
  • 网络General Description;General Information;explanation
  1. 建筑设计总说明应注意的问题

    Problems paying attention in the general information of construction design

  2. 建筑设计总说明是施工图设计的组成部分,是重要的技术文件之一。

    The general information of construction design is a component part of the design of constructing drawing and it is a important technological document .

  3. 结构施工图中除特别注明外,均以本总说明为准。

    Except stated otherwise , all structural construction drawings shall follow this general instruction .

  4. 见建筑设计总说明。

    Refer to general description of building design .

  5. 建筑设计总说明应标准化规范化

    Explanation of building design should be standardization

  6. 设计图的深度和表示方法通过设计图样表达,图样包括设计总说明、结构布置图、节点图、构件图。

    The deepness of drawings and expressive method for design drawings are expressed by general specification , structural layout , details drawing , members drawing .

  7. 除了写明你的研究与众不同外,还应直接向总编辑说明为什么你的发现很重要及其应该在此杂志上发表的理由。

    It can be used to set your study apart from others and directly explain to the editor why your findings are important and why they should be published in their journal .

  8. 先总的说明医疗事故民事法律责任应予以适用的各层次法律规范,特别叙述《消法》和《条例》的关系问题,说明各自的适用范围。

    First , I generally speak every level of legal norm that form legal liability of medical doctor . Then I tell about relationship between " Medical Malpractice Regulations " and " The Consumer Protection Law ", explaining their individual scope of application .

  9. 请务必在当日内领取所寄存的物品,若有其他服务要求,请提前向总服务台说明。

    Please collect the kept articles at the keeping day , and please inform the general service counter in advance for other services .

  10. 同时,数据还显示出纺织发明专利的比例高于各行业全国总水平,说明纺织行业并非“夕阳”行业;

    However , the application proportion of textile invention patents is higher than the general level of other patents , so we can say textile industry is not a sunset industry .

  11. 第一章为绪论,对全文的内容和结构做了总的概括和说明。

    The first chapter is a general summary and description to the full-text content and structure .

  12. 水源水中微生物可利用磷浓度一般高于溶解性总磷酸盐浓度,说明微生物也可以利用非溶解性磷;

    Content of MAP was higher than content of TSP in source water , which showed that microbe can also use particle phosphorus .

  13. 公司的总会计师没有坦白说明公司的财务状况,总裁和董事会心生疑窦。

    EXAMPLE : When the company 's chief accountant was not forthcoming about the firm 's financial status , the president and board became suspicious .

  14. 客人接受治疗以后,医生应该向总办主任通知其总费用,并且说明是客人还是酒店支付费用。

    After the guest received treatment , the doctor should notify the MOD of the total charges and whether the guest paid for them or if they are being billed to our hotel .

  15. 表明工业企业工业生产总规模和总水平,反映的是生产总成果,并不说明经营状况的好坏和经济效益。

    Show industrial business industry produces total dimensions and total level , reflective is manufacturing assembly fruit , do not show the stand or fall of management state and economic benefits .