
  • 网络public services;public service system
  1. 去年,一个部分隶属于茶党(TeaParty)的激进反移民团体,开始大力倡导收紧移民政策。他们称,这些移民正在窃取美国人的就业岗位,加大公共服务体系的压力。

    In the last year , a strident anti-immigration group , partly affiliated with the Tea Party , has started pushing for tighter controls on migrants , arguing that they are stealing American jobs and stressing public services .

  2. 服务社会,加强远程教育公共服务体系建设

    Strengthening the Distance Educational Public Services System to Serve the Society

  3. 我国RFID公共服务体系标准架构分析

    Analysis on RFID Public Service Infrastructure Standards Architecture in China

  4. 体育强国的基础&体育公共服务体系建设

    Basis of a Sports Power & Construction of Sports Public Service System

  5. 区域远程教育公共服务体系服务模式的探索

    Probing into the Mode of Public Service System in Regional Distance Education

  6. 创新生长点:拓展功能,输出服务&以电大系统为主要依托构建国家级远程教育公共服务体系

    Create New Growth Point : Expand Functions , Provide Service

  7. 构建我国体育公共服务体系的理论思考

    Some Academic Thoughts on Establishing Chinese Sports Public Service System

  8. 我国社区体育公共服务体系的建设与完善

    The Construction and Improvement of Community Sport Public Service System in China

  9. 英国高校招生考试公共服务体系的运行及启示

    Examinations to HE Public Service System in the UK and Its Enlightenment

  10. 县域视野下的教育公共服务体系的建立

    The Establishment of Public Service System of Education in the Field of Counties

  11. 大学体育公共服务体系平台的构建

    The Constructing Research on Communality Service System Platform of Physical Education in College

  12. 三是基础设施投入不足,公共服务体系不完善。

    Third , inadequate investment in infrastructure , public service system is imperfect .

  13. 第四章是学前教育公共服务体系的构想探索部分。

    The fourth chapter is to explore the preschool education public service system .

  14. 整合资源传播知识建立城市图书馆公共服务体系

    Constructing the Public Service System of Library by Integrating Resources and Dispersing Knowledge

  15. 技术+管理:东莞构建图书馆公共服务体系的实施战略

    Technology Plus Management & Dongguan 's Working Strategies of Establishing Public Library Service System

  16. 体育公共服务体系的建立依赖于体育公共政策。

    The establishment of sports public service system relies on the sports public policy .

  17. 市场失灵、政府失灵与非营利组织失灵及三者互动的公共服务体系

    Market Failure , Government Failure , Nonprofit Organization Failure and Public Service System Interacted Mutually

  18. 广播电视是我国社会公共服务体系中相当重要的一部分。

    Radio and television is a very important constituent of the social public service system .

  19. 公共服务体系建设中的档案信息传播服务模式构建

    The Build of File Information Dissemination Service Model in the Building of Public Service System

  20. 浅析社区残疾人公共服务体系的建构与发展

    Brief Analysis of the Construction and Development of the Community Public Service for Disabled Person

  21. 研究背景:公立医院是我国公共服务体系的重要组成部分。

    BACKGROUND : Public hospitals are important components of public service system of our country .

  22. 在此基础上,本文引进了整合的公共服务体系思想。

    Finally , the paper introduced into a idea of common service system for on-line learning .

  23. 积极引进新兴的受大众欢迎的健身设施,积极去完善社区体育公共服务体系。

    Actively introduce new popular fitness facilities , actively to improve community sports public service system .

  24. 学习型社会、数字化学习港与公共服务体系

    E-learning Hub and Nationwide Public Support Services System in Distance Education for Building A Learning Society

  25. 我国现代远程教育公共服务体系研究综述

    The Research on the System of Public Service of Modern Long Distance Education of Our Country

  26. 文章大致从五个部分进行了研究。第一,首次建立了农村公共服务体系理论模型。

    The first part established a theoretical model of rural public service system for the first time .

  27. 从教育公平理论看远程教育公共服务体系建设(上)

    From the Educational Fair Theory to Look the Construction of Distance Education System for Public Service ;

  28. 新农村建设成功与否取决于农村公共服务体系是否完善,但目前我国农村公共服务体系却很不完善,有待进一步改革创新。

    The success of new country building is closely related by the perfect country public service system .

  29. 目前,国家级的社会化远程教育公共服务体系已具雏型。

    At present , a socialized state-level public service system of distance education has primarily taken in shape .

  30. 我国公益类科研事业单位改革与公共服务体系重构

    The Study on Public Welfare Scientific Research Institution Reform and the Re-building of Public Service System in China