- Lovers;Couple;couples dress

Manage Brand clothing : Lovers , Fashion women , Family .
Some suggestions for design factors of lovers pack are offered .
In roughly the last year , searches for the clothing have increased by 57 % , according to Alibaba Group , Taobao 's parent .
A search for matching couple clothing-known as qing l ü zhuang-on China 's biggest e-commerce site Taobao , offers more than three million results from online stores that have launched to meet the high demand .
Meanwhile , Hana appeared to mirror her boyfriend as she wore a pair of ripped black mom jeans with an oversized white long-sleeved top which had the word ' daft ' on it with a cartoon picture .
My company products , couple installed sales only at stores .
The characteristics and development of lovers pack are described .
After some months , it grew on her , she said .
The problems in lovers pack market are discussed .
Sunday must be an official non-matching clothes day .
Installed in a marathon , you also need ?
I like how you two coordinated your outfits
How much capacity do you think is suitable for bottle water for couples ?
Yao dictates the majority of the couple 's paired wardrobe , which includes T-shirts and shoes .
She could never imagine them deliberately wearing matching shirts as symbols of love , she said .
" Constellation books " that we not but I want and you wear " lovers " .
The couple from a small city outside Omaha , Nebraska , has 146 custom-made , matching outfits .
Husband and wife , Frank Caiand Anita Zhang say wearing matching clothes puts them in a good mood .
Zhi Yingli , a 21-year-old student in Beijing , said she was mortified when her ex-boyfriend wanted them to flaunt identical clothes .
When they arrived at the church in St Louis , everyone realized that they were dressed alike because the colours of their clothes matched .
Meanwhile , Mr. Wu and Ms. Zong say they hope to be dressing alike for years to come and plan to expand their matching wardrobes .
Sun Peidong , an associate professor at Shanghai 's Fudan University , says the phenomenon reflects an increasingly materialistic society that is obsessed with logos and labels .
They haven 't always dressed the same . It started about 35 years ago when the couple went on vacation . After that , it became a habit .
" We always wear the same clothing when we are together ," said Li , minutes before bidding goodbye to his girlfriend as she boarded the train bound for Xi'an .
Mel 's tie , and often his jacket , are cut from the same cloth at Joey 's dresses . The outfits are usual floral-themed , a reference to their business .
The couples mounted , as a kind of emotional dress , incorporate the love element in dress designing , emphasize the effect that men and women wear at the same time .
Some pairs dress in " couplestyle , " in the same garish red sweater and blue jeans combo , for instance.Small wonder that a Korean firm has created a social network for couples .
One such couple , Jin Ying and He Yukun-wearing a blue-and-white-striped dress-shirt combo-said the first time they dressed alike was like a pledge to one another , an admission of feelings they hadn 't fully expressed before .
But since they broke up , Ms. Zhi won 't wear any of the half-set of the clothes she still has in her closet . ' Maybe only if I haven 't done laundry for weeks , ' she said .
People want BMWs to show they are rich ; now they want matching-couples labeling to show they are in relationships , said Ms. Sun . And ultimately , matching duds is a way for people to feel secure , she said .