
pǐn dé
  • morality;moral character;quality
品德 [pǐn dé]
  • [moral character] 品格德行

  • 被一种个人的品德所激励

品德[pǐn dé]
  1. 妻子却一本正经地说:“我听说,有志气的人不喝盗泉之水,廉洁的人不吃磋来之食;何况,这拾来的钱物,会站污一个人的品德!”

    His wife said in all seriousness : " I heard that men with aspiration1 do not drink from the Dao ( meaning steal in Chinese ) Spring , and honest men do not take handout2 food . Furthermore , picked-up money and things will stain one 's moral character . "

  2. 高校品德教育改革探索

    Searching About the Reform of Moral Character Education in High School

  3. 我的老师同意出庭做我的品德信誉见证人。

    My teacher agreed to be a character witness for me in court .

  4. 巴特曼先生品德高尚。

    Mr Bartman was a man of good character .

  5. 路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。

    Louis was shown as an intelligent , courageous and virtuous family man .

  6. 不是所有的人都像萨姆那样品德如此高尚,抑或恪守同样的道德准则。

    Not all men are as honorable or hold to the same standards as Sam.

  7. 她慢慢给孩子们灌输勤奋工作的品德,教导他们充分利用现有的条件。

    She instilled in the children the virtues of good hard work , and making the best of what you have .

  8. 一个人是否胜任教区牧师一职取决于其品德而不是其性别。

    It is not a person 's gender that fits them to be a vicar but what is in their hearts .

  9. 人人称颂他的崇高品德。

    Everyone extols his noble qualities .

  10. 他品德高尚。

    He excels in virtue .

  11. 由于品德高尚,他获得了极好的评价。

    He has won golden opinions by his high character .

  12. 品德之美应列于其他美之上。

    Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty .

  13. 目前,思想品德方面的相关教科书都已过时了。

    Teaching materials that are currently used in moral education courses are outdated1 .

  14. 许由连整个天下都不要,而这个人却怕许由偷他的帽子,真是不理解许由的品德啊!

    Xu You even declined the crown while the man was afraid that he might steal his hat . Certainly the man did not know Xu You 's character .

  15. 基础教育是立德树人的事业,要旗帜鲜明加强思想政治教育、品德教育,加强社会主义核心价值观教育,引导学生自尊自信自立自强。

    Basic education fosters virtues and socialist core values should be reinforced in order to help students become people with strong sense of self-esteem , self-confidence , self-reliance and self-improvement .

  16. 这只耗子不讲道义,没同情心,无所顾忌,不顾他人,没有品德,没有啮齿类动物的仁慈心肠,从不会良心不安,毫无高尚情感,没有友情,什么好的地方都没有。

    The rat had no morals , no conscience , no scruples , no consideration , no decency , no milk of rodent kindness , no compunctions , no higher feeling , no friendliness , no anything .

  17. 思想品德教育在素质教育中处于核心地位。

    Ideology and morality play a key role in quality education .

  18. 国内关于学生品德不良研究述评

    A review on the researches about misdemeanor of students at home

  19. 其次,论述社区环境对中学生思想品德的影响;

    Secondly , the author tells the influence of the community .

  20. 三是德育评估遵循品德的形成发展规律。

    The conformity with the morality development rules in the evaluation .

  21. 当代大学生品德心理的特点及教育对策

    Characteristics of Contemporary Undergraduates ' Morals and Mentality and Education Policies

  22. 新课程中思想品德课教师角色转变的研究

    The Study of Teacher 's Roles in the New Curriculum

  23. 浅谈雏鹰争章与思想品德教育的有机结合

    Organic Conbination of Medal Contention for Eyas and Ideological and Moral Teaching

  24. 加减乘除&提高思想品德教学实效性的良方

    An Approach to Raising the Effectiveness of Ideology and Moral Character Education

  25. 体育教师在学生思想品德教育中的作用

    The Teacher 's Function In the Students ' ideological And Moral Education

  26. 环境保护教育:思想品德教育的一项新内容

    Environmental Protection Education : A New Element of Ideological and Ethical Education

  27. 从品德心理角度剖析青少年网络道德问题及其对策

    Network Moral Problems from the Angle of Moral Psychology and Its Solutions

  28. 思想品德是意识行为方面的,也是政治道德方面的。

    Moral consciousness , and the behavior of political morality .

  29. 而人的品德与文德相吻合往往具有相对性。

    But the virtue of a man has coincided with the relative .

  30. 论思想品德教育中的知行统一

    On the Unity of Knowledge and Practice of Ideological Education