
kē jì yì shí
  • awareness of the importance of science and technology
  1. 华为P系列的最新款--华为P10,主要针对有社交和科技意识的群体,并且将人像摄影、技术创新和精良的工艺结合了起来。

    Huawei P10 , the latest addition of the P series , is aimed at the socially-and-tech-conscious people and combines the art of portrait photography , inventive technology and genuine workmanship .

  2. 科技意识&文明程度的重要标志

    Consciousness of Science and Technology & Important Criteria of Civilization

  3. 科技意识的文化特征和功能

    Cultural Identity and Functions of Scientific and Technological Consciousness

  4. 强化科技意识,推广先进技术;

    Intensifying realize to generalize science and technology ;

  5. 此流程需包括将品质及科技意识推广至整个组织内。

    The process shall include the promotion of quality and technological awareness throughout the whole organization .

  6. 强化人们的科技意识;增强人们的现代审美意识和转变传统教育观念。

    Intensify people 's technological awareness , boost people 's modern aesthetical awareness , and change our educational conceptions .

  7. 科技意识薄弱已构成了实施科教兴国战略的瓶颈。因此必须弘扬科学精神,营造科学氛围;

    Weakness in the awareness of science and technology has been the bottleneck in the implementation of this strategy .

  8. 适应农村经济体制改革和市场经济的需要,服务意识、市场意识、科技意识不断强化;

    Going along with rural economic reform , awareness of service , marketing , science and technology have been greatly improved ;

  9. 面对这一变化,要特别注重新世纪人才的精神和意识塑造:要培养他们的爱国精神、奋斗精神、科技意识、世界意识和参与意识。

    The educational workers should work out the tactics to cultivate the students patriotic spirit , struggling spirit , scientific-technological consciousness and global and participating consciousness .

  10. 国力的竞争也就是青少年基本科学素养的竞争,是全民科技意识的竞争。

    The competition of overall strength of countries is that of teenagers ' basic scientific qualities , and is that of people 's technological awareness in different countries .

  11. 为了加强对青少年的科技意识和科技素质的培养,教师应充分利用历史课中的科技史内容,通过古代科技史教育增强学生的民族自豪感;

    In order to improve the youth 's consciousness and quality of science and technology , teachers ought to make full use of scientific and technological materials in history courses .

  12. 高校科研管理人员应该具备广博的知识结构、高尚的品质和现代科技意识等素质和决策、判断、组织、协调能力等等。

    It holds that the managers should possess qualities as encyclopedical knowledge structure , lofty morality and modern scientific consciousness , etc. , and the abilities to decide , judge , organize and coordinate .

  13. 于是,本文章将校报总编的决策意识具体化为舆论导向意识、求异求新意识、宏观微观意识、现代科技意识和打造精品意识五个方面进行探讨。

    This paper presents a discussion of the decision making consciousness of the chief editor from five perspectives : public opinion orientation consciousness , innovative consciousness , macroscopic and microscopic consciousness , modern sci tech consciousness and quality product consciousness .

  14. 在教师方面,建议他们:1、更新教师的教育观念,转变教育行为:2、提高教师素质,尤其是专业知识水平、科技意识和科研能力;

    For teachers , the first is to update outlook on education , change teachers ' behaviors ; the second is to develop teachers ' diathesis , especially in professional level , idea of science and technology , and their ability of research ;

  15. 针对以上事实,文章认为加强科技意识教育、严密监测草地螟发生动态、推广黑光灯诱杀成虫技术并辅以药剂防治是有效控制草地螟暴发的基本措施。

    Finally , this paper suggested that the effective measures for control of meadow moth should be enhancing the education of science and technology consciouses , keeping close watch over the group fluctuation , spreading the application of moth killing lamp and spraying insecticides promptly .

  16. 在现代历史教学中,培养学生的现代意识即主权意识、经济意识、科技意识、竞争意识、开放意识、人口意识、环保意识、可持续发展意识,是当代历史教育的必然要求。

    It is the necessary requirement of contemporary history education for modern history teaching to develop students ' modern consciousness , that is , the consciousness of sovereignty , economy , science and technology , competition , openness , population , environmental protection and sustainable development .

  17. 当前的农民具有较强的两性平等观、效能感、自主意识、科技意识、时间观念,他们乐于接受新事物,对传统的家族观念逐渐淡漠,自我取向开始增强。

    Present peasants have stronger equal view of two sexes , efficiency sense , independent consciousness , technology awareness , concept of time , they are glad to accept the new things , indifferent gradually to the traditional family idea , and the self-orientation begins to strengthen .

  18. 本文主要从新的学习观、创新意识、信息意识、科技意识、全球意识和环境意识等几方面来探讨知识经济时代的领导者应具备的素质。

    This article mainly discusses the quality a leader should possess in the knowledge economic age . It presents from the following respects : the new learning belief , the creative awareness , the information awareness , the science and technology awareness , the global awareness and the environmental awareness .

  19. 阐述了在物理教学中如何向学生普及科学知识、科学思想和科学方法,引导学生学会科学思维,树立科技意识,培养有科学素质的创新人才等方面的内容。

    In the teaching of physics it is important to know how to spread scientific knowledge , scientific thought and scientific method among the students , how to guide the students to master scientific thinking , to foster scientific awareness , and how to cultivate creative and scientifically qualified talents .

  20. 河北省大学生科技创业意识的现状与培养对策

    Present situation and countermeasures for college students ' sense of technology entrepreneurship

  21. 教练员的体育科技创新意识和能力至关重要;

    Coaches ' innovational awareness and ability of sports ST is importnat ;

  22. 从改进图书馆传统服务方式,增强科技服务意识;

    To strengthen the scientific service consciousness by means of improving the traditional service pattern of the library ;

  23. 强化企业科技自主意识是提高科技成果转化率的根本

    Reinforce of the Consciousness of Scientific and Technological Self-independence of Enterprises is the Basis of Improving the Transform Rate of Scientific Outcome into Production

  24. 科技信息意识和检索技能的培养,是高职高专院校文献信息检索课的特色建设核心。

    Development of consciousness of technical information and retrieval ability is focal point of characteristic building of course of document information retrieval of high vocational schools .

  25. 本研究从三个方面考察了大学生和中学生的科技风险意识:(1)科学价值的有限性。

    This paper makes an investigation into the technology risk attainment of college students and middle school students from three aspects : ( 1 ) Finiteness of scientific value .

  26. 阐述了福建农业企业技术创新的现状与问题,分析了影响企业技术创新的制约因素,如:科技创新意识淡薄;

    The article describes the status and problems of the technological innovation of Fujian agricultual enterprises , then analyzes their constraints such as the weak awareness of the scientific and technological innovation ;

  27. 加强农业科研单位的知识产权保护和运用能力,增强科技创新意识,对于发展我国国民经济,鼓励科学研究具有深远意义。

    To strengthen the protection and application capacity of intellectual property in agricultural research institutions as well as improve the creative awareness of science and technology are significant develop our national economy , and encourage scientific research .

  28. 通过招标建设专业村,培养了干部的草根理念,增强了群众科技兴农意识,改善了农业生产条件,促进了产业结构调整,产业化进程加快。

    This mode fosters the cadre ' " grassroots " thought , strengthens the mass ' awareness of boosting agriculture through science and technology , improves the condition of agriculture production , accelerates the adjustment of industry structure and quickens the pace of agriculture industrialization .

  29. 周二下午,微软Windows业务主管特里.迈尔森(TerryMyerson)对谷歌发起猛烈抨击,称谷歌未表现出负责任的科技业参与意识。

    Terry Myerson , head of the Windows business , hit out at the internet company on Tuesday afternoon , suggesting that it had not shown responsible technology industry participation .

  30. 不管你信不信,一些科技公司也意识到了这个问题。

    Believe it or not , technology companies seem to be aware of the problem .