
  • 网络expansion unit;extension unit
  1. 在较小的机器上,添加磁盘和控制器可能是一个难题,还可能需要购置一个扩展单元。

    On smaller machines , adding disks and controllers may be a challenge and may also require the purchase of an expansion unit .

  2. 详细讲解了基于此项设计的PLC的触点配置的设计方法、高计数器及模拟量扩展单元的使用。

    In this paper , the design method and the use of high counter and analog quantity expanding unit have been introduced in detail .

  3. 阐述了用PLC及其扩展单元实现合成氨厂造气炉制气过程的自动控制和入炉蒸汽的自动调节方法,并对该控制方式的节能效果进行了分析。

    The method to control gas making furnace with PLC and its extend units as well as to regulate the steam is expounded in this paper .

  4. 结合间歇聚酯厂切片生产的过程控制,介绍一种在不改变PC主机和不增加扩展单元的情况下,实现扩展PC主机的输出点数的方法。

    Now couple the intermission polyester factory produce chips s procedure control , on the condition of not to change the main computer and raise enlarge units , a kind of method is good that can enlarge PC 's output spots .

  5. 输入增益单元压缩高动态范围的输入信号,其输出信号由较低动态范围的信号单元再经模数转换器(ADC)量化输出,扩展单元在数字域恢复信号动态范围。

    The input gain element compresses the high dynamic range input signal , which is then processed by the low dynamic range signal processor ( filter and ADC ) followed by expansion cell as output gain element .

  6. PCM-3612作为通信扩展单元;用RS232和键盘作为I/O接口来实现数据的处理、存储和传输等功能;

    RS232 and keyboard as I / O interface to realize data dispose , storage and transport function , and so on .

  7. 注意:由于塑料的弹性,稍长一点的扩展单元更容易受到液体样品的影响而弯曲。

    NOTE : Because of flexibility of the plastic , longer units are subject to more bending when filled with liquid .

  8. 首先,引入了扩展单元,通过比较其与普通单元的形函数说明了扩展单元的性质。

    Firstly , the extended element is introduced . Its property is explained by comparing the shape function between extended element and general one .

  9. 文章认为中心城&卫星城间交通普遍化费用降低导致城市扩展单元在卫星城的分配比例增长,而在建成区和边缘区分配比例降低。

    It is improved by an example that the development of transportation between central city and satellite city make the allocation proportion of urban expansion units increase in the satellite city , but make it decrease in the built-up area and the urban fringe .

  10. 采用逻辑功效模型分析关键路径,根据分析结果构建具有完备驱动能力的扩展单元库,采用逻辑功效算法优化关键路径,使得路径每一级单元的门功效相等,从而获得最短延时。

    Critical pah was analyzed logical effort model and extended cell library with perfect driving capability was constructed according to analysis result . Critical path was optimized by logic effort algorithm and shortest time-delay could be achieved by equality of cell gate effort in path .

  11. 在嵌入式移动设备中应用多媒体技术,需要同时考虑性能、成本、功耗以及灵活性等诸多方面的因素,带有媒体扩展单元的嵌入式处理器作为其中一种较为平衡的解决方案,得到了广泛的关注与研究。

    Performance , cost , power , flexibility and many other factors are considered in the multimedia technology of embedded application . Of many solutions , the embedded processor with media enhancement unit is a balanced one and has been widely received attention and research .

  12. 本文介绍一种用于便携式含氢量测定仪的单片机测控系统,重点讨论该系统的单片机扩展单元、信号调理单元、模/数转换单元、真空系统控制单元和系统软件的设计方法。

    A single-chip-computer testing and controlling system for on-line testing of hydrogen content is introduced and the system expanding unit , the signal modulating unit , A / D converting unit , the vacuum control unit and the design method of the system software are described in detail .

  13. 扩展可用单元的一种简单方式,是复制并重命名通用单元,例如GenericSoftware单元。

    A simple way to extend the available units is to copy and rename generic units , such as Generic Software units .

  14. 主要包括:扩展监控单元属性、分析和计算监控网络的Overlay拓扑。

    The solution includes properties of control unit extension , and control network topology calculation .

  15. 本文用MATLAB程序编制了扩展散体单元法(EDEM)的计算程序,并将计算结果与实验结果进行对比验证,计算结果与试验结果符合良好。

    In this paper , a calculation program about extended discrete element method ( EDEM ) has been programmed by MATLAB programming , and the results were coMPared with the experimental results , which were proved well .

  16. 本文介绍的矢量控制系统,采用一台Z-80单板机和二个Z-80扩展CPU单元,有效地解决了目前的八位微处理机运算速度慢与在矢量控制系统中采样时间短及运算最大的问题。

    In this paper , a vector control system using one z-80 Single board microcomputer and two Z-80 CPU units is presented . This system has effectively solved the problems between slow calculation rate of presents bit microcomputer and short sampling time and complex calculation in a vector control system .

  17. 扩展散体单元法(EDEM)是结构倒塌模拟的一种方法。通过模拟散体单元相互运动、位置重排,在整体上表现出抛石堤的挤密效应,模拟结果与实际情况基本相符。

    Extended distinct element method ( EDEM ) is a method used to simulate the struc - ture collapse . Successful numerical simulation is presented of the vibration compacting process on the breakwater made of loose media by distinct element method , and the result of numerical simulation is analyzed .

  18. 扩展散体单元法在钢筋混凝土桥梁倒塌分析中的应用

    A new model for collapse analysis of reinforced concrete bridge

  19. 钢筋混凝土扩展散体单元法的阻尼系数研究

    Research on the Damping Coefficient of Reinforced Concrete Extended Distinct Element Method

  20. 非网格重剖分模拟宏观裂纹体的扩展有限单元法(Ⅰ:基础理论)

    Extended finite element method for modeling cracks without remeshing (ⅰ: basic theory )

  21. 在算法使用时利用竞赛模型有效管理预扩展网格单元,选取最有可能的网格单元扩展,使算法能够以最快速度向目标网格扩展。

    The algorithm used race model to manage effectively prepare for Pre-expanding grid unit .

  22. 研究区共提取15个模型单元,2个模型单元,13个扩展模型单元,建立大型、超大型金矿床密集区,建立综合信息找矿模型。

    In the Altai area , there are 15 model-cell in total , 2 model-cell and 13 extending model-cell .

  23. 安全设置扩展管理单元扩展组策略管理单元的功能,帮助您为域中的计算机定义安全策略。

    The Security Settings Extension snap-in extends the Group Policy snap-in and helps you define security policies for computers in your domain .

  24. 方法可根据设计需求任意扩展标准单元,能够实现设计自动化,具有良好的可移植性,适用于主流工艺。

    The standard cell might be extended arbitrarily on design request , that is , design automation could be realized and the very method had advantageous portability for mainstream technology .

  25. 经过实验仿真和验证,主流工艺下基于可扩展标准单元的半定制电路设计方法能够有效地缩短关键路径延时,提升电路主频性能。

    It could be concluded from the practical experiment that the semi-custom design method based on extended standard cell library could shorten the critical path delay and improve circuit frequency effectively in mainstream technology design .

  26. 探讨了扩展有限单元法的具体实现过程,包括裂纹体几何结构的拓扑分析、广义节点的选取及详细的单元数值计算。

    Some key procedures of numerical implementation for the extended finite element method are discussed in this paper , including topological analysis on the cracked body , selection of generalized nodes , and numerical calculation of various body elements .

  27. 针对二维裂纹的破坏演化特征,建立了外荷载逐次增量及在最大拉应力准则下,沿裂纹扩展方向的单元自动追加的裂纹扩展动态过程的DDM跟踪方法。

    According to the characteristics of damage progress of two-dimensional crack , the DDM tracking of dynamic process of crack propagation has been developed for external load increment and automatic unit addition along the direction of crack propagation under the criteria of maximum tensile stress .

  28. 现在正在扩展的云单元就是虚拟服务器。

    The unit of cloud scaling today is the virtual server .

  29. 用虚裂纹模型研究混凝土裂缝扩展的边界单元法

    Boundary element method for propagation of crack in concrete using fictitious crack mode

  30. 作为应用程序和扩展的构建单元

    As building blocks for applications and extensions