
míng wù huà
  • nominalizations
名物化[míng wù huà]
  1. 这一翻译模式为本文名物化结构翻译提供了一个好的理论向导。

    It really provides a good theoretical guide for the translation of nominalizations .

  2. 有标记的名物化词语不再表达抽象概念,而具有指称意义、有单复数的语义实体。

    Instead of being viewed as abstract concept , the marked nominalizations refer to semantic entities with referentiality and plurality .

  3. 实际上概念隐喻又可进一步划分为经验语法隐喻(experientialGM)和逻辑语法隐喻(logicalGM),而名物化只是经验语法隐喻之一。

    In fact , ideational GM can be subdivided into experiential GM and logical GM. Nominalization is only one part of experiential GM.

  4. 名物化是英语中一个非常普遍的现象,它代表着人类认知朝事物性发展的方向(Halliday,1996:44)。

    Nominalization is a very common phenomenon in English and represents the direction of the development of human cognition ( Halliday , 1996 : 44 ) .

  5. 发现情感和评判最常见的实现方式为名物化(Nominalization),而相当一部分的鉴赏是通过修饰语(Epithet)来实现的。

    It is found that the most common type of realization for affect and judgment is Nominalization ; while a great proportion of appreciation values are realized by Epithets .

  6. 名物化结构是英语书面语的主要特征之一。

    Nominalization is one of the main features of written English .

  7. 第三章讨论了名物化转换的各种类型。

    The third chapter explores the types of transference in nominalization .

  8. 汉语名物化与英语有很大不同。

    Nominalization in Chinese is very different from that in English .

  9. 名物化是过程或事件的非一致表达形式。

    Nominalization is the incongruent way of expressing processes or events .

  10. 名物化是语法隐喻的重要手段。

    Nominalization is the main source in which grammatical metaphor arises .

  11. 英文电影片名和中文电影片名英译过程中的名物化研究

    Nominalization in English Film Titles and English Translation of Chinese Film Titles

  12. 在句子层面,本文从深层结构的角度对名物化结构翻译进行了探讨,在每一个深层结构中都提出了相应的翻译策略。

    Under every structure , this paper puts forward translating strategies accordingly .

  13. 从功能语法角度看英语中的名物化现象

    An Analysis of Nominalization in English From the Perspective of Functional Grammar

  14. 浅谈语法隐喻中名物化的意义及其功能

    On the Significance and Functions of Nominalization in Grammar Metaphor

  15. 这些差别增大了中国学生学习英语名物化的困难。

    These differences predict the difficulties for Chinese students in learning English nominalization .

  16. 名物化及其英汉对比研究

    Nominalization and Its Contrastive Study between English and Chinese

  17. 动词名物化是动作的概念化。

    Verbal nominalization refers to the conceptualization of action .

  18. 首先考察了名物化现象产生的认知机制以及句法位置对句法同现的制约作用。

    It firstly research cognitive mechanism which produce nominalization .

  19. 动词名物化是英语中最普遍却也是最复杂的现象。

    Nominalization is one of the most popular and complex linguistic phenomena in English .

  20. 名物化语法隐喻及其在学生作文的应用

    Nominalization and Its Application in Students ' Writing

  21. 最后,对英汉名物化的演变作了历时研究。

    The paper also gives a diachronic study of nominalization in the two languages .

  22. 名化,或名物化、名词化,是自然语言中的普遍现象,名词化最多来自动词。

    Nominalization is pervasive phenomenon in natural languages .

  23. 第四部分指明了英汉词汇层面名物化的分类及特点;

    The fourth part shows their universal classification and points out their similarities and differences ;

  24. 名物化结构的功能及变体特征

    The Functions and Stylistic Features of Nominalization

  25. 零成分与汉语名物化问题

    Zero Element and Nominalization in Chinese

  26. 英语名物化的功能研究

    A Functional Approach to English Nominalization

  27. 文章还从功能主义观点出发讨论了名物化的文体特点和功能。

    The stylistic features and functions of nominalization are also discussed from functionalist point of view .

  28. 最后讨论了语法隐喻的重要资源“名物化”的使用。

    Finally , the author discusses the use of nominalization-the most powerful resource for creating grammatical metaphor .

  29. 概念隐喻是由一致式向隐喻式转移的过程,名物化是概念隐喻在词汇语法层的一种表现。

    As TIME is an abstract concept , we understand it in terms of temporal conceptual metaphors .

  30. 根据韩礼德(1994)的观点,名物化是语法隐喻的主要手段。

    According to Halliday ( 1994:352 )," Nominalizing is the single most powerful resource for creating grammatical metaphor " .