
  • 网络public display;spectacle;public presentation
  1. 海军的一种公开展示;古罗马举行的一种摹拟海战。

    A naval spectacle ; a mock sea battle put on by the ancient Romans .

  2. 联邦选举委员会宣布严格禁止公开展示政党党旗标识名称。

    Even the public display of flags bearing the names or logos of parties remains strictly prohibited .

  3. 除了转载作品的权利之外,Distribution还包括公开展示作品的权利以及对作品进行数字形式的公开演示的权利(网络广播)。

    In addition to the right to distribute work , Distribution includes the right to display the work publicly and to make digital public performances of the work ( webcasting ) .

  4. SkyDrive公司在一份新闻稿中宣称,8月25日,该公司在丰田试验场进行了飞行汽车的公开展示。丰田试验场是日本最大的汽车试验场之一,也是该公司的研发母基地。

    Sky Drive Inc. conducted the public demonstration on August 25 , the company said in a news release , at the Toyota Test Field , one of the largest in Japan and home to the car company 's development base .

  5. 北京召开的开发者论坛会议上,Intel首次公开展示了新Atom处理器Moorestown的样本。

    Intel at its Developer Forum in Beijing today demonstrated the first public example of Moorestown , its next major update to the Atom processor .

  6. 多年来,网络安全专家一直在告诉人们警惕物联网设备的风险,在他们的年度会议DefCon上公开展示引人注目的黑客攻击,展现出从联网汽车到胰岛素泵等一切事物都可能被入侵。

    Cyber security experts have been warning about the risk of Internet of Things devices for years , staging high profile hacks at their annual conference Def Con that show how everything from connected cars to insulin pumps could be hacked .

  7. 飞机制造商公开展示了一种新型的喷气发动机。

    Airplane makers took the wraps off a brand-new jet engine .

  8. 1877年,托马斯·爱迪生首次公开展示了他的留声机。

    Thomas Edison demonstrates his phonograph for the first time .

  9. 动物园工作人员称,这些新居民正在积极地调整自己以适应公开展示。

    Zoo officials say the new residents are adjusting well to the exhibit .

  10. 年,她的黑白摄影作品首次在沙特阿拉伯公开展示。

    In Jeddah in1994 she held Saudi Arabia 's first exhibition of black-and-white photography .

  11. 然而,戈尔巴乔夫决心公开展示自己的力量。

    Nevertheless , Gorbachev made it a point to exhibit his own strength publicly .

  12. 这是日本有史以来第一次公开展示飞行汽车。

    It was the first public demonstration for a flying car in Japanese history .

  13. 包括孙中山在内的一些历史人数的肖像都对外公开展示。

    Portraits of revered leaders , such as Sun Yat-Sen , are publicly displayed .

  14. 女性专用文字即将公开展示

    Female - specific language to be revealed

  15. 他们求助于艺术家,向同行公开展示自己的新发现。

    They relied on artists to help advertise their discoveries to their peers in the public .

  16. 公开展示权。

    The right to public access .

  17. 愿意把我们的技术公开展示给大家,愿意接受一切挑战。

    We 're willing to display our technology to the public , willing to accept all challenges .

  18. 只有当它们的分歧得到公开展示之后,默克尔才会试着制造一种有序的表象。

    Only after they have disagreed in public does Ms Merkel attempt to impose a semblance of order .

  19. 就在去年,一份政府科技报告公开展示了这一雄心。

    Its ambition was publicly laid out as recently as last year in a government science and technology paper .

  20. 该公司希望能在今年夏天对这款车进行全方位的公开展示。

    The company hopes to be able to make a full public demonstration of the vehicle later this summer .

  21. 为执行本条例之规定,在裁定任何公开展示之事物是否属于不雅时

    " For the purposes of this Ordinance , in determining whether any matter publicly displayed is indecent & "

  22. 然后,等级制度开始瓦解,通过家具的大小来公开展示权力的方式过时了。

    But then hierarchies started to topple , and overt displays of power expressed through size of furniture were out .

  23. 1879年12月31日,托马斯·爱迪生在新泽西州门洛帕克首次公开展示了他的电动白炽灯。

    On Dec. 31 , 1879 , Thomas Edison first publicly demonstrated his electric incandescent light in Menlo Park , N.J.

  24. 他说,官员们通常都做不到公开展示动物的出生和死亡日期,而且监管颇为松懈。

    He said that officials often failed to register animal births or deaths publicly , and that supervision was scattershot .

  25. 在这片宽敞的下水道区域举行的其中一次展览是为了公开展示找回来的重要物品,包括刀剑、失窃的手袋和假牙。

    One display in the spacious sewer tunnels celebrates notable items retrieved , including swords , stolen handbags and false teeth .

  26. 实际上这幅图我是公开展示过的-,我跟我的同事去了挪威-,其实我还有两张照片。

    I actually showed this diagram I went to Norway with my colleague I actually have a couple more pictures here .

  27. 但是,博客的公开展示性既能兴奋和激励作者,也会对作者产生精神压力。

    But exhibition of blogs could not only excite and encourage the bloggers , but also put stress on bloggers as well .

  28. 在90年代末的一次公开展示中,该公司销毁了价值5000万美元的移动电话次品库存。

    In the late 1990s $ 50m of inventory – inferior mobile phones – were destroyed in a public display of violence .

  29. 如经发现某作品此前发表或公开展示过一律取消获奖资格;

    The works that have been published or exhibited in public before , once found , will invalidate the qualification for prize-winning ;

  30. 有时他的手下们会公开展示一些华美的服装,并说这是他们从堕落的女人们手中拿来的,借此羞辱她们。

    Sometimes his men would display the fancy clothes that they said they had taken from ' decadent women " to shame them .