- Public Private Partnership;joint state-private ownership;public-private joint management;public-private operation;joint public and private ownership of individual enterprises

[joint state-private ownership] 政府和私人或商业机构共同经营
The Pattern of Public-Private Joint Management of Foreign System of Water Supply and its Implications on Rural Water Supply in China
1956 , stage of the joint state-private ownership of the whole industry and commerce and restructuring economic .
This thesis aims to explore the conceptual issues associated with defining Public Private Partnerships ( PPPs ) .
The PFI is a type of the PPP projects .
Much has been made in recent years of private / public partnerships . The US government is about to embark on another example of such a partnership , in which the private sector takes the profits and the public sector bears the risk .
The BOT procurement system has been developed with several similar parallel approaches including Private-Finance-Initiative ( PFI ) and Public-Private-Partnership ( PPP ) .
PPP ( Public-Private Partnerships ) Model is developing rapidly in recent years and has become a new project financing model favoured by governments of all countries , where there are already successful cases .
This paper set the mass transit industry as the research object , PPP ( public-private partnerships ) as the research basic . Using risk management method to study the PPP mode applied in mass transit industry .
By changing the government separate investment model in sewage disposal facilities in the past , the introduction of public-private partnership PPP ( Public-Private-Partnerships ) mode could solve the lack of sewage disposal infrastructure investment and inefficiencies of operational management .
The test was developed in a public – private partnership between US-based diagnostics firm Cepheid and the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey , United States .
The next interventionist US strategy to encourage bank lending is due to be the public-private investment partnership , set up to remove toxic elements from banks ' balance sheets .
In 1954 our firm became a joint state-privately operated one .
In1956 they applied to run the store jointly with the state .
It takes various forms , not just that of joint state-private management .
Will you invest in the PPIP ?
Shift in Power in Joint State-Private Enterprises as Seen from Changes in Their Top Management
Today , such private / public sector overlaps in the arts are increasingly successful .
The subsequent business model for cities has been public-private partnership , where costs are shared by governments and providers .
Investors appeared particularly enthused by the prospect that the government would arrange financing for the joint ventures on generous terms .
Privatisation of television stations and other public companies comes with a taste for public-private partnerships and outsourcing public services to private contractors .
Finally , it realized the whole industry public private partnership after the economical , ideological , political and other conditions were met .
Tokyo believes that expanding food production , through public-private partnership with its local trading houses and other companies , will help mitigate future risks .
National capitalist industry and Commerce have been transformed into joint state-private enterprises and have by and large become socialist enterprises , though not entirely .
However , the line has become an example of how public-private partnerships and private finance agreements can produce benefits when the participants work together .
Through public-private partnerships , Brazil will provide scientific and technological know-how , Indian entrepeneurs will supply the capital , and Senegal will offer land and labour .
PPIP is designed to put government and Fed debt and equity alongside investments from private institutions that wish to buy legacy loans and assets from the banks .
And look at the success of NMITLI [ CSIR 's New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative , launched in2000 as a public-private partnership to promote technology development ] .
In joint state-private industrial and commercial enterprises , capitalists still get a fixed rate of interest on their capital , that is to say , exploitation still exists .
Nor is it the problem of the speed of transforming the whole of capitalist industry and commerce trade by trade into joint state-private enterprises . That problem too has been solved .
A joint government-industry group , in conjunction with TEDA Development , a Chinese regional development company , is erecting the first wood-frame five-storey apartment block in Tianjin , south-east of Beijing .