
dài kuǎn
  • loan;credit;lend;borrowing;grant a loan;provide a loan;extend credit;extend credit to;make an advance to
贷款 [dài kuǎn]
  • [loan] 银行或其他信用机构向借款人所作的借款,须在一定期限内归还,并支付利息

  • 被授权给予农产品贷款

  • [provide a loan;grant a loan;extend credit] 指借贷的款项

贷款[dài kuǎn]
  1. (一)违反本法第二十九条第一款的规定提供贷款的;

    To provide a loan in violation of the provisions in the first paragraph of Article 29 ;

  2. 以此对上市公司的运行状况作出评价,为商业银行是否对其贷款提供依据。

    The paper makes evaluation of operational state of listed companies , and provides the basis on whether the banks provide a loan .

  3. 银行乐于贷款给小型企业。

    The bank is happy to loan money to small businesses .

  4. 去年银行发放的贷款增至100亿元。

    Lending by banks rose to $ 10 billion last year .

  5. 法国对奶农实行补贴贷款制度。

    France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers .

  6. 贷款的最后一期付款下个星期到期。

    The final instalment on the loan is due next week .

  7. 我花了三年的时间才还清我的学生贷款。

    It took three years to repay my student loan .

  8. 加上这笔新贷款,负债总额达到10万元。

    The new loan takes the total debt to $ 100 000 .

  9. 银行拒绝向我们贷款。

    The bank refused to lend the money to us .

  10. 他们提出以十分优惠的条件贷款给我。

    They offered me a loan on very favourable terms .

  11. 银行终于同意给我贷款500英镑。

    The bank finally granted me a £ 500 loan .

  12. 银行拒绝再给那家公司提供贷款。

    The bank refused further credit to the company .

  13. 他是以房子和店铺为抵押得到这笔贷款的。

    His home and business are being held as security for the loan .

  14. 她取得一笔银行贷款来租用和装备一个小车间。

    She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small workshop .

  15. 诸如此类的大宗贷款总有一些附带条件。

    Major loans like these always come with strings .

  16. 你可以在三年内分期归还贷款。

    You can pay back the loan over a period of three years .

  17. 还有100英镑贷款未还。

    £ 100 is still owing on the loan .

  18. 问题在于偿还按揭贷款——别的一切事情都能对付。

    The problem is paying the mortgage ─ everything else is liveable with .

  19. 政府以助学金和学生贷款的形式提供资金。

    The government provides money in the shape of grants and student loans .

  20. 真正的麻烦将是设法让银行贷款给你。

    The real headache will be getting the bank to lend you the money .

  21. 这笔贷款是以美元计算的。

    The loan was denominated in US dollars .

  22. 我们在贷款时不得不拿房子作抵押。

    We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan .

  23. 分期付还贷款按你的收入计算。

    Loan repayments are pegged to your income .

  24. 他们拒绝向我们贷款。

    They refused to lend us the money .

  25. 他们申请了房屋修缮贷款。

    They applied for a home improvement loan .

  26. 偿还的按揭贷款因通货膨胀而贬值。

    Mortgage payments have been eroded by inflation .

  27. 她和银行商定了一项贷款。

    She arranged a loan with the bank .

  28. 银行积极鼓动人们贷款。

    Banks actively encourage people to borrow money .

  29. 如果银行不愿贷款给我们,这恐怕就行不通了。

    If the bank won 't lend us the money it 's no go , I 'm afraid .

  30. 很多人把个人财产用作小额商业贷款的抵押品。

    Many people use personal assets as collateral for small business loans