
yòu ér qī
  • Early childhood;infancy;toddler's age
  1. 本文分析了178例格林巴利综合征(GBS)。男女之比为1.5:1,大多数为幼儿期、学龄前期儿童,夏季发病较多。

    In this paper , we analysed 178 peoples with Guillain-Barr é syndrome ( GBS ), the ratio of male and female was 1.5:1 , most of them were infancy and preschool children .

  2. 目的通过幼儿期健全人格的培养,提高儿童的心理素质。

    Objective To improve mental diathesis through training healthy personality in infancy .

  3. 所示之结果或与此年龄组之DFT、CSI较低有关,也提示龋活跃性检测之应用意义在小于12岁幼儿期。

    The lower values of DFT and CSI might be related . It suggests that the application of caries activity is significant for children younger than 12 years old .

  4. 目的探讨伴中央颞区棘波的良性癫(BECTS)儿童在幼儿期的行为特点。

    Objective To explore the behavior characteristics in children with benign epilepsy combined with centro-temporal spikes ( BECTS ) .

  5. 幼儿期道德的发生发展及其启示

    The Occurrence and Development of the Infant Morals and Its Enlightenment

  6. 加强亲情教育,幼儿期是起点。

    Infancy is the starting point to strengthen the family education .

  7. 脑白质病变分幼儿期、青少年期和成年期。

    There are infantile , juvenile and adult forms of leukodystrophy .

  8. 幼儿期书面语言习得对后续发展的影响研究

    The Influence of Children 's Learning of Literal Language on Their Later Development

  9. 本文是探讨幼儿期道德及其德育的文章。

    This is an essay for discussing morality and moral education of infancy .

  10. 幼儿期是一个人意志品质形成的关键期。

    Childhood is a key period for a person to develop his will and character .

  11. 在幼儿期发育成长领域进行投资是减少卫生不公平的最佳途径之一。

    Investing in early childhood development provides one of the best ways to reduce health inequities .

  12. 幼儿期的成长相当快。

    Growth is rapid in infancy .

  13. 影响幼儿期乳牙龋病充填率相关因素的分析及对策

    Clinical Analysis of the Relevant Factors Influencing Early Filling Rate of Infancy Deciduous Dental Caries and Measures

  14. 放射线对幼儿期颌骨及其软组织影响的临床观察

    Clinical observation of the effects of radioactive ray on the jaw bone and soft tissues in infants

  15. 已有研究表明,幼儿期是形成正确性别角色认同能力的关键时期。

    Studies have demonstrated that early childhood is critical period to form the ability of correct gender role .

  16. 朗读也是能帮助孩子的一个重要的方式,帮助他们从婴儿期过渡到幼儿期。

    Reading aloud is also an important way to help your child make the transition from babyhood to toddlerhood .

  17. 因哮鸣住院患儿的呼吸道合胞病毒感染状况调查:幼儿期到学龄前期病毒特异性研究

    Respiratory syncytial virus infection in children hospitalized for wheezing : Virus - specific studies from infancy to preschool years

  18. 目的探讨提高幼儿期乳牙龋病早期充填率的相关因素。

    Objective To investigate the relevant factors to improve the early filling rate of the infancy deciduous dental caries .

  19. 其他一些研究也发现,在幼儿期喂食致敏食物与过敏症比率较低有关。

    Some other studies have also found that earlier feeding of allergy-inducing foods was associated with lower allergy rates .

  20. 幼儿期挫折教育的开展,对于孩子以后人生的发展有着非凡的意义和影响。

    Infancy setback education development , the development of life for children with special after the significance and influence .

  21. 然而,幼儿期是语言发展的一个非常重要和关键的时期。

    However , the infancy is a language development of one is count for much and key of period .

  22. 结果显示:小儿甲状腺侧叶的长度和宽度在幼儿期(1&3岁)就已发育近成人的一半。

    The results show that he lengths and widths of two lateral lobes of children 's thyroid glands are (?)

  23. 结论幼儿期儿童的主要生活环境是家庭,家庭因素是幼儿心理卫生问题的最大影响因素。

    Conclusions Family is the main living enviroment for infants , so the family has the most influence on infant development .

  24. 在妊娠期间和幼儿期缺乏碘摄入,可导致幼儿的认知和运动发育受损。

    A lack of iodine intake during pregnancy and early childhood results in impaired cognitive and motor development in young children .

  25. 幼儿期在个体一生发展中的重要意义,决定了应该在幼儿教育中传承少数民族的艺术,从小培养少数民族艺术的继承者。

    So we should pass down ethnic art in early childhood education and train the ethnic art successor from a young age .

  26. 幼儿期是培养意志力的关键期,因此,抓住这一关键期培养幼儿的意志力非常重要。

    Childhood is a crucial period to develop one 's willpower , so it is very important to make full use of it .

  27. 学前幼儿期(0-6岁)是语言学习最为关键的时期,这时期的语言教育对人的一生发展起着至关重要的作用。

    Preschool childhood from 0 to 6 is the most important period for language learning , which plays an important role in life .

  28. 而幼儿期是培养亲社会行为的关键时期,在幼儿阶段进行助人的教育能起到事半功倍的效果。

    Kindergarten is a critical period of developing pro-social behavior , so education about helping in early childhood stage can receive better results .

  29. 婴儿期以轮状病毒为主要病原,幼儿期以痢疾杆菌、轮状病毒、大肠埃希菌为主要病原。

    The main pathogen of infant diarrhea was rotavirus , and the main pathogens of young children were dysentery bacillus , rotavirus and Escherichia coli .

  30. 在对幼儿期延迟满足能力研究的过程中,研究者们就这种能力的发展过程、能力特征与主观策略等都有着不同的结论。

    In the progress of research on the ability , researchers draw out varies of conclusions on the progress of development , characters and delay strategies .