
míng zhù
  • classics;masterpiece;famous work;famous book;masterwork
名著 [míng zhù]
  • [famous book] 即杰作,最值得推崇的作品,尤指文学、艺术或音乐作品

  • 根据名著改编的剧本不计其数

名著[míng zhù]
  1. 我如此,迁到美国的弗洛姆也一定因此有感而发,写下名著《逃避自由》。

    That happens to me , and it must be happened to the American psychologist Erich Fromm & so tortured that he wrote the famous book " Escape from Freedom " .

  2. 物理学史名著《内界》是阿伯拉罕·派斯(AbrahamPais)撰写的一部力作。

    The famous book 《 Inward Bound 》 written by Abraham Pais is a masterpiece in physical history .

  3. 大家都认为他有能力写出一部文学名著。

    Everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a literary classic .

  4. 《鲁宾逊漂流记》是一本世界名著。

    ' Robinson Crusoe ' is one of the most famous books in the world .

  5. 还值得一提的是,中国文学的四大经典名著中有三部写于明朝。参考译文:

    What ’ s more , three of the four classical novels are written in the Ming dynasty .

  6. 名著绝不引经据典,艰深难懂,而是通俗易读。它们不是专家为专业人员撰写的专业书籍

    Great Books are popular , not pedantic . They are not written by specialists about specialties for specialists .

  7. 美国专栏作家李普曼1922年出版的著作《民意》(PublicOpinion)一书是涵盖新闻传播学、政治学、社会心理学、公共关系学等领域的综合性的传世名著。

    American columnist Walter Lippmann ' Public Opinion published in 1922 was a masterpiece which covered many disciplines such as journalism , mass communication , political science , social psychology and PR.

  8. 由于汤姆•彼得斯和罗伯特•沃特曼在他们的畅销名著《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)中的推崇,走动式管理成了细致和个人化管理方式的代名词。

    After Tom Peters and Robert Waterman wrote about it in their 1982 blockbuster bestseller in search of excellence , MBWA became a buzzword for up-close-and-personal management .

  9. 目前,音乐剧《指环王》正在招募演员扮演英国作家J·R·R·托尔金笔下的穴居矮人,该剧取材于托尔金撰写的那部具有史诗风格的名著。

    Producers of a musical version of " The Lord of the Rings " are looking for candidates to play the hobbit heroes in the epic fantasy based on J.R.R.Tolkien 's classic .

  10. 一部根据本书改编的电视剧已于BBC频道开播。不过,参演的不少明星都承认:在接到这个角色之前,他们从未读过这本经典名著。

    But despite a TV adaptation of the book aired on the BBC , even some of the stars of the production have admitted to never reading the classic before landing their roles .

  11. FredBrooks在他的名著《人月神话》(TheMythicalMan-Month)中,描述了这种现象,我的所见所闻印证了他的说法。

    Fred Brooks described this phenomenon in his famous book The Mythical Man-Month , and everything I 've seen has tended to confirm what he said .

  12. 但是如今,拥有《安妮·弗兰克日记》(TheDiaryofAnneFrank)一书版权的一家瑞士基金会通知出版商,她的父亲不仅仅是这本名著的编辑,而且从法律上亦应当被列为这本书的合作作者。

    But now the Swiss foundation that holds the copyright to " The Diary of Anne Frank " is alerting publishers that her father is not only the editor but also legally the co-author of the celebrated book .

  13. 即使这些文章不会像文学名著那样经久不衰,仍决定将它们写成“智能ASCII”格式,并用方便的Python脚本将它们自动转换成其它格式。

    Even if these articles won 't live as such literary classics , the decision was made to write them as " smart ASCII ", and automate any conversions to other formats with handy Python scripts .

  14. 例如,轰动一时的指环王,它的剧本基于J.R.R.Tolkien的名著,几乎每天都在和演员的交互后进行修改。

    For example , the script for the blockbuster Lord of the Rings , based on J.R.R.Tolkien 's classic masterpiece , was rewritten almost every day after interaction with the actors .

  15. 在《查令十字街84号》(84CharingCrossRoad)中,海莲·汉芙(HeleneHanff)向英文名著与书商致敬时写道,她曾告诉朋友如果去英国,她将会寻找英国文学中的英格兰,也就是这个地方。

    In her tribute to English books and booksellers , " 84 Charing Cross Road , " Helene Hanff writes of telling a friend that if she ever goes to England , she 'll go looking for the England of English literature , to which he replies , " It 's there . "

  16. 明代三大古典名著江户版译本简论

    On the Edo Versions of Three Classical Novels during Ming Dynasty

  17. 经常翻翻名著、名人传记、历史,与大师共舞,如果你有足。

    I often read chefdoeuvre , biography and history , so I.

  18. 许多文学名著现在以新的版式再版。

    Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format .

  19. 文学名著简易读本在英语口语教学中的应用研究

    On the Use of Simplified Literary Works in Oral English Teaching

  20. 由四大名著改编的电视作品经常被搬上荧屏。

    Works based on the Four Masters'Works appear constantly on television .

  21. 这本书是英国古典文学名著。

    This book is one of the classics of English literature .

  22. 图书设计者将不得不重做这部名著的版面设计。

    The book designer will have to redo the masterpieces layouts .

  23. 文学名著是人类语言和文明的宝库,对中学生具有重要的教育价值。

    Literature masterpiece is the treasury of human language and civilization .

  24. 这部小说是美国文学经典名著之一。

    This novel is one of the classics of American literature .

  25. 文学名著承载着人类的文化和历史。

    Bring great works of literature and history of human culture .

  26. 《十日谈》是意大利文艺复兴时期卜加丘撰写的一部世界文学名著。

    Decameron is a world-famous literary work in the Italian Renaissance period .

  27. 名著探讨的是人生长期未解决的问题。

    Great books deal with the persistently unsolved problems of human life .

  28. 那男孩用蜡笔将莎士比亚的名著给画了。

    The boy defaced Shakespeare 's masterpieces with some crayons .

  29. 那他会不会写得出那本名著?

    Would he have ever written a light in august ?

  30. 《一千零一夜》和《一千零一日》同是阿拉伯古典名著。

    Arabian Nights and Arabian Days are both famous Arabian classical works .