
zhōng shān zhuāng
  • Chinese tunic suit
中山装 [zhōng shān zhuāng]
  • [Chinese tunic suit] 一种服装,上身有四个口袋,五个钮扣,下身是西式长裤,由孙中山提倡而得名

中山装[zhōng shān zhuāng]
  1. 人们不再互称“同志”因为“同志”是与中山装和军装相配的。

    People don 't call each other " comrade " anymore , because " comrade " is matched to people who wear Chinese tunic suit and military uniform dressing .

  2. 现在中山装已经过时了,而在二十世纪六,七十年代,它还是非常流行的。

    Nowadays Chinese tunic suit has gone out of style , which was quite in the fashion in the1960s and1970s .

  3. 这就是小翻领、四袋、五扣的中山装上衣。

    This is small-lapel , four-pocket and five-button coat of the Zhongshan Suit .

  4. 距离穿着单调中山装的日子,中国时尚已经走过了很长的路。

    Chinese fashion has come a long way since the days of monotone Mao suits .

  5. 中山装是因孙中山先生率先穿用而得名。

    Zhongshan Suit gained the name because Sun Zhongshan is the first to wear it .

  6. 即使这样,还是有些上了年纪的人仍然保留一两件中山装。

    Even so , there are some older people who still own one or two Mao suits .

  7. 北京服装学院的院长在过去几年看到了中山装的复兴。

    BIFT 's Liu has seen a revival of the Mao suit over the past few years .

  8. 如今中山装和旗袍已经成为我国男女服装的代表。

    Nowadays , Zhongshan Suit and Qipao have become the representatives of Chinese men and women clothing .

  9. 孙中山设计的中山装,兼具中西装之所长。

    The Zhongshan Suit designed by Sun Zhongshan has integrated the excellence of Chinese and western dresses .

  10. 丁肇中教授在定做了中山装后,很多场合都穿着中山装与各界人士会面。

    Ding Zhaozhong has worn Zhongshan Suit to meet people from all walks of life on many occasions .

  11. 他说有许多年轻的设计师和当地的时尚公司想使中山装重新流行起来。

    He said there are many young designers and local fashion companies that want to popularize it again .

  12. 自此中山装成为了一种民族服饰。军事上,服装一般都是遵循西式的风格,长裤、夹克以及帽子。

    In the military , clothing now follows the generic western style of pants , jacket and a hat .

  13. “迟鹏没有穿上中山装或西装,”反而在中国的街道上反抗。

    " Rather than trading in a Mao suit for a business suit ", he rebels through the streets of China .

  14. 事实上,在北京一直有奥巴马身穿中山装的t恤衫出售。

    Indeed , around Beijing , there have been t-shirts for sale with an image of Obama wearing a Mao suit .

  15. 他最著名的作品是巨型中山装雕塑、巨型玩具恐龙及用英文书写「中国制造」的标语。

    His best-known works are his huge bronze Mao suits sculptures , giant toy dinosaurs and his'Made in China'banners or signs .

  16. 解放后,随着我国纺织和服装工业的发展,穿中山装更为风行。

    After the liberation , with the development of China 's textile and apparel industry , it became more popular to wear Zhongshan Suit .

  17. 随着外国时尚品牌涌入中国市场,越来越少的中国人对中山装感兴趣,也不再关注它的内涵。

    With foreign fashion brands coming into the Chinese market , fewer and fewer local people were interested in the Mao suit and its connotations .

  18. 他为不同的活动场合准备了5套服装,包括燕尾服、西装和中山装,邵补充道。

    He has prepared five outfits , including a tuxedo , Western-style suit and ' Mao suit , ' for different activities , Shao added .

  19. 时尚界认为,传统的旗袍展示中国女性之美,而中山装则代表男性的地位。

    In the fashion world , the traditional qipao dress portrays a Chinese woman 's beauty , and Zhongshan suits represent a man 's status .

  20. 因此,西方国家很多人认为中国是个灰色的社会,几乎所有中国男性都穿灰色的中山装。

    That was why many people in the Western world thought China was a gray society , because nearly all the men wore gray Zhongshan suits .

  21. 中山装在20世纪50年代非常受欢迎,甚至女性的服装也是类似的风格。

    Zhongshan suits ( Chinese tunic suits , above ) were hugely popular among males in 1950s , with women 's clothing based on a similar style .

  22. 中山装是由中国革命先驱孙中山推广开来的外套。它以中国标志而享誉西方。

    The Mao suit is a tunic suit popularized by China 's revolutionary forerunner Dr Sun Yat-sen. It is known in the West as an icon of China .

  23. 因此,西方国家很多人认为中国是个“灰色的社会”,几乎所有中国男性都穿灰色的中山装。

    That was why many people in the Western world thought China was a " gray society , " because nearly all the men wore gray Zhongshan suits .

  24. 中山装的色彩很丰富,除常见的蓝色、灰色外,还有驼色、黑色、白色、灰绿色、米黄色等。

    Zhongshan Suit is rich in color , in addition to the common blue and gray , there are camel , black , white , gray-green , beige and so on .

  25. 这套中山装是蓝黑色,立领精致剪裁,样式更加简洁,是对传统中山装的重新设计,非常吸人眼球。这是中国男性参加正式宴会的典型服饰。

    The eye-catching dark blue suit , slim-cut with a standing collar , is a simplified and redesigned Zhongshan suit , or Mao suit - a typical formal garment for Chinese men .

  26. 原本没什么型的中山装也经历了现代化,款式上有了改变,更流线型的外观、更合体的剪裁凸显出男性的身材美。

    The Zhongshan suit has also undergone modernization . With an altered shape and more streamlined look , the once shapeless garment is now fitted and more flattering for the male body .

  27. 男生也开始迷恋上了传统的中山装,这种服饰由辛亥革命领导者孙中山先生引入中国。

    Male students have also taken to wearing a traditional outfit , the Zhongshan suit , which was introduced to the country by Sun Yat-sen , the leader of the 1911 Revolution in China .

  28. 建国后随着社会风气的转变,西服、旗袍逐渐退出人们的生活,取而代之的是人民装、列宁装、中山装的流行。

    With the founding of China and the transition of social circumstances , Mao outfits and Lenin coats were being prevalent . Meanwhile , suits and cheongsams faded away from daily life . 2 .

  29. 也许她最大的误解认为北京的大街上大都是穿着中山装的人,挤满自行车,而不是要让她小躲闪的最新型的迪奥和别克车。

    Perhaps her biggest misconception was expectation that Beijing 's streets would be clogged with cyclists in Mao suits , rather than the fleets of late model Audis and Buicks that she dodged with care .

  30. 此外,裤袋的腰部打褶,裤管翻脚也有异于其他服装,成为中山装的特色之一。

    In addition , the waist of the trouser pocket is pleated and the turn-up cuff of the trouser legs is different from other dresses , which become one of the characteristics of Zhongshan Suit .