
  • 网络quality management system
  1. 雄厚的技术力量,先进的检测设备,完善的ISO9001品质管理体系是我们对客户品质的最好保证。

    The solid know-how background , advanced inspection instruments and ISO9001 quality management system are our best guarantee to our customers .

  2. 具备先进的生产管理模式和严格的品质管理体系。

    Equipped with advanced production management mode and strict quality management system .

  3. 同时公司完善了严格的品质管理体系,通过了ISO9001认证。

    Inthe mean time , the company has improved strict quality control system and passed ISO9001 certificate .

  4. 第一章肉牛屠宰分割HACCP品质管理体系的建立,第二章柠檬酸和二氧化氯喷淋及其对牛肉成熟品质的影响,第三章不同等级牛肉营养成分和功能特性比较研究。

    Chapter I : Establishment of HACCP on Beef Slaughtering and Cutting Line ; Chapter ⅱ: Spraying of Citric Acid and Chlorine Dioxide and its effect on the aging quality on beef cut ;

  5. 为确保每一件产品超越客户需求,公司导入ISO、ICTI体系,用严谨的品质管理体系管控每一环节!

    To ensure that every product exceed customer 's demand , our company bring in ISO and ICTI systems , with rigorous quality control systems to control all the procedures .

  6. 公司已通过ISO9001:2000管理认证,具有完备的品质管理体系。

    The company has passed ISO9001:2000 management certification , with a complete quality management system .

  7. 发展和完善国内供应商审核计划,按时组织审核,不断改进供应商的品质管理体系。

    Develop and perfect local supplier audit plan , organize the supplier audit according to schedule , continuous improvement of QMS of suppliers .

  8. 食环署署长梁永立代表部门接受ISO9001:2000品质管理体系证书。

    Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene Gregory Leung ( left ) receives an international certificate ( ISO9001:2000 ) on behalf of the Department .

  9. 整个品质管理体系不仅在项目级别上对项目进行严谨的品质评定,而且制定了一套开发人员的品质管理评定标准。

    The quality management system at the project level , not only of the project , rigorous quality assessment , and developed a set of quality management staff development evaluation standard .

  10. 微营养经销商参访阿尔法碱铜生产基地,高仁富总经理(右一)向到访客户介绍阿尔法碱铜的生产技术和品质管理体系。

    WYY dealers are visiting the TBCC production base and Gao Renfu , general manager ( 1st from the right ) is introducing the production technology and quality management system of TBCC to them .

  11. 公司建立了严格的品质管理保证体系,并已通过ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证。

    CHENGZHI built up the strict quality management system and has already passed ISO9001:2000 quality management system certificates .

  12. 在科技创新、品质管理价格体系、市场营销服务诸方面作了大量规范有效的科学新举措。

    On technological innovation , quality management , price system , and marketing and service , we have taken a large number of standard , effective , scientific and new measures .

  13. 论文结合实际对供电企业的绩效管理体系进行了设计研究,提出了一套可操作、简约、符合实际,并符合企业文化、可长期提升供电企业管理品质的绩效管理体系。

    In the light of the actual situation of power supply enterprise , the author puts forward a set of workable , simple , practical performance management system which is keeping with the enterprise culture and can improve the quality of performance management system in a long term .