
  1. 品牌女装其中一位导游连声抱歉,说路面简直像麻子一样。

    Among them a tourist guide repeatedly sorry , said the road is like pock .

  2. 原先外面有她表弟帮我打理的,品牌女装招商因出车祸她表弟受伤了走不了,她硬是要求出去管外面生意。

    The original outside her cousin and help me with the accident , because of her cousin hurt cannot walk , she just outside of business requirements .

  3. 从聊天记录中看到,品牌女装折扣这男的只会顺着她的话哄她开心,也就个把星期就谈到能老公老婆相称了。

    From the chat record to see , this man will only follow her to make her happy , also a week when it comes to husband wife fit .

  4. 回到洛瑞,尽管论文中提出的蛋白定量法为他赢得了美国科学院院士的荣誉,品牌女装加盟却没有打动诺贝尔奖的评委。

    Back to the Lowry , although the protein quantification method for which he won the American Academy of Sciences honor , but failed to impress the Nobel Prize judges .

  5. 品牌女装招商负责统计的研究员甚至感叹说,“看来没有人写论文能够不引用乔姆斯基”,但就算这样他至今与诺贝尔奖无缘。

    Responsible for statistical researchers even sigh and said ," no one seems to write papers can not quote Chomsky ", but even if he has missed the Nobel Prize with .

  6. 论品牌成衣女装连锁经营专卖店的视觉形象设计

    On Designing Visual Image for Brand Chain Stores of Female Fashion

  7. LaneBryant公司的总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市。自2013年就任CEO以来,西斯里先后为公司带来了几个子品牌和运动女装。

    CEO of the Columbus , Ohio-based company since 2013 , Heasley has brought a few designer sub-brands to Lane Bryant , and chic athletic wear .

  8. LaneBryant公司的总部位于俄亥俄州哥伦布市。自2013年就任CEO以来,西斯里先后为公司带来了几个“子品牌”和运动女装。

    CEO of the Columbus , Ohio-based company since 2013 , Heasley has brought a few designer " sub-brands " to Lane Bryant , and chic athletic wear .

  9. 通过对杭州女装品牌现状的梳理与分析,归纳国际女装强势品牌的共同优势,比较杭州女装品牌与国际女装品牌的差距,提出了杭州女装品牌创建强势品牌的策略和建议。

    Analyses the current situation of Hangzhou women 's dress brands , reveals the common advantages of the international strong brands , compares the gaps between Hangzhou women 's dress brands and international strong brands , poses strategy and advice of building strong brands of Hangzhou women 's dress .