
  • 网络Emotional tendencies;emotional disposition
  1. 幼儿生气和伤心情绪倾向及其与同伴接受性的关系

    Children 's Anger and Sadness Disposition and Its Relationship to Peer Acceptance

  2. 就美国企业界而言,尽管在这个问题上一直存在着分歧,但代表们表示,目前的情绪倾向于呼吁人民币重新估值。

    As for the US business community , while divisions also persist , representatives say the mood now favours pushing for revaluation .

  3. 不同的人对同一情景可能会产生生气和伤心不同的理解和表达的系统性差异,即表现出生气和伤心情绪倾向。

    Systematically individual difference of emotional understanding and expression maybe found in the same situations , and they are considered as anger or sadness disposition .

  4. 本研究使用临床访谈、问卷调查、社会测量等方法,探讨幼儿生气和伤心情绪倾向及其与同伴接受性的关系,分为四个具体研究。

    Method : Using the methods of clinical interview , questionnaire , and sociometrics , this study sought to explore children 's anger and sadness disposition and its relationship to peer acceptance .

  5. 幼儿存在生气和伤心不同情绪理解倾向。

    Some children with anger or sadness understanding disposition were found .

  6. 虽也涉及形象认识的真实性,但更侧重于情绪情感倾向上的正确性。

    Although it involves the truthfulness of image cognition , it pays much attention to the correctness of mood and emotional tendency .

  7. 总体而言,《中国体育报》图片报道以理性民族情结为主导,只有个别图片报道呈现主观性和情绪化倾向。

    On the whole a rational national sentiment was dominant in China Sports Daily photographic coverage , only some photographic coverage showed subjective emotional tendencies .

  8. 本研究从细化心理过程出发,考察情绪对心理倾向的影响。

    This research is to explore how emotion affect psychological tendency by fractionating the cognitive procedure .

  9. 目的:了解神经衰弱患者脑电图主节律α波与情绪性人格倾向的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between alpha wave of brain dominant rhythm and emotional personality .

  10. 一开始对手就让你感到害怕和不确定,你就会产生情绪起伏的倾向。

    This player makes you afraid and uncertain to begin with , so you 'll have a propensity to get emotional .

  11. 我们认为,这种现象表现为高度积极的情绪、行动倾向,和一种几乎失控的感觉,她说道。它太可爱了,可爱到让你发疯。

    We think it 's about high positive-affect , an approach orientation and almost a sense of lost control , she said . It 's so adorable , it drives you crazy .

  12. 加州一位理财顾问霍普金斯(BryanHopkins)说,感情用事型投资者的一个主要弱点是,他们往往受情绪和恐惧的倾向而高买低卖。

    ' A main weakness of this group is that they tend to buy high and sell low because of emotion and fear , 'says Bryan Hopkins , a financial planner in Anaheim Hills , Calif.

  13. 她显示出心情、情绪反常的显著倾向。

    She manifested a marked tendency toward destructiveness and disturbance of mood and affect .

  14. 消极情绪、认知评价倾向对高中生工作记忆广度的影响

    The Effect of Negative Emotion and Cognitive Appraisal Orientation on Working Memory Span of Senior Students

  15. 中学生情绪智力和创造性倾向发展特点及其关系研究

    A Study on Developmental Characteristics and Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Creativity Tendency of Secondary School Students

  16. 对大学生情绪稳定性和性格倾向与体育课考试成绩关系的研究

    Research on the Relations between Steady Mood , Trend of Disposition and PE Test Achievement of College Students

  17. 小学生对不同管理类型教师管教言语的情绪反应和行为倾向;

    The primary students ' emotional reaction and behavior tendency towards the messages of different kinds of teachers ' disciplines ;

  18. 男性的心境一致性较强,而女性比男性在消极情绪下更多的倾向积极内容而更少注意消极内容。

    The male represent mood congruent effect more strongly than the female . The female tends more to the positive than the negative in the negative emotion .

  19. 中小学生创造性倾向、智力及学业成绩的相关研究中学生情绪智力和创造性倾向发展特点及其关系研究

    The Correlation of Adolescent s Creative Inclination , Intelligence and Academic Achievement ; A Study on Developmental Characteristics and Correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Creativity Tendency of Secondary School Students

  20. 运用情境模拟的方法,对中小学生对父母管教信息的认知、情绪与行为反应倾向进行了研究。

    Using scene imitating technique , the paper explored the perception of the parents'feelings , the emotional experience and the possible behavior tendency of the children when parents sent out the messages of discipline .

  21. 组织中员工的宽恕性是指能够将因受到侵犯而产生的消极情绪或负面影响转化成积极情绪的动机和倾向。

    Dispositional forgiveness in organization refers to motivations and tendencies that transform the negative emotions and effects because of the transgression to positive ones .