
  • 网络Companion species
  1. 优势种和伴生种间呈现相同的趋势。

    The same trend existed among the dominant species and companion species .

  2. 五角枫作为华北暖温带落叶阔叶林中的主要伴生种具有重要的理论研究价值。

    As the main companion species , A. mono had important theoretical research value .

  3. 聚类分析结果,当相关系数R≥0.90时,以重要值为特征的植物聚合为10类,它们分别属于植物群落不同演替阶段的建群种、优势种和伴生种。

    The clustering analysis results show that when the correlation coefficient R ≥ 0.90 , the plant species taking importance value as characteristic are grouped into 10 types , belonging to constructive plants , dominant plants , and associated plants of different successive phases of plant communities respectively .

  4. 通过测定论述了成都平原区荒芜草坪2个群落及20个(直径30cm)随机分布不同样圈中优势种之间及优势种与伴生种、偶见种之间的数量特征。

    Through the analysis of the quantity characteristic between the advantages species and between the companion living species and the seldom-seen species in the 2 communities and 20 different circles at random in the Chengdu plain deserted lawn .

  5. 具有鉴别价值的第三组植物是恒有伴生种。

    A third group of species with diagnostic value are the constant companions .

  6. 在群落中占优势,或者为伴生种。

    It occurs as a dominant or an accompanying species in plant communities .

  7. 羊草与其主要伴生种之间存在竞争与共存作用。

    There existed competition and coexistence between A. chinense and its main companion species .

  8. 第四类为鸡眼草、百脉根和马棘,边坡适应性中等,适宜作为保护种与伴生种;

    The adaptability is centered , and can be used protection species and auxiliary species ;

  9. 大部分在群落中为伴生种。这些豆科牧草具有较高的饲用价值和较好的适口性,是本区重要的饲草资源。

    Most of them were companion species in community , had high grazing value and were important forage resources .

  10. 具有较大生态位宽度的树种是微毛樱群落的主要优势种或伴生种,对群落小气候具有广泛的适应性。

    Those species with broader niche breadths were dominant or accompanying species , and had high adaptability to community microclimate characteristics .

  11. 在天然草地中占据比较重要地位的菊科牧草约30属130种,其中除少数在群落中为建群种或优势种,大部分为伴生种。

    In the grassland , the major Compositae forage grasses occupying an important position are about 30 genera , 130 species . Most of them are companions .

  12. 对公路沿途各设立样点内群落的基本特征进行实地调查,主要分析了部分样点内植被优势种、主要伴生种以及群落的物种多样性。

    We survey the basic characteristics of the plant community in the sample plots along the highway , and analyze the dominant species of vegetation , mainly associated species and the species diversity in some sample plots .

  13. 农民负担是人类历史进程中客观存在的社会现象,是社会分工与合作过程中,农民与其他社会群体交换劳动成果所伴生的一种利益失衡的结果。

    The peasants ' load , result of social division and cooperation of labor , is an objective historical phenomenon along side with the progress of the society .

  14. 全省主要红树林植物有26科40种(其中真红树10种,半红树11种,伴生植物19种)。

    There are 40 species of mangrove plants , belong to 26 families , which consists of 10 real mangrove species , 11 semi mangrove species and 19 associated species .

  15. 增长速度下降和市场销售疲软,有助于控制物价上涨,但与宏观紧缩所伴生的诸种问题和矛盾也十分突出,有些措施已成为政府的沉重负担。

    The decrease of growth rate and slackness of sales market contributed to the control of price increase , but different problems and contradictions accompanied with the macro retrenchment were serious , and some of the controlling measures have become heavy burdens to the government .

  16. 有色金属矿床伴生银是一种十分普遍的现象,在中国则构成为银矿资源的主体。

    That nonferrous metal deposits usually associated with silver is a common phenomenon , and this kind of deposits constitute the main part of silver mineral resources in China .

  17. 不同伴生树种与杉木的竞争结局是不一样的,从现阶段杉木与伴生树种的最终竞争结局来看,可认为该群落中杉木与伴生树种的种间关系离稳定阶段尚有一定距离。

    Seen from the final results of the competition between Chinese fir and its associated species in the current stage , it could be concluded that there was a distance from a steady state of the interspecies relationship between Chinese fir and its associated species in the communities .