
  • 网络intelligence activity;competitive intelligence;information activities
  1. 从事竞争情报活动,必须遵循一定的规定或准则。

    If you undertake the Competitive Intelligence activity , you should follow the stated regulation or standard .

  2. 这种思路和做法可望为开展竞争情报活动的咨询公司和工商企业提供借鉴。

    Hope this way and method can be used for a reference for the consulting companies and enterprises that want to start a competitive intelligence activity .

  3. SWOT分析应用于竞争情报活动的实例研究&SWOT分析与赛特之成功

    Application of SWOT Analysis in Competitive Intelligence Activities : a Case Study

  4. 据NPR新闻的拉里·艾布拉姆森报道,一些国会成员表示,白宫应通过特殊法案为情报活动筹资。

    As NPR 's Larry Abramson explains , some members of Congress say the White House should pass special legislation to fund intelligence activities .

  5. 报道称,Lo看上去应该是从北京获得过有关中国在泰国和其他东南亚国家的情报活动的泄密。这些故意的泄密帮助他赢得了长官的信任。

    Lo appeared to have received tip-offs from Beijing regarding Chinese intelligence operations in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries , helping him win the trust of his superiors , it said .

  6. 从案例分析看企业专利竞争情报活动的特点

    Characteristics of Business Patent Competitive Intelligence Activities Viewing from Case Study

  7. 涉及第三方竞争情报活动的伦理道德问题

    The Ethical Issues in Competitive Intelligence Activities Involving the Third Party

  8. 人际网络在企业的竞争情报活动中起到很重要的作用。

    Human network has great effect on enterprise competitive intelligence .

  9. 企业竞争情报活动中的人际网络构建和利用

    Establishing and Using of Human Network in Enterprise Competitive Intelligence

  10. 信息战争形态下军事情报活动的研究与展望

    Studying and Forecasting on Military Information Activities under the Information War Situation

  11. 本文明确了当代反情报活动的基本概念。

    This article verifies the basic concept of counter - intelligence activities .

  12. 论竞争情报活动中的伦理道德问题

    Ethics and Moral Sense in the Activities of Competitive Intelligence

  13. 有计划地侦察和阻止颠覆活动的反情报活动。

    The aspect of counterintelligence designed to detect and prevent subversive activities .

  14. 医院图书馆的知识创新论现代企业知识创新中的竞争情报活动

    On the Competition Information Activity in the Intellectual Innovation of the Modern Enterprise

  15. 军事情报活动特点研究

    Study on the Specific Properties of Military Intelligence Activities

  16. 竞争情报活动的合法性是其内涵的重要组成部分。

    The legality of competitive information is the important component of its connotation .

  17. 实际上目前已经有人在大声疾呼,美国应该对情报活动进行一次彻底的重新评估。

    Already there are cries for a fundamental re-evaluation of our intelligence operations .

  18. 在此基础上,推导出较完善与清晰的反情报活动概念。

    Based on these , a clear concept of counter-intelligence activities is deduced .

  19. 竞争情报活动中搜索引擎的效用性研究

    Research on the Effect of Search Engine in Activities of the Competitive Intelligence

  20. 对企业专利竞争情报活动的分析

    Analysis of the Enterprise Patent Competitive Intelligence Activities

  21. 它包括四个阶段:①情报活动;

    It included four stages :① information ;

  22. 试论企业反竞争情报活动

    Discussion on Enterprise Counter Competitive Intelligence Activities

  23. 私营企业根据自身条件开展竞争情报活动的意义。

    The private enterprise according to their own conditions the significance of developing competitive intelligence activities .

  24. 原因是有人从根本上反对搞情报活动,就象有人反对技术发明一样。

    The reason was a basic antagonism to intelligence that paralleled the opposition to any technical innovation .

  25. 同时,许多企业也逐渐意识到自身信息安全所面临的威胁与挑战,开始针对竞争对手的竞争情报活动采取防护措施和反击,即反竞争情报活动。

    Meanwhile , many enterprises have gradually realized the threats and challenges in information security of themselves .

  26. 第二部分别具体说明清朝和日本幕府搜集西方情报活动的情况。

    The second of the qing dynasty and Japan respectively specify the aides gather western intelligence activities .

  27. 试论近代欧美传教士与日本僧侣在华情报活动之差异

    On the Difference of Intelligence Activities between European and American Missionaries and Japanese Monks in Modern Times

  28. 其次用定性及定量方式分析、比较了国内外较权威的几个反情报活动概念。

    Then , some universally used concepts of counter-intelligence activities are compared through qualitative and quantitative analysis approach .

  29. 探讨了将竞争情报活动融入到企业风险管理的可行性。

    Inquirying into will compete an intelligence report activity to integrate business enterprise risk a management of possibility .

  30. 文章介绍了专利地图的概念、分类、及其在企业竞争情报活动中的应用和发展情况。

    The paper introduces the concept , type , function of patent map and its application in the enterprises .