
  • 网络Chinese children
  1. 中国儿童对C原则的习得

    Chinese Children 's First Language Acquisition of Principle C

  2. 中国儿童的C原则知识是否不受方向性支配?

    The main research questions are : ( I ) Is Chinese children 's knowledge of Principle C independent of the factor of directionality ?

  3. 目的研究TSTAR基因是否为中国儿童失神癫痫的易感基因。

    Objective To investigate the Association of child absence epilepsy with T - STAR gene .

  4. 目的比较中国儿童及成人艾滋病(AIDS)患者的免疫活化水平。

    Objective To compare the immunological profiles of pediatric and adult patients with AIDS in China .

  5. 方法利用2005年中国儿童营养监测调查资料,比较不同生长标准的儿童Z评分和营养不良率的差别。

    Methods Data originated from China children nutrition surveillance in 2005 , Z-scores and prevalence of malnutrition were compared between standards .

  6. TPR在中国儿童英语习得中的运用

    The Use of TPR in English Acquisition of Chinese Children

  7. 目的:引进儿童抑郁量表(CDI),并对中国儿童进行测评。

    Objective : To introduce Children 's Depression Inventory ( CDI ) into China .

  8. 欧盟(EU)执行机构将禁止进口含有豆粕的中国儿童食品,因担心中国供应的大豆中含有危险化学物质三聚氰胺。

    The European Union executive is to ban Chinese imports of children 's food containing soyabean meal over fears that China 's soya supplies could contain the dangerous chemical melamine .

  9. 方法应用高分辨G带和人工细菌染色体(bacterialartificialchromosome,BAC)荧光原位杂交(flourescenceinsituhybridization,FISH)分析68例中国儿童孤独症患者的染色体改变。

    Methods Chromosome aberrations in 68 cases of infantile autism were analyzed by high-resolution G-banding and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) with bacterial artificial chromosome ( BAC ) clones .

  10. 对69个中国儿童(7~16岁)的脑结构磁共振图像,用改进的优化方法建立了中国儿童T1脑模板和先验概率图。

    The Chinese pediatric T1 brain template and apriori maps are constructed using improved optimized protocol from sixty-nine Chinese children ( 7 ~ 16 years old ) magnetic resonance imaging ( MRI ) data .

  11. 马描述了收养中国儿童的黑暗面,她的社会批评不像狄更斯的那么充满活力和感情,更像德莱塞(Dreiser)无情的现实主义。

    Ma writes about the darker side of Chinese adoption , her social commentary less jaunty and sentimental than Dickens , more like Dreiser in its harsh realism .

  12. 【方法】应用本科室标化的中国儿童气质量表(CPTS)与儿童艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对西安市一所小学学生进行了测试。

    Five hundred students have been surveyed in one of Xi'an city 's primary schools by Children Temperament Questionnaire ( CTQ ) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire ( EPQ ) .

  13. 目的分析体质指数(BMI)预测偏高血压者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积,观察中国儿童青少年超重、肥胖BMI分类标准超重、肥胖界值点预测偏高血压的灵敏度和特异度。

    Objective To identify the use of body mass index ( BMI ) to predict the relative high blood pressure in Beijing youth , and analyze the sensitivity and specificity according to the Chinese BMI criteria for children and adolescents .

  14. WHO两种龋病诊断标准的临床应用研究目的探讨2006年WHO新标准与NCHS参考标准评价中国儿童营养状况的差别。

    Clinical evaluation on WHO standards of caries survey Objective To compare children 's growth patterns and estimates of malnutrition using the WHO standards versus the NCHS reference in China .

  15. 国外常采用Tanner-Whitehouse2(TW2)法计算骨龄值,但此法是建立在英国儿童的研究资料基础上,对中国儿童而言是不合适的,因为遗传和环境因素影响着个体的生长发育。

    Tanner-Whitehouse 2 ( TW2 ) method which is based on the survey of English children is often used to assess skeletal maturity in aboard , but it is not suitable to Chinese children because of heredity and environment factor .

  16. 中国儿童膳食指南内容是什么?

    What is the content austral forefinger of Chinese children board ?

  17. 针对中国儿童生活模式的高层住宅空间探讨

    Research on the Design of High-rise Residential Building for Chinese Children

  18. 通过长期调研反映出中国儿童电视环境方面存在的主要问题。

    The main problems in Children 's TV environment were discussed .

  19. 对中国儿童化妆品市场的现状进行了分析。

    The situation of China 's children cosmetic market is analyzed .

  20. 中国儿童牙科现状的调查报告

    A investigation on the present state of pediatric dentistry in China

  21. 中国儿童乳糖不耐受发生率的调查研究

    Study on the incidence of lactose intolerance of children in China

  22. 1949&1979年中国儿童文学创作浅析

    A Tentative Study of Chinese Children 's Literature Creation from 1949-1979

  23. 星光剧团主办中国儿童合唱团演出音乐会。

    Starlight Productions present the Chinese Children 's Choir in concert .

  24. 中国儿童文学50年

    Review of Chinese children 's literature in the past 50 years

  25. 新世纪中国儿童诗的发展方向

    On the Developing Lines of the Contemporary Chinese Children 's Poetry

  26. 中国儿童社会福利需求探析

    A study of the needs of welfare for Chinese children

  27. 中国儿童呼吸道及特应性疾病患病情况调查

    Prevalence of respiratory and atopic disorders in Chinese school children

  28. 艾滋病对中国儿童影响的研究

    Study on the impacts of HIV / AIDS on children in China

  29. 目前尚缺乏成熟的综合治疗措施与经验.结论中国儿童大肠癌有一定特点。

    CONCLUSION The colorectal carcinoma in Chinese children does have some characteristics .

  30. 试论中国儿童电影的困境与出路

    A Survey on the Dilemma and Outlet of Chinese Kids ' Films