
  1. 邓宏魁仍然是基因编辑工具CRISPR-Cas9的坚定信徒。

    Deng Hongkui remains a strong believer in CRISPR-Cas9 .

  2. 但他不认为这个治疗是一次失败。“这项研究的主要目的是评估基因编辑干细胞移植治疗艾滋病的安全性和可行性,”邓宏魁说。

    But he doesn 't see this as a setback . " The main purpose of the study was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of genetically-edited stem cell transplantation for AIDS treatment , " said Deng .

  3. 他认为这个试验很成功:科学家们没有发现任何与基因编辑相关的不良事件,邓宏魁说,即使“需要更长期深入的研究来进行脱靶效应和其他安全评估。”

    According to Deng , this was a success : the scientists didn 't detect any gene editing-related adverse events , even if " more long-term in-depth studies are needed for off-target effects and other safety assessments , " Deng said .