
  • 网络Marine hazard;Marine Disaster
  1. 与此同时,海洋灾害所造成的经济损失,也必将逐步升级。

    Meanwhile , economic losses caused by Marine disasters will upgrade gradually .

  2. 江苏沿海地区海洋灾害类型及其防治探讨

    Marine disasters and strategy for damage mitigation in coastal zone of Jiangsu

  3. 基于Apriori模型的海洋灾害预警数据挖掘技术

    Apriori Based Data Mining Technology for Marine Disaster Forecast

  4. 加强海洋灾害地质学研究,减少海洋工程灾害

    Strengthen marine disastrous geological studies and decrease marine engineering hazard

  5. 高分辨率声学剖面资料是识别海洋灾害地质现象的有效手段。

    High-resolution acoustic profile is a good means to recognize geological hazards .

  6. 区域性海洋灾害监测预警系统研究进展

    A Survey of Regional Marine Disasters Surveillance and Forecast System

  7. 我国海洋灾害应急管理研究

    Study on emergency management of marine disaster in China

  8. 然而,沿海区域相应的也是中国常年受到海洋灾害影响的高风险区域。

    However , the coastal area is also high-risk region of marine disasters .

  9. 南海是我国台风频繁发生的地区,而台风常常导致巨大的海洋灾害。

    South China Sea is an area where typhoons frequently occur each year .

  10. 近年来我国海洋灾害损失及防灾减灾策略

    Losses caused by marine disasters in recent years and reduction countermeasures in China

  11. 唐五代时期海洋灾害成因探析

    Approach to the Marine Disaster in the Period of Tang and Five Dynasties

  12. 二是分析了隋唐五代时期海洋灾害的成因。

    Chapter two is the cause of marine disaster .

  13. 海洋灾害影响下的社会综合稳定性结构

    All-round Social Stability under the Influence of Marine Disasters

  14. 基于激光干涉原理的海洋灾害预警关键技术研究

    Study on Key Techniques for Marine Calamity Forecast System Based on Laser Interferometry

  15. 海洋灾害及其预报

    Marine disasters upon China and monitoring - forecasting

  16. 山东省海洋灾害及防治研究

    Marine Disasters and Their Reduction in Shandong Province

  17. 广东省1991~2005年5种主要海洋灾害概况

    Five Kinds of Major Marine Disasters Impacting on Guangdong Province during 1991 ~ 2005

  18. 1990年以来中国海洋灾害系统风险特征分析及其综合风险管理

    Characteristic analysis and integrated management of oceanic disaster system risk in China since 1990

  19. 近十年来中国大陆沿海地区重大海洋灾害分析

    Analysis of serious marine hazards in China coastal regions for the recent ten years

  20. 加强海洋灾害的预报、预警;

    Strengthen marine disaster prediction and warning .

  21. 全年因海洋灾害造成直接经济损失206亿元,增加1.3倍。

    Oceanic disasters caused a direct economic loss of20.6 billion yuan , increased by1.3 times .

  22. 海洋灾害系统研究及预测预报

    Study on marine disaster system and forecast

  23. 2001年主要海洋灾害损失统计

    Statistics of Key Oceanic Disasters in 2001

  24. 21世纪中国城市海洋灾害防御战略研究

    Research on the Defence Strategy for Marine Disasters in Chinese Cities in the 21st Century

  25. 黄河三角洲风暴潮灾害预报和防潮工程建设,对直接防止和减少海洋灾害有着重大的作用,要有中长期的规划和大的投入。

    It needs the long-term plan and big investment to prevent and reduce the marine disasters .

  26. 因此,我国海洋灾害应急管理领域亟待构建一个完善的政府公共关系体系。

    Therefore , the field urgently needs to build a perfect system of government public relations .

  27. 全文共分三个部分:一是隋唐五代时期海洋灾害的概况,主要论述这一时期海洋灾害时空分布、致灾因素、受灾人群及受灾程度等。

    This thesis relates to the marine disaster in the period of Sui-Tang and Five Dynasty .

  28. 江苏沿海主要海洋灾害分析与减灾对策

    Study on the Marine Disasters and Damage Mitigation Measures in the Coastal Areas of Jiangsu Province

  29. 台风、温带气旋引起的风暴潮和海浪灾害是造成中国沿海重大海洋灾害的主要致灾因素。

    Storm surges and waves caused by typhoon and temperate cyclone are the main hazard inducers .

  30. 赤潮已成为近海海域的主要海洋灾害之一。

    Harmful algal blooms hazard has become one of main marine calamities of offshore sea area .