
zǒnɡ mào yì
  • Total trade;general trade
  1. 中国在加工贸易中得到顺差,但在总贸易中却得到赤字。

    China runs a trade surplus in processing trade but a deficit in general trade .

  2. 在产业内贸易形式下,总贸易、进口贸易、出口贸易均起着扩大工资差距的作用。

    In the form of intra-industry trade , general trade , imports and exports all tend to expand the wage gap .

  3. 据美国农业部(USDepartmentofAgriculture)表示,乌克兰、俄罗斯和哈萨克斯坦三国的黑海地区去年出口了840万吨饲料大麦,占1690万吨总贸易量一半。

    The Black Sea region of Ukraine , Russia and Kazakhstan last year exported 8.4m tonnes of feed barley , half the trade of 16.9m tonnes , according to the US Department of Agriculture .

  4. 2009年前10个月,对美贸易占了中国总贸易额的13.6%,非洲和东盟(Asean)十国合计占了13.5%。

    During the first 10 months of 2009 , trade with the US accounted for 13.6 per cent of China 's total trade , whereas Africa and the 10 nations of the Association of South East Asian Nations ( Asean ) accounted for a combined 13.5 per cent .

  5. 这些国家的总贸易额占世界贸易的90%。

    These countries are responsible for more than ninety percent of the world 's trade .

  6. 第二,增加值余额在绝对值上均不同程度地小于总贸易余额。

    Secondly , the value added balance of each category is less than the total trade balance to varying degrees .

  7. 放到全世界每年100亿美元的咖啡总贸易额中来看,这只占很小一部分。

    This is still only a tiny fraction of the overall world coffee trade , worth $ 10 billion annually .

  8. 它的总贸易量的三分之一是在三者之间进行的,为中国在15年前开始经济改革时的三倍。

    One third of the trio 's total trade is now among themselves , triple the level 15 years ago when China embarked on its economic reforms .

  9. 统计显示,中国现在是以色列在全球的第三大贸易伙伴,在亚洲最大的伙伴,2016年的总贸易额超过110亿美元。

    Statistics show China is now Israel 's third-largest trade partner worldwide and its largest partner in Asia , with total trade surpassing 11 billion US dollars in 2016 .

  10. 食物和能源:中国供应了朝鲜大部分的食物和能源,占了这个离群的国家总贸易量的60%。

    Food and energy : China provides North Korea with most of its food and energy supplies , and accounts for 60 % of the reclusive nation 's total trade .

  11. 商务部网站发布的统计数据表明:去年,中欧贸易量占中国总贸易量的15.5%。欧盟仍然是中国最大的贸易伙伴。

    China-EU trade accounted for 15.5 % of China 's total foreign trade volume last year , and EU remained the top trading partner of China , according to MOC statistics issued on its website .

  12. 相比之下,中国方面的数据显示,今年上半年中国与阿拉伯世界之间的总贸易额达到了创纪录的1200亿美元,比前一年增长36%&不过部分原因在于油价上涨。

    Conversely , overall trade between China and the Arab world reached a record $ 120bn in the first half of this year , according to Chinese figures , a rise of 36 per cent on the previous year – albeit inflated by higher oil prices .

  13. 但是目前我国的奢侈品贸易仅占世界奢侈品总贸易的一个很小的部分,而且总体上比较落后,发展也不平衡,存在着比较多的问题。

    However , Chinese luxuries trade still hold a small part of the overall international luxury trade with laggard and imbalance development , and many other problems . Besides , luxury is always a disputed word in china although its great effect on human society development and historical culture .

  14. 这一年,中国总的贸易顺差为3825亿美元。

    The trade surplus for the year totalled $ 382.5bn , according to Bloomberg .

  15. 进口总额除以出口总额为总易货贸易条件。

    Gross Barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports .

  16. 随着经济不景气带动对进口商品需求减少,总的贸易逆差数字预计将继续下降。

    The overall trade deficit is expected to continue shrinking , as the economic slump leads to lower demand for imported goods .

  17. 不过,亚行指出,在1990至2007年之间,东亚和南亚之间总商品贸易的价值增长了8倍,其中每个地区都是出口具有相对优势的商品。

    The ADB notes , however , that the value of total merchandise trade between East Asia and South Asia increased eightfold between 1990 and 2007 , with each region exporting according to its comparative advantage .

  18. 1993年,关贸总协定达成贸易技术壁垒协定(TBT)-WTO,其宗旨是限制贸易技术壁垒,要求尽可能采用统一的国际标准。

    In 1993 , the GATT came to an agreement to TBT , and required all the countries to try their best to adopt uniform international standards .

  19. 总协定多边贸易谈判乌拉圭回合

    Uruguay Round of the GATT Multilateral Trade Negotiations

  20. 中国小麦总产量和贸易额均为世界之最。

    In China , both the total yield and trade volume are the first in the world .

  21. 计算结果发现不论是跨国家还是跨行业产业内贸易,我国主要是垂直产业内贸易,平均占到总产业内贸易的70%以上;

    The result of calculation finds that our country is mainly the vertical intra-industry trade accounting for more than 70 % averagely ;

  22. 虽然小麦在中国是次于水稻的第二大作物,但中国小麦总产量和贸易额均为世界之最。

    In China , Wheat is the second most abvndent crop after rice , but both the total yield and trade volume are first in the world .

  23. 第三个也是技术性的变化是这轮谈判显著加强了关贸总协有关贸易规定的完整性,就(政府为某些生产部门提供的)补贴问题制定了新的规则。

    A third , technical change is that it significantly expanded the completeness of the coverage of the GATT trade rules . There were new disciplines introduced on subsidies .

  24. 如今市公共工程项目外包,通过“买美国货”的法律聚集水,总经理拥护贸易协议,鼓励企业向海外输送工作机会。

    Today , municipalities outsource public works projects , congresses water down " Buy America " laws , and presidents champion trade deals that encourage companies to send jobs overseas .

  25. 分析了教育服务纳入WTO贸易总协定的服务贸易范围及西欧一些国家利用教育服务的经济前景;

    Education service being included in the service field of WTO and the prospects of some western countries benefiting from education service ;

  26. 通过服务贸易总协定的服务贸易,以及与贸易相关的知识产权和投资措施。中国成为WTO成员后,同印度有着共同的利益和共同立场,有利于两国的进一步合作。

    China who will soon be admitted into WTO has the same interests and views in relation to WTO with India , and China 's admission into WTO will help promote co-operation between the two neighbors .

  27. 但是,如果考虑到实现内部、外部共同平衡,则根据现实M-F模型,汇率取决于政府支出、实际货币供给量、本国总产出和主要贸易伙伴国总产出,利率为中间变量。

    This paper also conclude that the exchange rate depends on government expenditure , real monetary supply , home GDP and main trade partners ' GDPs , and interest rate is a medium variable .

  28. 从关贸总协定到世界贸易组织,保障措施的实施历来存在很大争议。

    From GATT to WTO , the implementation manners of safeguards always exists dispute .

  29. 毕竟,总的来说,贸易和技术进步让社会变得更为富有。

    Trade and technological progress , after all , make a society wealthier in aggregate .

  30. 这种类型的商业实体拥有的总的权利,贸易和商业。

    Such a type of business entity possess of the total right of trade and business .