
huì shāng
  • hold a conference or consultation;consult together
会商 [huì shāng]
  • [consult together;hold a conference or consultation] 聚集磋商

会商[huì shāng]
  1. 两处地震没有关联性中国地震台网中心等部门的专家经过会商指出,两次地震地处我国不同断裂带,不做关联性分析。中国地震台网中心研究员孙士鋐表示,云南和青海地震没有关联。

    There was no causal relationship between the Yunnan and Qinghai quakes , but they shared the same root cause , Sun Shihong , a researcher at the China Earthquake Networks Center , said .

  2. 云南省Internet网络天气预报会商系统

    An Internet Network Weather Forecast Consultation System of Yunnan Province

  3. 基于多Agent的远程天气会商系统

    Remote Weather Consulting System Based on Multi-Agent

  4. 基于Petri网的防汛会商建模技术研究

    Petri Nets-based Modeling for Flood Control Consultation

  5. 全面阐述了通过Web技术实现计算机网络与水库站监控设备实时数据交换、远程在线监视及会商的相关问题。

    This article expatiates how to realize the real - time data exchange between web and supervisory equipments of reservoir stations , analyzing remote on - line monitoring and consultation through web .

  6. 基于H.323的气象视频电视会商系统设计与实现

    Meteorological Video-Television Consultation and Conference System Based on H.323

  7. 利用ActiveX组件技术将GIS和图表组件应用到防洪决策支持系统的开发中,构架防汛会商决策指挥系统平台,是一个比较好的解决方案。

    It is a good scheme to develop the Flood Prevention Decision-making Support System by using GIS chart com-ponent based on the ActiveX technology .

  8. 针对高速公路应急指挥系统所应有的电话调度与在线会商需求,提出了采用SIP协议的调度电话系统。

    For the requirements of telephone dispatch and online conference scheduling of expressway emergency response command system , a SIP protocol scheduling telephone system was put forward .

  9. 基于网络的以会商方式进行群体决策的GDSS是本研究的重点。

    The GDSS by the way of negotiation under network environment is the emphasis of this research .

  10. 过去10年,该项目一直由北大的中国经济研究中心和美国耶稣会商学院组成的教育联盟管理,由纽约的福坦莫大学(fordhamuniversity)颁发学位。

    It has been managed for the past 10 years by CCER and a consortium of American Jesuit US schools , with the degree issued by Fordham University in New York .

  11. 以及最后一类工商会商学院(écoleconsulaire),包括巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)、ESCP欧洲商学院(ESCPEurope)等部分受法国商会(FrenchChambersofCommerce)监督的大型学院。

    and the é coles consulaires , a final group that includes big schools such as HEC and ESCP Europe , which are overseen , in part , by the French Chambers of Commerce .

  12. 目前,网络中心提供的服务有DNS服务、E-mail服务、WWW服务和Proxy服务以及地震会商信息查询服务(APnet)等。

    Currently , many services such as Domain Name Service , E mail Service , Web Service , Firewall Service , Proxy Service and seismological information query ( APnet ) service are provided .

  13. 它充分利用方便快捷的网络资源,采用网络会商的方式,对传统的决策模型进行了改进,其技术实现又基于目前流行的先进J2EE体系架构,从而使决策和预测的过程更有效、更准确。

    It utilizes the fast and convenient network resource and uses the way of negotiation to improve the traditional decision model . Its technique is based on the popular J2EE architecture . Those all make the process of decision and forecast more effective and accurate .

  14. 然后根据该框架和防汛会商的流程,详细介绍了决策支持小组(DST)在整个防汛会商决策支持过程中的重要核心作用。

    Then based on the framework and the course of the FCC , recounted the core role of the decision support team in the whole process of the decision support for the FCC .

  15. 提出了一个新的基于决策会商中心之上的决策支持中心(DSC)的基本模式,并建立了防汛会商DSC(FCC-DSC)的框架。

    This paper presented a new basic mode of the decision support centre ( DSC ) based on the decision consultation centre . And a framework on the DSC for FCC ( FCC-DSC ) was built .

  16. 这项会商是由总部设在法国的国际科学理事会(ICSU)与国际社会科学理事会联合运营的,它将于8月15日结束。

    The consultation , which is run by the France-based International Council for Science ( ICSU ) in cooperation with the International Social Science Council , has a closing date of15 August .

  17. 听着,本人十月未来布达佩斯特。本人想会商一下关于X13的营销。

    Listen , I 'm coming to Budapest in October and I 'd like to call in to discuss the marketing of the X13 .

  18. 简要介绍了VSAT卫星通信的技术特点及在防汛指挥调度中的组网应用情况,并重点对语音、数据、异地会商图象传输的建网和技术应用做了分析。

    The technological characteristics of VSAT satellite communication and its application in network formation for dispatching during prevention and control of flood are briefed , and construction of network and technical applications for audio signals , data and image transmission for telecom meetings are emphatically analysed .

  19. 简述水利防汛电子会商支持系统

    Supporting System for Electronic Meeting on Water Conservancy and Flood Prevention

  20. 咱们进行了一场会商,会商内部实质意义是学生是不是可以

    We had a discussion about whether students should be allowed to

  21. 黑龙江省防汛会商系统研究与设计

    Research and Design of Flood Control Consulting System in Heilongjiang Province

  22. 广西气象视频电视会商及会议系统的设计与应用

    Design And Application For Guangxi Meteorology Video-Television Consultation And Conference System

  23. 安徽省地震会商系统软件界面设计研究

    The Study and Design of Anhui Earthquake Consultation System Software Interface

  24. 自然灾害综合预报和年度会商

    The system for synthetic prediction and annual consultation of natural disasters

  25. 地质灾害远程会商及应急指挥系统建设初探

    Long-distance Consultation and Emergency Command System for Geological Hazard Control

  26. 防汛会商系统集成化管理研究及应用

    Study on the integration management of flood control consultation system

  27. 会商上周正在戴维营正式开端。

    Discussions were formally opened in David Camp last week .

  28. 气象电视会商会议系统的使用和维护

    The Usage and Maintenance of TV Meteorological Consultation System

  29. 福建省防汛指挥视频会商系统的建设研究

    Study on developing the Fujian Province flood control command system of television consultation

  30. 支持动态会商的新型协同办公平台研究

    Study on new coordination work platform supporting dynamic consultation