
  • 网络status report;situation report;Report;Sitrep
  1. 他说,美国国务卿赖斯此行能做的最多是为奥巴马的新政府准备一份情况报告,并且表达即将卸任的布什总统的良好祝愿。

    He says the best Secretary Rice can do on this trip is to prepare a status report for the new Obama administration and show good faith on the part of outgoing President George Bush .

  2. 您可以指定是否让业务所有者通过intranet查看使用情况报告。

    You can specify if you want your business owners to view a usage report on their intranet .

  3. 这次行动之后将会有一个任务执行情况报告会,以便确定是哪里出了问题。

    A debriefing would follow this operation , to determine where it went wrong

  4. 自动生成的cvs提交情况报告的发布列表。

    Distribution list for automated CVS commit reports .

  5. 纳斯达克表示,其ipo定价软件出现了1毫秒的中断,导致一些交易商直到交易时段快结束时才收到自己的头寸情况报告。

    The exchange has said that a millisecond interruption of its IPO pricing software meant that some traders did not receive reports of their positions until near the end of the session .

  6. 冰雪圈研究的新动态&参加2004年AGU秋季年会情况报告

    The progresses in cryosphere science & introduction of the 2004 AGU fall meeting

  7. 但是,还有其他输出格式,其中最有用的是使用BSD风格的格式u或v,它们显示每个进程的内存使用情况报告。

    However , there are other output formats , the most useful of which is using the BSD style formats of u or v , which show specific memory usage reports for each process .

  8. 例如,您可以请求使用Maildir格式的每个目录的磁盘使用情况报告。

    For example , you can request a disk usage report on a directory-by-directory basis with the Maildir format .

  9. 本文是对欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)的考察、访问和交流的情况报告,较为详尽地介绍了ECMWF的机构、业务及研究的历史发展情况;

    Presented here is an investigation report of visiting the European Center of Medium range Weather Forecast ( ECMWF ) and the Meteor France . It describes the organizations , operations and researches as well as the historical developments for both institutions .

  10. 收银员发现后将此情况报告给了老板李某。

    After the cashier found this report to a boss Lee .

  11. 宁夏水稻主要节水技术应用情况报告

    Report of applying of main water-saving technique of rice in Ningxia

  12. ISO/TC193第9次年会情况报告

    Report on Attending the 9th Annual Meeting of ISO / TC193

  13. 赴德、法考察卫生安全管理工作情况报告

    A study report on health security management in France and Germany

  14. 企业出口情况报告及证明文件;

    The report and certification on the enterprise 's export situation ;

  15. 两年期方案预算执行情况报告

    Performance report on the programme budget for the biennium 1988-1989 1988-1989

  16. 战役模拟系统中战场情况报告系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Battlefield Information System in Campaign Simulation System

  17. 此组的成员可以访问服务器使用情况报告。

    Members of this group can access the server usage reports .

  18. 她不听我们的劝告,把情况报告给警察局。

    She went against our advice and reported it to the police .

  19. 将喷漆成本情况报告给售后经理。

    Report to after-sales manager the painting cost when require .

  20. 合同制造商出货记录维护并作月度出货执行情况报告;

    Cm delivery records maintain and monthly delivery performance report ;

  21. 2004年全国林业建设与发展总体情况报告

    Summary Report of 2004 China 's Forestry Construction and Development

  22. 太原矿山机器厂锻模使用情况报告

    A Report of Employment of Fording Die in Taiyuan Mining Machinery Factory

  23. 对美国、加拿大医学科学基金考察情况报告

    Survey report on medical science foundations in the United States and Canada

  24. 筹备设立情况报告;

    A report on the progress of preparation for establishment ;

  25. 2004年中国玩具行业出口情况报告

    The report on China toy industry export situation in 2004

  26. 如果没有,您有无把遗失情况报告给警方?

    If no , have you reported the loss to the police ?

  27. 2003年葛南直流输电系统运行情况报告

    Operation Report for Ge-Nan HVDC Transmission System in 2003

  28. 他将这个情况报告给了政府健康部的官员。

    He reported the news to government health officials .

  29. 酒精所致精神障碍合并高血压病28例诊疗情况报告

    Diagnosis and treatment of 28 patients with alcohol induced mental disorder and hypertension

  30. 我要把你们医院的情况报告上去。

    I will report the condition of your hospital .