
míng mù
  • Name;items;fame;names of things;name of a thing
名目 [míng mù]
  • (1) [items;name of a thing]∶事物的名称

  • (2) [fame]∶名声

名目[míng mù]
  1. 地方藩镇与中央官员为获取政治利益,频繁的向皇帝进奉,从而使唐代进奉在来源、主体、种类、名目上都呈现出独有的时代特点。

    In order got the political benefit , the military governorships and government officials offered tribute to the emperor frequently , and made the tribute in Tang dynasty had a special feature in sources , subject , kinds and items .

  2. 通过大量地方志及各地方文史资料的查阅,总结出这一时期江西会馆中祭祀的各种神灵的名目及祭祀的各种活动。

    The inquiry passing large amount of annal of local history and every local historical accounts of past events , sums up out various the deities items and the various activities offering sacrifices to offering sacrifices to in this momentary scheduled time Jiangxi .

  3. 大多数大型PC生产商都会在特定的Vista机型中提供一个选项(有时需要加钱),官方称为“降级”,但有时以“升级”或“馈赠”的名目进行推广。

    Most major PC makers will sell you selected Vista models with an option , which sometimes costs extra , officially called a'downgrade , 'but sometimes marketed as an'upgrade'or'bonus . '

  4. 随着国际形势的变化,日本在国际贡献的名目下,制定出PKO法,并公然向海外派兵,这更是宪法所不容许的。

    With the changes in the international situation , Japan promulgated the Law of PKO and openly sent armed forces abroad under the name of international contribution , which is even more prohibited by the Constitution .

  5. 批评人士说,捕鲸完全是商业目的,只是用了不同名目罢了。

    Critics say it is commercial whaling in all but name .

  6. 古罗马赋税名目考略

    A Verification of the Names of Tax in Ancient Rome

  7. 难道不应该有类似‘通勤税’的名目吗?

    Should there be the equivalent of a commuter tax ?

  8. 定约名目&实质叫牌中特定的花色或无将。

    Denomination - the suit or no trump specified in a bid .

  9. 联合西文期刊篇名目次库系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of United Table of Contents System

  10. 新的神明,数量众多,名目繁杂。

    New gods , so many , so different .

  11. 将牌&花色定约(有将定约)指定名目花色的每一张牌。

    Trump - each card of the denomination named in a suit contract .

  12. 我庆幸这家伙有完整的名目。

    I celebrate the guy 's entire catalog .

  13. 合并名目(协调制度)编号

    Combined Nomenclature ( Harmonized System ) Number

  14. 在唐朝以前的汉隋时期,针对“村”组织设立过各种名目的管理人员。

    Between Han-Sui dynasties , some administrative personnel have been set up on Cun organization .

  15. 因此相关成本高昂,但导致首席名目如此繁多的力量也是强大的。

    The costs are therefore significant but the forces leading to such a proliferation are powerful .

  16. 该账户下辖一名目批次成本的明细分类账户,其下有一批次成本计算表。

    It controls a subsidiary ledger called job cost ledger , which contains a job cost sheet .

  17. 国际贸易标准分类/布鲁塞尔税则名目(号例)标记符号也可以增进分类体系的助记程度。

    SITC / BTN ( code ) Notation may also increase the memory value of a classification scheme .

  18. 要减少税收优惠名目、扩大税基,还有许多工作要做。

    There is a lot of work to be done to lower this number and broaden the base .

  19. 其次,电子屏上的滚动列表也显示了在“做好事”计划的名目下存在着巨大的活动范围。

    Second , the scrolling list shows what a vast range of activities now comes under the doing-good umbrella .

  20. 请容许我参加这个名目,我对这个名目非常感爱好。月嫂。

    Allow me to take part in this project : I am more than a little interested in it .

  21. 但所争论的,若是关乎言语,名目,和你们的律法,你们自己去辨吧。

    15But since it involves questions about words and names and your own law & settle the matter yourselves .

  22. 中国国防科技预研名目(批准号:)资助的课题。

    Project supported by the Chinese Defence Advance Research Program of Science and Technology , China ( Grant No. ) .

  23. 抒情文学的作品也是复杂多样的,从不同的角度区分可有不同的名目。

    Lyrical works of literature is also a complex and diverse , from different angles to distinguish between different names .

  24. 我说过有一个揭露计划被所有的各种“名目”的部门批准了。

    I did say that a plan for Disclosure was approved by all the various " alphabet soup " agencies .

  25. 无论出于何种名目,学术刊物都不应向作者收取“版面费”。

    Its not right for an academy periodical receiving " fee for publication " no matter what peg it holds .

  26. 然而一切西湖胜迹的名目之中.我知道得最早的却是这雷峰塔。

    But of all the vaunted beauty spots of the West Lake , the first I herd of was Leifeng Pagoda .

  27. 因而,名目经理在用成本率导出的预测成原来实现某工作时必需极其审慎。

    Consequently , managers must use the estimated costs to complete an activity derived from the cost ratio method with extreme caution .

  28. 人类很早就开始探索身心修养的方法,在名目众多的修养论中,以先秦儒家和先秦道家的修养论影响最为深远。

    Human began to explore the way to Self-cultivate early . Pre-Qin Confucian and Taoism have the greatest effect in so much Self-cultivation Theory .

  29. 德目作为道德的名目,是对人类道德文化发展过程中道德经验的高度概括和总结。

    As moral nominal , virtue is the summary and Conclusion of the moral experience in the development process of human moral and cultural .

  30. 龙比亚大学和威斯敏斯特大学现在都有一个项目,只不过巧立在另外的名目之下:辅助治疗专业的商学士。

    Both Napier University and The University of Westminster currently have the program disguised under a different name : " BSC in Complementary Therapies . "