
yòu nián qī
  • infancy;topographic infancy;topographic youth;juvenile stage
幼年期[yòu nián qī]
  1. Blue是一种有趣的语言,但仍然处于编程语言的幼年期。

    Blue is an interesting language , but is still in its infancy as far as programming languages go .

  2. 随着Internet的广泛普及,电子期刊正在从幼年期走向成熟,网络环境要求图书馆期刊管理必须改革。

    As the popularization of Internet , electronic journals are growing from their infancy into maturity . Network environment requests the reform of library periodical management .

  3. 老来要和蔼;第二幼年期的乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期

    Be gentle In old age ; peevishness are worse second childhood than In first .

  4. 目的:探讨幼年期髁状突纵行骨折对TMJ继发性强直的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the effects of childhood longitudinal fracture of the mandibular condyle on secondary ankylosis of TMJ .

  5. 较之成年期,幼年期雌性大鼠摄入酒精更易导致血清PRL水平升高。

    Compared with adult rats , a increased serum prolactin level could be more easily caused by alcohol consumption in juvenile rats .

  6. 从怀孕到幼年期,做母亲所有的快乐。

    All the joys of motherhood , from conception to early infancy .

  7. 幼年期小型猪髁突骨折后咀嚼肌的变化

    Effect of childhood miniature pig fracture of mandibular condyle on

  8. 幼年期豚鼠形觉剥夺性近视的动态变化

    Dynamic changes of biometric measurements a form-deprivation myopia model of young guinea pigs

  9. 幼年期小型猪髁突纵行骨折与双髁突畸形

    Sagittal fracture of mandibular condyle and bifid mandibular CONDYL deformity in childhood miniature pig

  10. 乌龙茶幼年期性状与产量的相关性研究

    Relativity between growth characters of young tea plants with the yield and its early selection

  11. 结果:幼年期小型猪髁突纵行骨折后多形成双髁突畸形。

    Results : Bifid mandibular condyle deformity was found in most of the fractured condyles .

  12. 老来要和蔼;第二幼年期的乖戾暴躁,更有甚于第一期。

    Be gentle In old age ; peevishness are worse In second childhood than In first .

  13. 神经蛋白聚糖在幼年期有高水平的表达,但在成年期很难检测到。

    Neurocan is expressed at high level in perinatal period , but hardly detected in adult .

  14. 内部网现仍处于幼年期,一些公司常常不愿意采用新技术。

    Intranet technology is still in its infancy and companies are often reluctant to adopt new technology .

  15. 霍克斯博士的“祖母假说”提出,祖母现象是跟我们的漫长幼年期是一起形成的。

    Dr. Hawkes 's ' grandmother hypothesis ' proposes that grandmotherhood developed in tandem with our long childhood .

  16. 但从该制度的性质和目的看,我国行政许可制度仍处于幼年期。

    But judging by its nature and goals , China 's administrative permission system is still at the age of infancy .

  17. 他还称,如果感染发生在幼年期,任何潜在的影响都可能会更为显著。

    Also , he said , any potential impact is likely more significant if the infection occurs at a young age .

  18. 探讨幼年期低水平铅暴露对雄性幼兔睾丸组织和内分泌激素的影响。

    To explore the effect of low-level lead exposure on the testicle tissue and hormone of male rabbits in juvenile stage .

  19. 沙地云杉为耐阴性树种,在幼年期一定程度的遮阴条件可以促进树高生长。

    Spruce on sandy land is a shade-tolerant species , the height growth of its seedlings being accelerated under shady condition .

  20. 这些结果说明幼年期的丰富环境能提高成年后大鼠的由声音诱发的条件化恐惧反应,而贫瘠环境则削弱了这种反应。

    These results indicated that early enriched condition could improve the tone-evoked fear conditioning response , while isolated condition impaired the response .

  21. 据成都大熊猫基地统计,在中国大熊猫基地出生的大熊猫只有三分之一到一半度过了幼年期。

    According to the Chengdu base , only a third to a half of pandas born in Chinese captivity manage to survive past infancy .

  22. 在1938年,伞兵还只是处在幼年期,不过已经有大量充满满腔热情的匈牙利士官和军官加入了这支新部队。

    Even though parachuting was in it 's infancy in1938 , many enthusiastic Hungarian army infantry NCOs and officers volunteered to join this new unit .

  23. 当人们饮用了含有受几内亚幼虫,几内亚线虫的幼年期,感染的水蚤的水。这种寄生虫就会随水蚤进入人体。

    The parasites enter the body when a person drinks water containing water fleas infected with Guinea worm larvae , the young form of the worm .

  24. 本文应用双能X线骨密度仪及生物力学方法观察了幼年期小型猪髁突纵行骨折对髁突的影响。

    In this study , the effects of longitudinal condylar fracture on TMJ in the childhood miniature pig were observed by using DEXA and biological mechanics methods .

  25. 大鼠额叶皮层和海马中褪黑素水平在胚胎和幼年期较高,老年大鼠海马中褪黑素水平降至最低。

    The melatonin level in the frontal cortex and hippocampus was high in the embryonic and juvenile period but decreased in the hippocampus in the senium rats .

  26. 幼年期补充牛磺酸后对成年期的学习记忆能力也会有作用,这种作用往往大于成年期后补充牛磺酸所带来的作用;

    Supplement of taurine in infancy has passive influence in memory ability when they grow up , which takes more powful effect than the one in adult .

  27. 她认为,事实上正是祖母的进化使得我们的漫长幼年期以及与之伴随的学习与文化得以出现。

    In fact , she argues that the evolution of grandmothers was exactly what allowed our long childhood , and the learning and culture that go with it , to emerge .

  28. 结论:脑内周期素依赖性蛋白激酶5的作用贯穿了整个神经发育的各个时期,在新生期、幼年期有较为显著的表达,成年后表达下降,尤以老年期显著。

    CONCLUSION : CDK-5 in brain runs through entire phases of neural development , it expresses more significantly in neonatal phase and childhood and declines after growth-up , especially in senile phase .

  29. 本研究以小鼠为研究对象,探讨了幼年期大量锌摄取对脑内锌稳态和学习记忆的影响。

    In the present study , mice fed with different doses of zinc were used to explore the effects of zinc intake in childhood on brain zinc homeostasis and the ability of learning and memory .

  30. 在过去几年里,我一直关注敏捷软件的发展,从其幼年期到成年期,伴随着笑声、泪水进行奋斗,有时会有一种恐惧的感觉。

    For the past few years , I have followed the agile software movement on its path from infancy to adulthood , reacting to its struggles with laughter , tears , and at times a sense of dread .