具有重要意义。

    Trade Dispute on Agricultural Products Between U.S. and E.U.since 1945 ( WW ⅱ) and Its Lessons As the agricultural export conflict has great affected to the agricultural export of developed coastal area in China , it is of great importance to study the agricultural export conflict cases .

  25. 另外分析了在社会历史变迁中,国家对海洋的开发政策、沿海开发下城市近海地理位置、沿海港口及海洋贸易的规模与地震海浪受灾程度之间的关系。

    In addition , the policy for the development of ocean in our country and the relationship between the location of coastal cities , the scale of port and ocean trade and seismic sea wave damages are analyzed .