
  • 网络instant messaging;WebRTC;Real Time;Newsletter
  1. GPS数据实时通讯中数据解码问题的算法研究

    Research on algorithm about data decoding in GPS data real time communication

  2. WINDOWS环境下FOXPRO应用系统中实时通讯功能的实现

    The implementation of real time communication in FoxPro application under Windows

  3. 基于VC++上位机与PLC实时通讯系统的实现

    Realtime communication system implementation based on host computer with VC + + and PLC

  4. ERP与CRM一体化结构中数据实时通讯的研究

    Study on Data Communication with Integrative Structure of ERP and CRM Systems

  5. 基于OPC的力控与MATLAB的实时通讯

    Real-time communication between force control and MATLAB based on OPC

  6. 探讨了基于Internet的远程故障诊断系统中现场和远程诊断中心的数据接口设计和实时通讯等一些主要技术问题。

    This paper discusses the data interface design in local or remote diagnosis center and live communication in internet-based remote fault diagnosis system .

  7. ATM网络中的实时通讯模型

    Real - Time Connection Model In the ATM Networks

  8. 基于OPC的MATLAB与MCGS实时通讯的实现

    Implementation of Real-time Communication between MATLAB and MCGS based on OPC

  9. 一种基于WinSockAPI实现实时通讯的新方法

    A new method of real-time communication based on Winsock API

  10. 对实时通讯而言,SIP协议是最为有效的。

    For real time communications , protocols such as SIP are the most effective .

  11. DIS系统中实时通讯技术的研究

    Study of the real-time communication technology in the military simulation system

  12. 基于UDP协议网络实时通讯系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Network Real-time Communication System Based on UDP Protocol

  13. FoxPro中内嵌式串行实时通讯技术

    Technique of Serial Real Time Communication Embedded in Application System by FoxPro

  14. 局域网PCM编码格式语音实时通讯的实现

    Real-time voice in PCM formats delivered in LAN

  15. 电网故障定位数据的WINSOCK实时通讯

    WINSOCK Real-Time Data Communication for Power System Fault Diagnosis

  16. PowerBuilder下实时通讯的实现

    The Implementation of Realtime Communication by PowerBuilder

  17. 微软旗下的实时通讯应用:Skype今日开始提供语音实时翻译功能。

    Microsoft 's Skype software will start translating voice calls between people today .

  18. 简化的MODBUS通讯协议在实时通讯控制中的应用

    Simplified MODBUS communication protocols real-time communication control

  19. VMS下的网络实时通讯技术

    Network Real-time Communication Technique Using VMS

  20. 该系统采用PWM功率放大和光电编码测角反馈技术,并研制出VAX仿真主机与工控机之间的16位并行数字实时通讯装置。

    Meanwhile , the 16 bits parallel real-time communication system between VAX simulation computer and industrial PC is realized .

  21. 该方法通过计算机与PLC的实时通讯,实现了PLC故障监控的计算机图形显示,有利于及时地确定故障和排除故障。

    By real-time communication of the computer and PLC , computer graphical display of PLC trouble monitor has achieved , which is useful to determinate and remove the trouble in time .

  22. 运用RS-485将测量的数据及控制状态在底层与上层之间实现实时通讯。

    The low layer communicates with top layer exchanging the data and control state by the RS-485 in real time .

  23. SCI串行通讯程序完成了电机控制系统与上位计算机的实时通讯,使上位计算机可以监测和控制步进电机的工作状态。

    Meanwhile , after using SCI ( Serial Communication Interface ) programs there realize the communication between the motor control system and the host computer .

  24. 介绍了上位计算机和PLC的通讯原理并给出了一种基于VC++上位机和PLC实时通讯系统的软件设计方法。

    This paper introduces the principle of host computer communicating with PLC , also shows the software design method of a realtime communication system based on host computer with VC + + and PLC .

  25. 建立全国连锁超市的VPN网络信息系统,实现全国门店销售数据的实时通讯,为加强预测及正确决策提供保障。

    BHG 's VPN information system for supermarket chain operation enables stores to exchange sales information instantly and provides a strong support to sales predicting and decision making .

  26. 给使用Eclipse的团队提供了实时通讯和协作特性,比如P2P(peer-to-peer)文件共享、远程打开Eclipse视图、屏幕截图共享、以及实时共享编辑。

    Real-time communication and collaboration features for teams using Eclipse such as peer-to-peer file sharing , remote opening of Eclipse views , screen capture sharing , and real-time shared editing .

  27. 最后,分析和设计了整个监控系统软件的结构和他的一些模块,使用UML技术去解决实时通讯模块的实现过程。

    Then Analysing and designing the whole structure of Monitoring System soft and its modules , Making use of UML technology to set out the realization procedure of the Real-time Communication module .

  28. 本文根据实际应用系统,介绍了一种IBMPC微机与MCS51单片机多机系统实时通讯的新方法,并用Turboc语言编程实现。

    In this paper , we introduce a new real time communication method between PC and MCS 51 Single chip Microcomputers according to real application systems and realize it with TURBO C language .

  29. 本系统建立了DCS通讯系统,实现了DCS内部及各DCS间实时通讯,使DCS中信息的分布并行处理成为可能;

    This system established the DCS communication system , realize the realtime communicate between the parts of DCS and other DCS , and made the distributed and parallel connection process be possible .

  30. 史蒂夫已经驱使我们在许多事情上加上了重重的一笔赌注,如:Xbox、实时通讯、商业应用程序、IPTV和许多包括Live平台在内的许多其他方面。

    Steve has driven us to make bold bets on things like Xbox , Real Time Communications , business applications , IPTV , and many others including the Live platform .