
yòu miáo
  • seedling;plant;shoot;sapling;progeny;offspring
幼苗 [yòu miáo]
  • [seedling] 小于幼树的树苗

幼苗[yòu miáo]
  1. 保持土壤湿润,那样幼苗就能茁壮成长。

    Keep the soil moist . That way , the seedling will flourish

  2. 叶霉粗毒素对番茄幼苗CAT酶及保护性物质的影响

    Effect of toxin from Cladosporium fulvum on CAT and protective substance of tomato seedling

  3. 把幼苗种在湿润的土壤里。

    Plant the seedlings in damp soil .

  4. 幼苗通常都会放在冷床里越冬。

    The young seedlings are usually wintered in a cold frame .

  5. 这些种子将会发出许多幼苗。

    The seeds will produce many offspring .

  6. 人们在被处理的种子里长出的幼苗中发现了缺绿病。

    Chlorosis was noted in seedlings from treated seeds .

  7. 这些幼苗很快就可以移植到路边的花坛里。

    These young plants will soon be ready for bedding out in the border .

  8. 与此同时海水也杀死了贪婪的巨头苹果蜗牛,这种外来害虫以水稻幼苗为食。

    At the same time , this sea-water also kills off the greedy giant apple snail , an introduced pest that feeds on young rice plants .

  9. 于是,我们就能够看到两片厚厚的子叶以及中间一个小小的幼苗,这种结构与豆子非常相似。

    and we shall see that it consists of two thick seed-leaves , very much like those of the bean , having a tiny plant between them .

  10. 镉胁迫对大麦幼苗基因组DNA多态性影响

    Effects of Cadmium Stress on DNA Polymorphism of Genome in Barley Seedlings

  11. 土壤pH值对越桔幼苗生长及元素吸收的影响

    Influence of Soil pH on Growth and Leaf Nutrient of Blueberry

  12. 酸度(pH值)对茶幼苗生长的影响

    The Effects of Acidity to the Growth of Tea Seedlings

  13. 将幼苗转入无激素的MS培养基中,6天即可生根。

    It rooted in 6 days after buds were transferred onto Ms hormone-free medium .

  14. 几种外源因子对大豆幼苗SOD活性的影响

    Effects of Some Exogenous Factors on Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Soybean Seedlings

  15. Cd为果期≈幼苗期>花期>生长期。

    Cd was fruit period ≈ seedling period > flower period > growth period .

  16. 抗氧化系统在H2O2诱导的玉米幼苗耐热性形成中的作用

    Involvement of Antioxidant Systems in the Formation of H_2O_2-induced Heat Tolerance in Maize Seedlings

  17. H2O2处理对水稻不同耐冷品种幼苗叶绿素荧光参数的影响

    Effect of H_2O_2 on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters in Rice Seedlings Differing in Cold Tolerance

  18. 离子强度、pH值和Ca~(2+)/Al~(3+)对马尾松幼苗的铝毒影响

    Effects of ionic strength , pH and ca / al ratio on aluminum toxicity of Masson Pine Seedlings

  19. La对Pb,Cd复合污染大豆幼苗的缓解作用

    Mitigative Effect of La on Glycine Max Seedling under Combined Pb and Cd Pollution

  20. 但SOD、CAT活性在老化处理未与老化处理种子幼苗之间变化不大。SOD同功酶谱带数目不受人工老化处理影响。

    But SOD and CAT activity did not change much between normal and ageing seedling .

  21. Na代替K对番茄、玉米幼苗生长及若干生理指标的影响

    Effects of Na or K on the growth and some physiological indexes of tomato and maize

  22. 在幼苗生长发育试验中,EM显著促进幼苗的生长发育。

    In course of seedling growth , EM promotes seedling growth distinctly .

  23. NaCl胁迫下水杨酸浸种对水稻幼苗生长的影响

    Effect of Seed Soaking in SA to Rice Seedling under NaCl Coercion

  24. PEG对烟草幼苗耐低温胁迫能力的生理效应

    Physiological Effects of PEG on Chilling Resistance of Tobacco Seedlings

  25. 钾营养对不同基因型小麦幼苗NaCl胁迫的缓解作用

    Amortizing functions of potassium nutrition on different genotypes wheat seedling under NaCl stress

  26. 不同培养条件下NaCl对棉花幼苗生长的影响

    Effects of NaCl on the Growth of Cotton Seedling Under Several Culture Conditions

  27. 低温胁迫对高原水稻幼苗叶片超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响

    Effect of Low Temperature Stress on Superoxide Dismutase ( SOD ) Activity of Plateau rice Seedling Leaves

  28. PEG·NAA对棉花幼苗的抗寒效应

    Effects of PEG and NAA on the Cold Resistance of Cotton Seedlings

  29. Ca~(2+)·CaM信使系统与水稻幼苗抗逆性研究初报

    Preliminary Report on Relationship Between Ca ~ ( 2 + )· CaM Messenger System and Stress Resistance of Rice Seedling

  30. 黄瓜幼苗在低温下相对电导率、SOD及可溶蛋白含量的变化

    Changes in Relative Electric Conductivity , SOD Activity , and Soluble Protein Content of Cucumber Seedlings under Low Temperature