
  • 网络information education
  1. 我国正规化情报教育的困境与出路

    The Predicament and Way Out of the Regularized Information Education in Our Country

  2. 网络环境下的情报教育体系与模式创新

    The Innovation of the System and Model of Information Education in Network Environment

  3. 英国警务情报教育培训评析

    Review on Police Intelligence Education and Training in the United Kingdom

  4. 发挥情报教育职能服务成人函授教育

    Developing Information 's Educational the Function and Serving the Adult Correspondence Education

  5. 美国大学竞争情报教育类课程实例研究

    Instance Study on Courses Related to Competitive Intelligence Education of American Colleges

  6. 探析高校图书馆信息咨询员的竞争情报教育

    Analysis on the Competition Intelligence Education for University Library 's Information Consultants

  7. 专利情报教育与图书馆教育改革

    Development with Patent Information and Reform of Library Education

  8. 论我国竞争情报教育的现状与发展方向

    On the Current Situations and Developing Directions of Competition Intelligence Education in China

  9. 高职院校如何开展竞争情报教育

    How the Vocational Colleges to Carry out the Education of the Competitive Intelligence

  10. 竞争情报教育问题日益显出其重要性与紧迫性。

    Competitive intelligence education ( CIE ) increasingly shows its importance and urgency .

  11. 试论军事任职教育院校情报教育的创新发展

    Discussion on the Innovation and Development of Information Education in Military Assignment Education Academy

  12. 关于高校工科专业开展竞争情报教育的几点思考

    Some views on the necessary of developing competitive intelligence education for engineering specialty in universities

  13. 谈高校专利情报教育

    Talking about Patented Information in College Education

  14. 改革文献检索课普及竞争情报教育

    Discussion on the Reform of Literature Retrieval Course and the Popularization of Competitive Intelligence Education

  15. 试论成人高校基础情报教育

    Basic Information Education of Adult Higher School

  16. 浅议竞争情报教育

    On the Education of Competitive Intelligence

  17. 中等职业技术学校开展新生情报教育的探讨

    Probe into the New Students ' Informative Education Developed in the Vocational and Technical Secondary School

  18. 浅议强化高校情报教育高等学校情报工作模式与评价标准、方法研究

    The Research of Model , Evaluation Criterion and Method of Information work in Colleges and Universities

  19. 竞争情报教育在大学生专业信息素质教育中的作用研究

    Research on the Functions of the Competitive Intelligence Education in the Professional Information Literacy Education of University Students

  20. 现代农业图书情报教育目标初探新时期的学科建设问题&1993年情报信息理论方法研讨会报道

    A Preliminary Approach of the Target of Modern Agricultural Library and The Issue of Disciplinary Construction in New Period

  21. 我国农业图书情报教育是整个国民高等教育的重要组成部分。

    Education of modern agricultural publications and information is an important integral part of the national higher education in China .

  22. 加紧竞争情报教育、培养专业竞争情报人才是一项紧迫任务。

    We should accelerate education of competitive intelligence and train the professionals in the competitive intelligence . It is a pressing task .

  23. 关于英国警务监督机制的考察报告英国警务情报教育培训评析

    Thinking on the Supervision Mechanism of the Police Service of Britain Review on Police Intelligence Education and Training in the United Kingdom

  24. 最后提出了我国情报教育体系与模式创新的7点策略。

    The seven measures about the innovation of the system and model of information education in China are put forward in the end .

  25. 最后在理论和实证研究基础上,提出了面向企业的竞争情报教育三方合作信息推送与评估反馈双向机制。

    Finally , on the basis of theoretical and empirical research , we build up enterprise-oriented information push & evaluation and feedback competitive intelligence education mechanism .

  26. 接着,本文以上海交通大学为例对高校学生进行问卷调查了解竞争情报教育现状。

    Then , we take Shanghai Jiao Tong University as example to conduct a questionnaire survey of college students , to understand the competitive intelligence education status quo .

  27. 就业服务将成为高校图书馆信息服务的新热点,是图书馆情报教育职能的扩大和延伸。

    It is thought that employment service will be the new focus of information service in university and college libraries , and it is the extension of the library 's function of information and education .

  28. 针对我国竞争情报教育的现状,本文从竞争情报教育的主体、客体、环境3个方面分析了如何加强信息时代的竞争情报教育。

    In accordance with the current competitive intelligence education in China , this article tries to analyze how to strengthen competitive intelligence education in the information society from the subject , object and environment aspects .

  29. 本文通过分析国内外竞争情报教育之间的不同,从师资配备、课程设置、办学方式、教材的编写、实验室的建设等方面提出了进行竞争情报教育本土化改造的措施。

    This paper analyzes the difference between domestic and abroad competitive intelligence education and puts forward some nationalization measures of the education from the aspects of instruction equipment , curriculum setting , teaching material compilation as well as the laboratory construction .

  30. 我国应建立以信息管理类院系、工商管理类院系为主体,以信息管理类专业、工商管理类专业、理工科学生为主要教育对象的竞争情报教育体系。

    In this paper , the authors recommend to establish a system of competitive information education , with information management and business administration departments and schools as subjects and with information management , business administration and some specialities in engineering and sciences as education objects .