
  1. 该公司同样也不具备像PVH或VF那样的品牌集中度。

    It also does not have quite the brand focus of PVH or VF Corporation .

  2. 现有的消费结构是历史形成的,品牌集中度的提高,势必要改变这种消费习惯。

    The existing consumption pattern is formed historically , and the enhancement of brand concentration degree will change this kind of consumption habit inevitably .

  3. 而我国烟草业却存在着诸多的问题,突出表现为规模不经济、产业集中度低、品牌集中度低,直接的影响就是资源不能合理配置、有效竞争不足、经济效益低下。

    But there are a lot of problems in Chinese tobacco industry , they are diseconomy of scale low degree of industry concentration , separate market structure which lead to low economic efficiency .

  4. 据统计,目前中式快餐占据着超过西式快餐4倍的市场份额,但是整个品类市场成长还处于启动期,品牌集中度非常低。

    According to statistics , Chinese fast food occupy the main market quota of that realm with more than 4 times of the western fast food . But the market is still in an embryonic stage , the brand degree of concentration is extremely low .

  5. 中国是一个烟草大国,但由于卷烟加工企业众多,缺少知名品牌,产业集中度低,大而不强。

    China is a big power in tobacco industry , but there is lack of well-known brands , and the industrial concentration is in the low level because of the numerous tobacco processing companies .

  6. 如何通过市场机制进行品牌培育,如何精简卷烟百牌号、整合品牌,从而提高品牌集中度是实现国家局的既定战略的关键。

    It is the key to realize the strategy decided by the National Bureau that how to carry on the brand cultivation through the market mechanism and how to simplify The Table of One Hundred Cigarette Trademark to improve the brand concentration degree .

  7. 另外,由于汽车供应商在多个品牌、汽车和产品周期上进行扩张,通过投资于它们获得该行业的敞口,有助于分散原始设备制造商(OEM)或品牌集中度风险。

    Additionally , since auto suppliers expand across multiple brands , vehicles and product cycles gaining exposure to the sector through them can help diversify OEM or brand concentration risk .