
qínɡ bào zǔ zhī
  • intelligence organization
  1. 对非系统化竞争情报组织模式存在的问题进行了全面的分析。

    To the systematic competitive intelligence organization mode existing problem of comprehensive analysis .

  2. 然后,陈述了非系统化竞争情报组织模式给私营企业带来的效用。

    Then , stating the systematic competitive intelligence organization mode to the private enterprise to bring the utility .

  3. 迄今为止ISI优于其他情报组织,因它有最佳的记录。

    ISI is by far , superior to all other agencies for it has had the best past record .

  4. 很明显是个训练有素的情报组织所为

    It 's clearly the work of a skilled intelligence network .

  5. 面向任务的动态竞争情报组织结构模型分析

    Analysis of the Model of Task-oriented Dynamic CI Structure

  6. 基于图书情报组织的信息生态系统模型构建及其理论分析

    Building up the Model of Information Ecosystem and Its Theory and Law Analysis

  7. 当地的安全情报组织向媒体透露法国的飞机于昨晚降落在基达尔,

    One regional security source told the Press that French aircraft had landed at Kidal

  8. 最后讨论了如何完善私营企业中非系统化的竞争情报组织模式。

    Finally discussed how to perfect the private enterprise competitive intelligence china-africa systematic organization model .

  9. 在该板块中,对系统化竞争情报组织模式的概念进行了一定的阐述。

    In the plate , the competitive intelligence of systematic organizational patterns of this concept is certain .

  10. 我国国家创新中的图书情报组织战略

    The Stratagem of the Organization of Library and Intelligence in the Innovation System of State in China

  11. 首先确定了私营企业建立非系统化竞争情报组织模式的一般界限。

    The first set of private enterprise competitive intelligence establishment the systematic organizational patterns of half boundaries .

  12. 本文以为私营企业提供非系统化的竞争情报组织模式为核心内容。

    This paper thinks the private enterprise to provide a systematic competitive intelligence organization mode as the core content .

  13. 在芝加哥正在进行的一个实验可能能够揭示巴基斯坦情报组织和暴力激进分子之间的关系。

    A trial underway in Chicago may shed light on the relationship between Pakistani intelligence and violent extremist groups .

  14. 以色列情报组织曾经在1997年试图在约旦首都安曼刺杀马沙尔。马沙尔现在住在大马士革。

    Israeli agents attempted to kill Meshaal , who is now based in Damascus , in1997 , in the Jordanian capital , Amman .

  15. 海军的情报组织,在新生代的任何人看来,都是维多利亚时代的落后产物。

    Naval Intelligence was embodied in an organisation that anyone of the new generation would find absurdly Victorian , if not criminally incompetent .

  16. 斯诺登披露的最新文件表明,英国和美国情报组织在2008年至2011年间监视以色列高级领导人的特定邮件信息。

    New documents released by Snowden showed the UK and US spy agencies targeted at certain E-mails used by top Israeli leaders between 2008 and 2011 .

  17. 论述了非系统化竞争情报组织模式的存在,各组织模式适合什么样的企业,模式具有的优点和缺点。

    Discusses the systematic competitive intelligence organization mode of existence , each organization model suitable for what kind of enterprise , model has advantages and disadvantages .

  18. 文章从情报组织和知识组织的具体化出发,提出了“知识空间”这样一个知识组织的新的概念基础。

    Starting with the materialisation of information organisation and knowledge organisation , the author proposes " knowledge space ", a new conceptual basis for knowledge organisation .

  19. 凯特•洛克哈特,一位激进分子,曾效力于英国秘密情报组织,受到了政府过分的关注并由此导致了她的反抗。

    Kate Lockhart , a former high-flyer in the British Secret Intelligence Service , is the focus of the government 's paranoia and leads the resistance to it .

  20. 普利马科夫,这位前俄国情报组织的首脑,对这样简单而毫无外交斡旋余地的坚定话语无言以对。

    Primakov , the former chief of the Russian foreign intelligence service , had no answer for such simple yet resolute words that left no diplomatic wiggle room .

  21. 反情报组织情报组织的一个分支,任务是使敌人得不到高级机密,欺骗敌人,避免颠覆和阴谋破坏并收集政治和军事情况。

    The branch of an intelligence service charged with keeping sensitive information from an enemy , deceiving that enemy , preventing subversion and sabotage , and collecting political and military information .

  22. 一家总部设在挪威的私人情报组织还表示,有证据表明塔利班围捕了与前阿富汗政府或美国领导的部队合作过的阿富汗人。

    A Norway-based private intelligence group also said it has evidence that the Taliban have rounded up Afghans who worked with the previous Afghan administration or with U.S. - led forces .

  23. 津巴布韦人权律师星期一要求立即结束政治暴力,并号召警方、军队、中央情报组织、执政党的民兵队伍以及所谓的战场老兵停止攻击他们怀疑投票给争取民主变革运动的民众。

    Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights Monday called for an immediate end to political violence and called on the the police , army , central intelligence organization and Zanu PF militia and so-called war veterans to cease attacking people it suspects voted for the MDC .

  24. 英国、美国的公民自由组织谴责两国情报组织的窃听行为。此活动发生在《卫报》透露英国情报组织-国家通信情报局一直重复说它因其自身活动的规模而害怕引起致命的公众讨论之后。

    British and US civil liberties groups on Saturday added their voices to the criticism of snooping by both UK and US intelligence services after the Guardian revealed that the British intelligence agency GCHQ repeatedly said it feared a damaging public debate on the scale of its own activities .

  25. 东京连续14年被经济学家情报组织评为世界上最昂贵的城市(生活费最高),这一纪录终止在2006年。分析表明这是由于他们过的是西方公司管理式的生活,包括住独立洋房和拥有几部汽车。

    Tokyo was rated by the Economist Intelligence Unit as the most expensive ( highest cost-of-living ) city in the world for 14 years in a row ending in 2006 . This analysis is for living a Western corporate executive lifestyle , with items like a detached house and several automobiles .

  26. 图书情报机构组织管理机制的变革

    Reform in the Organizational and Managerial System of Library Intelligence Department

  27. 开发支持知识服务的现代图书情报机构组织管理机制

    Developing Organization Management Mechanisms of Modern Library and Information Institutions Supporing Knowledge Services

  28. 在传统与未来之间:我国书目情报服务组织与管理的变革

    From the Tradition the Future : Reforming the Systemof Organization and Management About the Bibliographical Information Service in China

  29. 然后每个星期一次,除了定期的,由情报局组织的,情报简报会议。

    In addition once a week , besides the regular intelligence briefing , which was organized by the intelligence community .

  30. 所有的四个国家承诺分享情报并且组织巡逻人员在中国和金三角之间的湄公河水浴巡逻。

    All four countries pledged to share intelligence and engage in joint patrols along the stretch of the Mekong betweenChinaand the Golden Triangle .