
  • 网络relational system;system of relations;Industrial Relations System;CRM
  1. 客户关系系统(CRM)以客户为中心,实现客户、人员、销售、服务的协同工作。

    CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) implements the cooperation among the customer , people , sale and service .

  2. 嵌入式全关系系统CR-Foxpro基本运算的实现

    The method of achieving fundamental operations in the embedding complete relational system cr-foxpro

  3. 在此基础上建立企业顾客关系系统动力学一般模型。

    And built a dynamics system model of enterprise customer relationship . 7 .

  4. 社会系统是个关系系统,深层次上更是一个意义与价值的系统。

    Social system is no more an relationship system than meaning and value system .

  5. 城市是一种人地关系系统,数字城市是人地关系在信息空间的影射,是城市的信息系统。

    City is a kind of human-geo relationship system , digital city is a projection of human-geo relationship in information space and information system of city .

  6. 其中,生产力系统是核心层次,经济关系系统是中间层次,市场竞争是外围环境层次。最关键的因素是源于生产力系统的具有创新能力的人力资本。

    In them , the productivity system is the key level , the economic relation system is the intermediate level and the market competition is the peripheral environment .

  7. 项目利益相关方治理关系系统可视为一个受项目目标和不确定性等因素共同影响的动态系统,目前的研究无法对这些动态要素进行有效的整合。

    The system of stakeholder governance relationship can be seen as a dynamic system under joint influence of project objective and uncertainty , etc. , yet current research fail in effective integration of these dynamic elements .

  8. 系统功能语言学的小句复合体关系系统包括相互依赖关系和逻辑语义关系,前者包括并列和从属,后者包括扩展和投射。

    In SFL , the relationships between clauses in a clause complex include two dimensions : interdependency and logico-semantic relation . The former consists of two relations , i.e. parataxis and hypotaxis , and the latter , expansion and projection .

  9. 人事关系数据库系统设计与Web信息发布实现

    The Design of Personnel Database System and The Realization of Information Release from Web

  10. 客户关系管理系统(CRM)是指对企业和客户之间的交互活动进行管理的过程。

    CRM is a together management process between enterprise and client .

  11. 基于UML的系统需求分析&E-motor客户关系管理系统设计

    Design of Customer Relationships Management in E-motor Using UML

  12. 这就产生了基于关系数据库系统的、以XML格式交换业务数据的需求。

    This has created the requirement of exchanging business data in XML among applications based on relational database systems .

  13. 其间重要的是SONY公司的顾客关系管理系统(CRM)。

    The investigation places the emphasis on SONY 's customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  14. 关系数据库系统和非过程化的SQL语言能够取得巨大成功,主要得益于查询优化技术的发展。

    The great success of relational database and SQL mainly benefits from the development of query optimization technology .

  15. 在此基础上对系统的数据库结构进行了设计,并用关系数据库系统microsoftSQLserver7.0对其后台数据库进行了实现;

    Then the database structure is designed and the relational database system & Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 is realized .

  16. NET平台下开发和研制了一个基于Web服务技术的客户关系管理系统,给出了系统功能模块的划分、系统结构、数据库的设计及数据库存取操作的四层结构。

    NET platform , give the division of system module and the system structure , the method of database design and introduces the realization of some key technology .

  17. 本文通过分析CRM的特征以及陶瓷企业特性,提出了一种基于工作流的陶瓷企业客户关系管理系统的构建方法。

    This article advances a Structure method for the Stream working-based ceramic enterprise customer relationship management system by analyzing the characteristics of CRM and Ceramic enterprise .

  18. 在无源定位系统中,对信号源的DOA估计是一个关键问题,它将直接关系到系统定位的准确性。

    In passive location system , the DOA estimation is an important issue which will decide whether the object could be located or not .

  19. 客户关系管理系统(CRM)是提高企业核心竞争力的有力武器,但现有客户关系管理产品存在服务对象简单、功能模块单一以及系统协同能力差等缺陷。

    Customer Relationship Management System ( CRM ) is powerful for improving the enterprise 's kernel competition capability . But there are some shortcomings of the existing CRM product .

  20. 因此,客户关系管理系统CRM(CustomerRelationshipManagement,简称CRM)在这种市场的需要和企业盈利目标的渴求下继ERP之后应运而生,成为解决这一问题的有效途径。

    So , after the appearance of ERP and with the thirsty of the market and the enterprise , CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) emerged as the time requires , became a key to the situation .

  21. 数据库技术的发展,使得数据库管理系统已经成为现代计算机信息系统和应用系统的核心,其中关系数据库系统成熟的理论基础和强有力的系统功能使得其在开发Client/Server和WEB企业类应用方面得到了广泛应用。

    RDBMS has become the base of modern computer information and application system along with the development of the database technology . RDBMS is widely used in Client / Server system and WEB system because of its developed theory and powerful function .

  22. 本文首先介绍了客户关系管理系统(CRM)的基本概念、系统构成、相关技术、产生的背景及国内外CRM系统的发展状况。

    In this paper , the elementary conception , constitutes of system , correlative technique , procreant background and the developmental status in home and abroad of CRM were first recommended .

  23. 论文介绍了流程工业生产的特点,以流程工业ERP系统的理论分析为依据对制糖企业ERP系统进行了总体设计,给出系统数据流关系和系统结构设计。

    In this paper the character of process industry is introduced and the collectivity of sugar manufacturing enterprise ERP system is designed firstly , including the connection of data stream and designing of system framework .

  24. 当前,各油田使用的勘探数据库建立在关系数据库系统平台上,无法有效表达空间数据,用地理信息系统(GIS)技术可以有效地解决这一问题。

    The present exploration databases used in various oilfields , which are based on relational database system , are not able to express spatial data . The technologies of geographic information system ( GIS ) may efficiently resolve this problem .

  25. 据此,设计了基于Web的钢铁企业CRM的基本流程,描述了流程在两个层次上的基本架构,构建了基于Web的钢铁企业客户关系管理系统平台。

    Then the essay designs the basic flow path of CRM of steel enterprises on the basis of Web , describes the framework which relies on two hierarchies , and builds up the system platform of customer relationship management ( CRM ) .

  26. 第三章针对客户关系管理系统对Web数据库技术的需求,对目前常用的几种Web数据库开发技术进行了分析比较,提出了Web数据库技术在客户关系管理系统中的应用实施方案。

    In Chapter three , according to the demands of customer relationship management system for Web database , the Web database development techniques are analyzed and compared , the Web database-based solutions to the customer relationship management system of the Integrated Manufacturing Enterprise-Oriented Supply Chain Management Platform are developed .

  27. CRM系统涉及的数据交换范围广、规模大、数据格式不统一,还有交易平台异构,企业间的文档不能互相沟通等问题,由此提出了基于XML的客户关系管理系统来解决上面问题。

    The data of CRM system is large and the type of it is different , the exchange platforms are different and the documents can 't be communicated and so on . A CRM system based on XML is put forward which resolve this problem .

  28. 合同资金管理系统(CCMS)是客户关系管理系统(CRMS)的子系统,在企业中有着广泛的应用。

    Contract capital management system ( CCMS ) is a subsystem of custom relation management system ( CRMS ), which is widely used in enterprises .

  29. 本文应用企业级关系数据库系统microsoftSQLserver2000作为数据平台构建系统数据模型,采用面向对象的编程语言对系统的业务流程与算法进行实现,采用ADO/oleDB技术进行数据访问。

    And it uses the interface to exchange data between these layers . The system data model is build based on Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database system . The applied software is programmed by Object-Oriented program language and ADO / OLE DB data accessing interface .

  30. CRM系统即客户关系管理系统,是利用数据库和网络等现代信息技术对企业的客户信息资源进行适时捕捉和集中式管理,并在各部门间的分布应用;

    CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) system utilizes modern information technology such as database and network to catch the real time customer information resources , and then manage them centralized , and meanwhile make these information resources be used freely in every department around the whole enterprise ;