
  • 网络Cotton
  1. 苹果发言人科顿(KatieCotton)说,乔布斯继续期待着6月底重返工作岗位,除此之外无可奉告。

    ' Steve continues to look forward to returning at the end of June , and there 's nothing further to say , 'said Apple spokeswoman Katie Cotton .

  2. 那样似乎看不清楚了,科顿。

    He will not be able to see very well , cotton .

  3. 事实上,剑桥学者克里斯汀·L·科顿(ChristineL.Corton)在她引人入胜、研究周详的新书《伦敦雾》(LondonFog)中写道,这种“芬芳抗烟方案”,是17世纪日记作家约翰·伊夫林(JohnEvelyn)的想法。

    In fact , as Christine L. Corton , a Cambridge scholar , reveals in her engrossing and magnificently researched new book , " London Fog , " this fragrant anti-smoke scheme was the brainchild of John Evelyn , the 17th-century diarist .

  4. 就是他们了,科顿,打的太美了。

    It 's gotta be the hair . it 's beautiful .

  5. 科顿先生,我必须要和你谈谈。

    I have to talk to you , Mr cotton .

  6. 从斯科顿的标记模式看语码转换研究的新进展

    Scotton 's Markedness Model and New Development in Code-switching Studies

  7. 你和科顿太太聊了些什么?

    What do you and Mrs cotton talk about ?

  8. 我觉得当我刚到达科顿时,我真的很开心。

    I think when I first came to Kurten , I was truly joyful .

  9. 那个人又把外套放进科顿的车里,陷害他。

    The same someone who planted it in cotton 's car , framing him .

  10. 科顿的书把内容详实的社会历史和丰富的古怪轶闻结合起来。

    Corton 's book combines meticulous social history with a wealth of eccentric detail .

  11. 曼联的守门员教练托尼。科顿本赛季结束就要退休了。

    United 's goalkeeping coach , Tony Coton , is retiring at the end of the season .

  12. 身长一英吋的受保护昆虫德里沙蝇让美国加州科顿市很头痛。

    The one-inch long , protected Delhi Sands Fly has caused headaches in Colton , California , USA.

  13. 如果他们真的有一腿,那科顿为什么不能在法庭上证明?

    If they were having an affair , how come cotton couldn 't prove it in court ?

  14. 如果他是男爵,那我就是科顿男爵夫人了。

    If he was a baronet then simon 's Sir simon . I 'd be Lady cotton then .

  15. 之后——这其实是科顿一书悲哀的主旋律——就没有下文了。

    Then - it 's the mournful leitmotif of most of Corton 's tale - nothing was done .

  16. 丹尼尔。科顿姆于2003年出版了一部名为《教育为何是无用的》的著作来专门阐释教育的无用性。

    The viewpoint that the education is useless is well explained in Why Education Is Useless written in2003 by Daniel Cottom .

  17. 科顿的书中更严肃的记载是关于伦敦污染史上,商业的考虑是如何战胜了人性。

    The more serious side of Corton 's book documents how business has taken precedence over humanity where London 's history of pollution is concerned .

  18. 政府部长们的缺席频率最高,科顿先生说,“因为他们认为自己比其他任何人都重要”。

    Government ministers are the most frequent dropouts , says Mr cotton , " because they think they are more important than everyone else " .

  19. 科顿:英国诗人和翻译家,以其描写农村生活的诗和所译蒙田的散文(1685年)而著名。

    Cotton : English poet and translator known for his poems on country life as well as his translation ( 1685 ) of Montaigne 's essays .

  20. 在希区柯克的电影《辣手摧花》中,即使角色形象和他本人并不相符,观众仍然被科顿塑造的凶残的查理叔叔所深深吸引。

    Even when cast against type , as the murderous Uncle Charlie in Hitchcock 's Shadow of a Doubt , he 's a fascinating magnet for audience faith .

  21. 失之交臂:最佳男主角,1949——《第三人》中的霍利·马丁斯一角是典型的科顿风格:如果你背叛了马丁斯,后果自负。彼得·洛

    Most robbed for : Actor , 1949 - Holly Martins in The Third Man is the quintessential Cotten creation , and a man you betray at your peril .

  22. 美国商人,因谴责塞勒姆的巫术试验和反对科顿和英克里斯·马太(1692年)的严酷的清教主义而闻名。

    American merchant known primarily for his strong denunciation of the Salem witch trials ( 1692 ) and his opposition to the rigid Puritanism of Cotton and Increase Mather .

  23. 科顿的大多数作品都略微正派,尽管情节在后半段很快变得愤世嫉俗,他所塑造的角色常因梦想的破碎而被击垮。

    There 's a subtle decency to most of Cotten 's work , though it can curdle into cynicism pretty fast , and his characters often get crushed by the looming failure of their dreams .