
  1. 果汁饮料消费具有较高的品牌满意度和忠诚度。

    It is also showed that juice consumers present rather high brand satisfaction and loyalty .

  2. 第三部分结合我国商业企业实际,构建了顾客满意度模型,主要包括品牌顾客满意度、企业顾客满意度和员工工作满意度模型,目的是评价顾客满意度以改善经营管理、提升顾客忠诚;

    Combined with actual circumstances of our enterprises , Part 3 builds customer satisfaction model , mainly composed of brand 's customer satisfaction , enterprise 's customer satisfaction and employee 's job satisfaction .

  3. 品牌服装顾客满意度分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research on Brand Garment CSD

  4. 此外,服务行业各品牌中,满意度水平的影响因素也会有所不同。

    Besides , the factors affecting the level of satisfaction will be different in various service industries .

  5. 方法采用问卷调查和实地采访相结合的方式进行调查,内容主要包括对营销理念的理解、对医院广告的看法、医院品牌和顾客满意度等。

    Methods Questionnaire and interviews were conducted to reflect understandings in marketing conception , advertisements , hospital brand , customers ' sense of satisfaction , etc.

  6. 高档品牌轿车用户服务满意度提升策略研究

    The Research of Top Grade Brand Car Customer Service Satisfaction Advance Strategy

  7. 品牌声望对消费者满意度的影响&家用轿车行业的实证研究

    The Effects of Brand Prestige on Consumer Satisfaction Evidence from the Chinese Car Market

  8. 目前,国内一些规模较大的房地产企业开始重视品牌打造以及客户满意度调查,但是与国外企业相比仍处于起步阶段。

    Currently , a little bit local scales bigger real estate business enterprise starts value brand to create and the customer satisfaction investigate , but compare with foreign business enterprise to still be placed in a beginning stage .

  9. 服务品牌竞争力则从品牌市场表现力、品牌知名度、品牌满意度和品牌忠诚度四个维度进行衡量。

    Service brand competitiveness is measured from four dimensions : brand market performance , brand popularity , brand satisfaction and brand loyalty .

  10. 消费者满意度和品牌忠诚也是显著的正相关,品牌认同和品牌忠诚,消费者满意度,品牌关系之间也是显著正相关。

    Apart from that , there is a positive significant relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty , brand loyalty and brand identity .

  11. 另外,通过扩大品牌主持人知名度、增加品牌主持人美誉度、培育品牌主持人忠诚度和提升品牌主持人满意度,加强对电视新闻类节目品牌主持人的管理,当主持人发生公关危机时,提出解决之道。

    In addition to expand the host brand visibility and enhance its reputation , and cultivate their loyalty and reinforce their satisfaction , we should strengthen the management of the TV news brand host . The best way for solution should be given when they occurs the public relations crisis .

  12. 服务属性是衡量服务行业品牌服务质量高低的维度,尚未有学者从服务属性的视角出发,分析服务属性对连锁服务企业的品牌内涵传递与满意度水平是否存在影响作用。

    Service attributes are the dimensions for measuring the level of service quality . There are no researches studying on whether the service attributes affect brand connotation and satisfaction or not .