
  1. 客观看待利用SCI进行科研成果评价

    Scientific achievements evaluated by objective use of SCI

  2. 《科学引文索引》(SCI)是目前国际上广泛承认的一种比较权威、相对客观的科研成果评价标准。

    Science Citation Index ( SCI ) is widely accepted as an authoritative objective evaluation criterion of science research .

  3. 科研成果评价中的策划与实施

    The ST-Planning and Implement in Evaluating of Science and Research Achievement

  4. 基于三角模糊数的我国博士后科研成果评价研究

    Based on the Triangular Fuzzy Numbers of Chinese Postdoctoral Scientific Evaluation

  5. 论学术腐败治理与科研成果评价机制的完善

    On Improving the System of Academic Corruption Governance and Scientific Research Evaluation

  6. 利用《科学引文索引》进行科研成果评价

    Using Science Citation Index to Evaluate Scientific Research Achievement

  7. 面向知识创新的科研成果评价研究

    The Evaluation Study on the Achievement in Scientific Research Facing to Knowledge innovation

  8. 科研成果评价工作的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis On Assessment Of Scientific Research Results

  9. 科研成果评价的模糊综合评价法

    Fuzzy comprehensive assessment of achievement in scientific research

  10. 层次分析法与模糊理论在科研成果评价中的应用

    The application on research produce assessment for process of hierarchical analysis and fuzzy theory

  11. 常见体育科研成果评价方法及其应用综合英语教学中常见修辞的用法分析

    Research on General Evaluation Methods of Scientific Results and Its Application ; An Analysis on the Rhetorical Devices in Integrated English Teaching

  12. 在制定体育科研成果评价指标体系原则的基础上,提出制定体育科研成果评价指标体系的标准,并举例说明对体育科研成果进行模糊数学综合评价法的理论应用。

    On the basis of creating the evaluation indicator system of scientific research in sports , it illustrates the application of the comprehensive evaluation method of ambiguity mathematics in the evaluation of scientific research results .

  13. 初步探讨了基于集对分析的科研成果评价方法和步骤,举例说明集对分析评价方法在高校科研成果评奖中的应用。

    This article tentatively explores the evaluation methods and procedures of achievements in scientific research based on Set Pair Analysis . It accounts for the application of Set Pair Analysis evaluation methods to the decision on awards through discussion of school 's achievements in scientific research .

  14. 基于LDA的科研成果SCI评价模型研究

    Study of SCI Evaluation Model of Scientific Research Based on LDA

  15. 高校科研成果绩效评价的研究与思考

    Research and ponderation on performance evaluation of scientific achievements for higher education institutions

  16. 教学科研成果的评价

    Appraisement of achievement in scientific research on education

  17. 质量提升型农业科研成果经济评价方法在专养雄蚕技术中的应用

    An Impact Assessment Approach for Agriculture Scientific Research Achievement of Quality-enhancing Type and its Application in Male Silkworm Breeding

  18. 从知识创新的角度,构建了科研成果的评价指标体系,把信息熵与传统的模糊评价方法巧妙结合,建立科研成果评价模型;

    The paper sets up the evaluation indexes of the scientific research achievement according to the knowledge innovation . The model is built up based on the combination of entropy and traditional fuzzy evaluation method .

  19. 能否对科研成果的评价做到客观、公正,不仅会影响科研管理的效应、科研评奖的公正性权威性及激励效应,而且还会影响有价值的科研成果的推广应用。

    Objectivity and justice of the appraising influence not only the effect of the research administration , the justice and the authority of the award and the encouraging effect , but also the popularization and the application of the valuable research achievements .

  20. 农业科研成果的经济评价法

    Method of Economy Appraise of Agriculture Scientific Research Effect

  21. 科研成果的综合评价

    The comprehensive evaluation of the achievement in scientific research

  22. 对《中国民航学院学报》十年来报道科研成果的分析评价

    Analysis and Appraisal of the Achievements in Scientific Research Reported in CAIC Journal in the Last Decade

  23. 从体育科学研究及其研究成果的特点出发,探讨分析目前我国体育科研成果常用的评价方法以及各自的优缺点。

    Based on the characteristics of sport science research and its research results , this research explored and analyzed the general evaluation methods in relation to the sport research results and their advantages and disadvantages .

  24. 并以特定高校为例,开展机构科研成果典藏管理与评价的实例研究。

    At last , this paper uses a University as an example and carries out an institutions research achievements management and evaluation case study .

  25. 高校教师的科研创新工作历来都受到学校支持和关注,教师的科研工作成果是评价教师能力水平的重要标准。

    The work of university teachers has always science and innovation support and attention by the school , teachers , scientific research work is to evaluate the ability of teachers important standard .

  26. 本文从核心期刊测定方法存在的不足,我国科研部门筛选核心期刊存在的问题和核心期刊自身的特点三个方面来探讨核心期刊作为科研成果评价工具存在的局限性。

    From the three aspects below : the defects of the measurement methods using core journal , the problems in core journal sifting , and the characters of core journal , the authors gives their opinion that there are limitations to evaluating achievements in scientific research by core journal .