
bàn bāo
  • companion cell
伴胞[bàn bāo]
  1. 药隔维管束韧皮部的伴胞解体。

    The abortion of companion cell of phloem of anther connective vascular bundle .

  2. 维管形成层韧皮部母细胞分裂分化形成筛管、伴胞、韧皮薄壁细胞、韧皮纤维和少量的石细胞,筛管和伴胞来源于筛管母细胞的不均等有丝分裂。

    The secondary phloem mother cell were divided and differentiated into sieve tube , companion cell , libriform fibre , parenchyma cell , and a few sclereid cells , The sieve tube and companion cell was originated from inequality mitosis of sieve mother cell .

  3. 在叶肉细胞中,mlo-3细胞核中CaM增加最明显。并对叶肉细胞和伴胞中CaM的变化进行了讨论。

    The changes of CaM in companion cells and mesophyll cells were also discussed .

  4. VEGF阳性表达定位于细胞质,部分伴胞膜,光镜下见无论是梭形的基质细胞还是多核巨细胞,均有表达;

    Cell morphology ; VEGF positive in cytoplasm or cell membrane of mononuclear and multinuclear cell s ;

  5. Bt伴胞晶体毒素对小鼠体内不同时期日本血吸虫的作用

    Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis Pesticidal Crystal Proteins to Different Stage Schistosoma japonicum in Mice

  6. 苏云金芽胞杆菌CTC菌株的S-层蛋白可以形成伴胞晶体

    The S-Layer Protein of Bacillus thuringiensis CTC Strain Forms Parasporal Crystals

  7. 在电镜下观察了苏云金芽胞杆菌菌株CT-43的芽胞萌发、芽胞和伴胞晶体的形成过程。芽胞萌发分活化、萌动和脱出3个阶段。

    Continual thin section from Bacillus thuringiensis strain CT-43 germination and sporulation showed that germination of CT-43 spore was divided into 3 stages , that were activation , germination , and outgrowth .

  8. CaM的相对含量在维管束伴胞细胞核中最高,而且在病原菌侵染后变化最明显。

    The relative content of CaM in the nucleus of companion cell was the highest in all the cells , and its increase was also most evident after inoculation .

  9. 产生伴胞晶体的芽胞杆菌CTC菌株的16S-23SRRNA间隔区分析

    Analysis of 16S - 23S rRNA Space Region of Parasporal Crystal Forming Bacillus strain CTC

  10. 苏云金芽孢杆菌中华亚种CT-43菌株伴胞晶体蛋白的特性

    Characterization of insecticidal crystal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp . chinensis ct-43

  11. 研究了芽胞杆菌CTC菌株伴胞晶体的形态发生,观察到CTC菌株的S-层结构,证实CTC菌株的S-层蛋白可以形成伴胞晶体。

    The form of parasporal crystals and S-layer stucture of Bacillus strain CTC were observed , it was proved that the S-layer proteins of strain CTC could form parasporal crystals .

  12. 甘蔗茎韧皮部细胞ATP酶活性定位于筛管、伴胞质膜、伴胞核、小囊泡、充分发育的液泡膜和P&蛋白上。

    In the phloem cells of sugarcane stem , ATPase activity was localized on the plasma membrane of sieve elem - ents and companion cells , the nuclei , vescles , full development vacuole of companion cell and P-protein .

  13. 显微镜观察显示,分离出的Bt菌株产生的伴胞晶体形态呈现多样性,有长菱形、短菱形、方形和不定形等,充分说明雅安地区的土壤中具有丰富的Bt资源。

    Through observations by electron microscope , these Bt strains produced different patterns of parasporal crystals , such as long bipyramid , short bipyramid , round and abnormity , which indicated that diversity of Bt resources was resided in Ya ' an .

  14. 有关Bt伴胞晶体形成机制方面的研究主要是集中在杀虫晶体蛋白基因的表达调控上,而从代谢调控的角度研究晶体蛋白形成的分子机制目前尚未见报道。

    The study on Insecticidal Crystal Proteins ( ICPs ) is mainly focused on the expression and regulation of cry gene encoding ICPs . However , the research about the molecular mechanism of metabolism regulation involved in crystal protein formation is less .

  15. 脉冲电泳和蛋白质SDS-PAGAE电泳显示020菌株和幕虫亚种标准血清型菌株T02有相同的质粒组成,伴胞晶体蛋白大小亦相同。

    And these two strains have the same constitutions of plasmid and parasporal crystal protein based on PFGE and SDS-PAGE .

  16. 苏云金芽胞杆菌的伴胞晶体毒素对捻转血矛线虫第2期幼虫的毒力

    THE TOXICITY OF Bacillus thuringiensis CRYSTAL TOXIN TO Haemonchus contortus SECOND-STAGE LARVAE

  17. 紫外分光光度法测定苏云金杆菌187菌株伴胞晶体蛋白的应用研究

    Study on determining crystal protein Content of Bacillus thuringiensis by ultraviolet spectrophotometry

  18. 镜检可观察到大菱形、小菱形、方形、圆形等四种主要形态的伴胞晶体;

    Four mainly parasporal crystal shapes can be visualized by microscopic observation .

  19. 因此,似乎在伴胞体形态学与活性之间存在着相关性。

    Thus there seems to be a relation between parasporal body morphology and activity .

  20. 类似S-层蛋白的苏云金芽胞杆菌伴胞晶体蛋白基因的克隆

    Cloning of parasporal body protein gene resembling tos-layer protein genes from Bacillu thuringiensis CTC strain

  21. 14株苏云金芽孢杆菌伴胞晶体蛋白对猪蛔虫第3期幼虫的毒性比较

    Larvicidal Activities of 14 Bacillus thuringiensis Strains Spore-crystal Proteins to Third-stage Larvae of Ascaris Suum

  22. 伴胞为与筛管分子等长的一列或单个细胞。

    Companion cells arrange in a row or single cell as long as the sieve tube member .

  23. 伴胞体只有在特定质粒存在的条件下才会在苏云金芽孢杆菌中表达。

    The parasporal body will be expressed in bacillus thuringiensis only if a specialized plasmid is present .

  24. 透射电子显微镜观察结果表明该菌株有S层结构,而且在母细胞内可以形成伴胞晶体和S层的初体结构;

    It was found that CTC strain formed parasporal crystals during sporulation and preliminary structure of S-layer inside the cells .

  25. 4种寄主中有3种筛管与伴胞均属特化程度高的类型。

    In three of the four hosts , the sieve tubes and companion cells belong to a highly specialized type .

  26. 菌株CW2有芽孢、荚膜、鞭毛、运动性,无伴胞晶体,V.P。

    Strain ( CW_2 ) formed spore , had capsule , flagella , ( motility ,) no parasporal crystal , V.P.

  27. 其中最明显的相似之处,是木质部中的导管和韧皮部中的筛分子与伴胞。

    The most conspicuous similarity lies in that the xylem contains vessels and the phloem , sieve elements and companion cells .

  28. 但与被子植物的伴胞不同,它们不和筛胞起源于一个共同的母细胞。

    Unlike the companion cells of angiosperms , they are not derived from the same mother cell as the sieve cell .

  29. 韧皮纤维和含晶细胞与筛管分子、伴胞和韧皮薄壁组织细胞是切向带相间排列;

    Phloem fibres and crystal-containing cells in tangential bands alternating with bands of sieve clements , companion cells and phloem parenchyma cells ;

  30. 经电镜扫描伴胞晶体形态多种多样,主要有菱形、球形、方形、多边形和不规则形。

    Observed by scanning electron microscope , these Bt parasporal crystal shapes were bipyramidal , round , cuboidal , polygon and abnormity .