
  • 网络Scientific Abstracts;science abstract;Science Digest;INSPEC
  1. 从《科学文摘》C辑看计算机情报检索研究的热点及部分前沿课题

    Hot Topics and Part of Advanced Fields of Information Retrieval from " Science Abstracts " Section C

  2. 《科学文摘》光盘数据库的检索方法及技巧

    The Retrieval Method and Skill of Science Abstracts Database in CD ROM Edition

  3. 本文在对90年代以来的《科学文摘》C辑中有关计算机情报分类统计和主题词词频的统计分析基础上,对国外计算机情报检索的热点及部分前沿课题进行了探讨。

    Based on the research of the classification analysis and subject analysis , this paper introduces hot topics and part of advanced fields of information retrieval in the world in the 1990s .

  4. 并详细介绍了剑桥科学文摘中的水产科学和渔业文摘(ASFA);

    One is Aquatic Sciences & Fisheries Abstracts ( ASFA ), from Cambridge Scientific Abstracts , sponsored by four U.N.

  5. 这是剑桥科学文摘的网站。

    This is the website of Cambridge Scientific Abstracts .

  6. 《情报科学文摘》简析

    A Brief Analysis of " Information Science Abstracts "

  7. 《科学文摘》收录《机械强度》论文的统计与分析

    Statistics and analysis for the articles of Journal of mechanical strength included in Science Abstracts

  8. 美国堪布里奇科学文摘

    Cambridge Scientific Abstracts , USA

  9. 本文运用定量统计方法,从收录范围、报导速度、摘录质量、辅助索引等方面对1988年《情报科学文摘》行分析评价。

    This paper uses quantitative-statistical method to analyse and evaluate " Information Science Abstracts " published in 1988 in terms of coverage , announcement time lag , abstracting quality and auxiliary index etc.

  10. 郑州大学自然科学学报论文文摘规范评析

    On Standardization for abstracts in Journal of Zhengzhou University

  11. 译自科学论文的文摘

    Translating Abstracts of Scientific Papers SCIENCE

  12. 国际科学联合会理事会文摘委员会

    International Council of Scientific Unions Abstracting Board