
  • 网络frauenkirche;Church of Our Lady;Santa Maria Maggiore
  1. 圣母教堂这幢歌德式的教堂,共有两座高99米及100米类似半个洋葱的塔楼,成为慕尼黑市中心的标志。

    Many of Gothic Church of Our Lady of the church , there were two99 meters high and100 meters similar to the first half of onion tower , a landmark downtown munich .

  2. 来自世界各地的皇宫贵族在哥本哈根的圣母教堂参加了婚礼。

    Royals and dignitaries from around the world were at the Vor Frue Kirke cathedral for the ceremony .

  3. 到上午,圣母教堂镇态势安全,德军突击海滩潜在威胁被消除。

    By midmorning Ste . - M è re-Eglise was secure and the potential for a German breakthrough to the beaches was much diminished .

  4. 这个如今紧挨伦敦国王学院正对河滨圣母教堂的地铁站可能于将来得到修葺并重新启用。

    The station , which is today situated next to the buildings of King 's College London and opposite St Mary le Strand church , may well re-open in future .

  5. 伊拉克官员统计了在拯救圣母教堂发生的人质围困事件之后的损失,他们对屠杀的范围之大表示震惊。

    At least 57 people died during the incident , while dozens more were wounded . Iraqi officials surveyed the aftermath of the siege at the Our Lady of Deliverance church , expressing shock at the extent of the carnage .

  6. 兰斯的圣母大教堂、前圣雷米修道院和塔乌宫

    Cathedral of Notre-Dame , former Abbey of Saint-Remi and Palace of Tau in Reims

  7. 广场中最显眼的是提恩(国税局)前的圣母玛利亚教堂,或提恩教堂。

    Domineering the old square is The Church of Our Lady Before Tyn , or Tyn Church .

  8. 目视斯特拉斯堡的地标建筑、中世纪风格的圣母大教堂那高耸入云的钟楼时,你心中会升起许多存在主义的疑问。

    Existential questions arise when beholding the towering astronomical clock inside Strasbourg 's iconic medieval Notre Dame cathedral .

  9. 今天早上,海地人聚集在诺特丹圣母大教堂遗址,纪念这个肃穆的时刻。

    This morning , Haitians gathered at what remains of Notre Damn Cathedral to celebrate mash on this somber occasion .

  10. 在他迷人的家乡,巴黎,他不是已经走过巴黎圣母院教堂尖塔上的钢索了吗?

    Hadn 't he danced on a wire between the steeples of Notre Dame Cathedral above his amazed home city , Paris ?

  11. 别忘了登山艾菲尔塔顶,参观巴黎圣母院教堂,或者去卢浮宫看看蒙娜丽莎。

    Don 't miss going to the top of the Eiffel Tower , visiting Notre Dame Cathedral , or seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre .

  12. 如今的卡普托尔包括上城东侧,这座城市最著名的建筑、1880年地震后重修的圣母升天大教堂(CathedraloftheAssumptionoftheBlessedVirginMary)就在这里,有福的枢机主教阿罗杰兹·斯坦皮纳茨(CardinalAlojzijeStepinac)的陵墓也在这里。

    Today , Kaptol comprises the eastern half of Upper Town , anchored by the city 's most famous building : the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary , restored after an 1880 earthquake , and the site of the tomb of the beatified Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac .

  13. 圣母院大教堂晚上将点起泛光灯。

    Notre Dame cathedral will be floodlit at night .

  14. 隐约呈现在你眼前的是巴黎最著名的标志性建筑&圣母院大教堂。

    The most famous landmark of Paris looms up in front of you the Notre Dame Cathedral ( Cathedral of Our Lady ) .

  15. 巴黎圣母院大教堂地下室重新向公众开放,展出作家雨果和建筑师尤金·维奥莱特·勒德克的作品。

    A crypt at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris has reopened to the public with an exhibition dedicated to writer Victor Hugo and architect Eugene Viollet-Le-Duc .

  16. 19世纪的后半期,商人尤米捐钱在紧挨着圣母安息大教堂修建了遮有天篷的喷泉池。

    In the second half of the nineteenth century , the merchant Riumin gave money for the construction , next to the Cathedral of the Dormition , of a canopied fountain pool .

  17. 克里姆林宫的圣母领报大教堂。

    Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin .

  18. 今天下午,我们去看了一座美丽的教堂,它座落在塞纳河中央的一个岛上,名为巴黎圣母院,意思是“我们的圣母教堂”。

    This afternoon we went to a beautiful cathedral on an island in the middle of the river . It is called the Cathedral of tre Dame , which means the cathedral of Our Lady the Virgin .