
  • 网络Expansion;Extension Interface;extended interface;AXI
  1. 本文介绍了一种十分具有应用前景的外部扩展接口,即SDIO接口。

    A kind of peripheral extension interface was introduced in this paper , which has a bright future for application-SDIO interface .

  2. 多系统扩展接口(MXI)的研究

    Study of Multi-system eXtension Interface

  3. 基于扩展接口语义的Web服务匹配模型研究

    Web Service Matching Model Based on Extended Interface with Semantic

  4. 基于GIS与多扩展接口的林地资源数据库的研究与设计

    Research Design of Forestland Resources Database Based on GIS Extended Interface

  5. 通过一系列的测试,包括USB主机扩展接口电路测试;

    They are test for USB host expanding interface circuit ;

  6. 文中较详细地介绍了PC微机扩展接口电路设计以及程序设计的总体结构。

    The overall structure in the extended interface circuit design and the program design of the PC microcomputer is introduced .

  7. 论文给出一个面向方面建模的UML特征文件,并通过RationalROSE的扩展接口实现扩展内容;

    This paper extends a UML profile for AOM and it 's also implemented by using Rational Rose extensibility interface .

  8. 这也是在上一个技巧中我们提到的framework许多可扩展接口之一。

    As the previous tip on extending the framework mentioned , this is one of the many extension points that is available within the framework .

  9. 同时,最近兴起的USB技术,简化了扩展接口的操作,安装简便,数据传输速度较快。

    The recently rising USB technology , simplifies the operation of interface , and also has higher data transferring speed .

  10. 增加的扩展接口,如以太网口和USB接口,可以极大的方便用户重组测试系统。

    The expansion interface , such as Ethernet port and USB interface , can be extremely welcome for user to restructure their test system .

  11. bean目前只提供字体样式的抽象,但为其它样式类型扩展接口比较容易。

    The bean only currently provides an abstraction for font styles , but it would be easy to extend the interface for other style types .

  12. 可扩展接口(EFI),是一个全新的预启动平台。

    EFI ( Extensible Firmware Interface ) is a completely new platform for pre-start .

  13. 产生您自己的用于扩展接口的Javabridge是必需的,因为RequisitePro包含了所有您需要访问API的内容。

    It is not necessary to generate your own Java bridge for the extensibility interface , because RequisitePro includes everything that you need to access the API .

  14. 本文的主要内容是研究如何创建多媒体视景环境、大型屋架结构受力分析的有限元结果数据可视化的相关算法以及可扩展接口技术。NET开发平台的技术基础和软件架构,并对基于。

    The main content of this paper includes correlative technologies to build multimedia environment , some algorithms to visualize the result data of finite element analysis of large roof net and extensible interface technology .

  15. 通过结合插件技术和COM技术,设计和实现插件加载器,平台的扩展接口和插件接入平台接口。

    Through combination of plug-in and COM technology , we design and implement plug-in loader , extensive interface of platform and accessing platform interface of plug-in .

  16. 同时还设计了RS-232C接口、BDM接口、AD、复位、键盘、LED灯以及扩展接口等。

    RS-232C interface , BDM interface AD , RESET , keypad , led light and extended port are designed in the same time .

  17. 微型计算机PTR扩展接口设计

    Design of extended PTR interface for Microcomputer

  18. 实现一个基于Serv-U扩展接口的FTP用户管理应用系统。

    Finally a FTP user management application system based on the expanded interface of Serv-U was realized .

  19. 基于CSTA扩展接口的下一代网络融合业务合成研究

    Research on NGN Converged Service Composition Based on Extended CSTA Interface

  20. 平台提供了TCL扩展接口,测试者可以通过接口动态控制SDH过程,实现对SDH接收/发送器的自动化测试。

    The bench provides TCL extended interface , so the testers can control the SDH process dynamically , and implement the automatic testing for SDH Receiver / Sender .

  21. 利用IIS的ISAPI扩展接口,改变IIS服务器程序处理过程,介绍了一种实时动态图象负载处理的有效方法。

    A method of processing load of dynamic real-time images is presented , by using ISAPI Extension of IIS to change the IIS Server process procedure .

  22. 给出基于CORBA的应用编程接口(API)与扩展接口定义语言X-IDL,通过基于CORBA的多机器人基本对象类的建立与对象的实现,实现基于CORBA的多机器人互操作与开放分布处理原型系统。

    A CORBA based API and extended IDL ( X IDL ) are presented . Through the construction and implementation of robot basic object classes , a Multirobot inter operation and open distributed processing prototype system is developed .

  23. 核心板主要由以下几部分组成:FPGA最小系统、各种类型存储器(Flash、SDRAM和SRAM)、调试配置电路、外围扩展接口和电源部分。

    Core board mainly consists of the following components : FPGA minimum system , various types of memory ( Flash , SDRAM and SRAM ), debug and configuration circuit , the external expansion interface and power supply .

  24. 针对结构工程领域的特点,结合OpenGL编程技术、可扩展接口技术、4D模型技术及体可视化技术,提出了振动台模型实验的计算机动态模拟实现构架。

    On the basis of characteristics both structure engineering and structure analysis software , this paper studied some computer dynamic simulation technologies : OpenGL programming , extensive interfaces , 4D model and volume rendering .

  25. 本文给出了8N位二进制数串行通讯扩展接口板的设计。

    This paper presents the design of extended interface in serial communication with 8N-bit binary number .

  26. 因此,不必购买专用设备和软件即可完成IP业务性能指标测量和评估的任务,同时,利用系统中的扩展接口来添加新的功能模块,可以满足不同的测量评估需求。

    Therefore , it is not necessary to buy a special device or software to do the mission of performance measurement and evaluation of IP services , at the same time , using the extended interface to add new modulations can meet different needs of measurement and evaluation .

  27. 本研究运用RSS技术作为网络学习支持环境中协同学习信息传递方式,使用WEBService技术为网络学习支持环境提供分布式信息处理,提供扩展接口和跨平台性。

    The study takes the technology of RSS as a way to deliver collaborative learning information in web-based learning supporting environment , makes use of advanced Web Service technology to conduct the distributed information for web-based learning supporting environment and to provide extensive interfaces to be compatible with different platforms .

  28. 应用Vega工具,通过预定的扩展接口,可方便实现多种特殊效果,在体现视景仿真高逼真度的同时提高编程效率。

    Using the API ( Application Programming Interface ) of Vega makes the realization of various special-effect turns to be convenient , it raises the fidelity of scene simulation and also the programming efficiency .

  29. 第三方产品提供商按照软件所定义的扩展接口进行扩展,开发自己的数据流处理工具,以插件的形式无缝集成到Eclipse或RVDS下。

    Third-party product provider in accordance with the extension points defined interfaces to extend , develop their own data stream processing tools to the form of plug-ins seamlessly integrated into Eclipse or RVDS .

  30. 外围电路包括系统的供电电源电路、复位电路、DSP的ADC部分、存储部分、RS-232接口部分和DSP的扩展接口部分的设计,并设计了主要风速信号采集电路的软件流程,初步达到了设计目的。

    Peripheral circuit include design of power supply circuit , reset circuit , ADC part of the DSP , storage part , RS-232 interface part and interconnect portion , and several Software design processes of the main circuit are designed in this paper , initially reach the design purpose .